v1 API Changelog

This page summarizes the changes that are made to the API Reference for Billing, Payments, and Central Platform.

For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

September 5, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.08.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for Single Version Subscription feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Single Version Subscription feature.

  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • Added the "Revert an order" operation.
    • In the description of the "Delete an order" operation, updated information about the reverted order.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the orders > status field for reverted orders:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, updated the description of the order > status field for reverted orders.
  • Subscription Change History - Added the "Subscription Change History" section that contains the following operations:
    • List change histories of a subscription
    • List change histories of subscriptions by order number
    • Retrieve a change history of a subscription by version
  • Object Queries - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the "List accounts" and "Retrieve an account" operations, updated the description of each of the following fields on the Subscription object to clarify that these fields are not available for single version subscriptions:
      • subscriptions > creatorAccountId
      • subscriptions > creatorInvoiceOwnerId
      • subscriptions > isLatestVersion
      • subscriptions > originalId
      • subscriptions > previousSubscriptionId
      • subscriptions > subscriptionVersionAmendmentId
    • In the response body of each of the "List subscriptions" and "Retrieve a subscription" operations, updated the description of each of the following fields on the Subscription object to clarify that these fields are not available for single version subscriptions:
      • creatorAccountId
      • creatorInvoiceOwnerId
      • isLatestVersion
      • originalId
      • previousSubscriptionId
      • subscriptionVersionAmendmentId
    • In the response body of each of the "List rate plans" and "Retrieve a rate plan" operations, made the following updates:
      • Updated the description of each of the following fields on the Rate Plan object to clarify that these fields are not available for single version subscriptions:
        • amendmentId
        • amendmentType
        • subscriptionOfferId
      • Updated the description of each of the following fields on the Subscription object to clarify that these fields are not available for single version subscriptions:
        • subscription > creatorAccountId
        • subscription > creatorInvoiceOwnerId
        • subscription > isLatestVersion
        • subscription > originalId
        • subscription > previousSubscriptionId
        • subscription > subscriptionVersionAmendmentId

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Updated the request and response examples of a number of operations across different sections to provide better-structured code samples.
  • Renamed the "Scim" section to "SCIM", and updated its description.

The following changes are applicable to the Older API Reference:

  • Updated the request and response examples of several operations across different sections to provide better-structured code samples.

August 29, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.08.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for flexible billing attributes on order line items

The following API updates are specific to the enhancements of the flexible billing attributes on the order line items.

  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations,added the paymentTerm and invoiceTemplateId nested fields to the orderLineItems field:
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the paymentTerm and invoiceTemplateId nested fields to the orders > orderLineItems field:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the paymentTerm and invoiceTemplateId nested fields to the order > orderLineItems field.
  • Order Line Items - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Update order line item" operation,added the paymentTerm and invoiceTemplateId fields.
    • In the request body of the "Update order line items" operation,added the paymentTerm and invoiceTemplateId nested fields to the orderLineItems field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order line item" operation, added the paymentTerm and invoiceTemplateId nested fields to the orderLineItem field.

Other API updates

The following items are other API updates included in this release:

  • Scim - Added the "Scim" section that contains the following operations:
    • List groups
    • Create a group
    • Bulk create groups
    • Bulk update groups
    • Bulk delete groups
    • Retrieve a group
    • Update a group
    • Delete a group
    • Partially update a group
    • List all resource types
    • Retrieve a resource type
    • List all schemas of resources
    • List schemas of a resource
    • Retrieve the service provider configuration
    • List users
    • Create a user
    • Bulk create users
    • Bulk update users
    • Delete a list of users
    • Retrieve a user
    • Update a user
    • Delete a user
    • Partially update a user
  • Debit Memos - Added a "Write off a debit memo" operation.
  • Payment Methods - Made the following updates for a system behavior change for orphan payment methods:
    • Updated the description of the "Create a payment method" operation.
    • In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, updated the description of the accountKey field.
    • In the request body of the "Create an Apple Pay payment method" operation, updated the description of the accountID field.

August 23, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.08.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • API Health - Added a "List API Failure records" operation.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Updated the description of each of the following Order Metrics related objects and fields for better clarity:
    • the Order Item object
    • the Order ELP object
    • the generatedReason and orderItemId fields of the Order MRR, Order TCB, Order TCV, and Order Quantity objects

    The following operations are affected:

    • Preview an order
    • Retrieve an order
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number
  • Updated the description of each of the following operations for better clarity:
    • Preview a subscription by subscription key
    • List subscriptions by account key
    • Retrieve a subscription by key
    • Update a subscription
    • Retrieve a subscription by key and version
    • Renew a subscription
    • Cancel a subscription
    • Resume a subscription
    • Suspend a subscription
  • In the request body of the "Update a payment schedule" operation, added the missing description field.
  • In the description of the "List all settings" operation, added the following sections:
    • Zuora Tax Rate Period
    • Zuora Tax Code
    • Zuora Tax Rate
  • In the "Restore a file" operation, corrected the sample cURL request.

August 16, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.08.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Accounts - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added a nested custom field to the einvoiceProfile field:
      • Create an account
      • Update an account
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an account" operation, added a nested custom field to the einvoiceProfile field.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Updated the description of each of the following fields on the Payment Method object for better clarity:
    • active
    • isSystem

    You can access these fields through the following Object Queries operations:

    • Retrieve an account
    • List accounts
    • Retrieve a payment
    • List payments
    • Retrieve a payment method
    • List payment methods
    • Retrieve a refund
    • List refunds
    • Retrieve a payment method snapshot
    • List payment method snapshots

August 9, 2024

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the summaryStatementTemplateId field for better clarity:
    • Create an account
    • Update an account
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > resetBcd field for better clarity:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously
  • For each of the following Object Queries operations, added the missing rateplans.rateplancharges.rateplanchargetiers enum value to the expand[] query parameter:
    • List subscriptions
    • Retrieve a subscription
  • For the "Create a payment session" operation, made the following updates:
    • In the request body, updated the description of each of the following fields to clarify the field requirements:
      • amount
      • invoices
    • In the response body, updated the description of the token field for better clarity.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously

    Updated the description of each of the following fields to remove the incorrect requirement for setting a WSDL version:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number

    Updated the description of each of the following fields to remove the incorrect requirement for setting a WSDL version:

    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields to remove the incorrect requirement for setting a WSDL version:
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > commitmentType

August 2, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.08.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Accounts - In the request body of each of the following operations, added the summaryStatementTemplateId field :
    • Create an account
    • Update an account
  • Payment Methods - In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, made the following updates for the support of payment method tokenization:
    • For the PayPalCP payment method type, added the following fields:
      • tokenize
      • tokens
    • For the CreditCard payment method type, updated the description of each of the following fields:
      • cardMaskNumber
      • tokens

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an account" operation, added the description for the summaryStatementTemplateId field for better clarity.
  • Updated the description of the billTo field of the OrderLineItem object for better clarity. The following operations are affected:
    • Retrieve an order line item
    • Update an order line item
    • Update order line items
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number
    • Retrieve an order
  • In the request body of the "Cancel a payment schedule" operation, updated the description of the cancelDate field for better clarity.
  • Updated the description of the "List all settings" operation by adding a link to the article about creating a notification definition under a particular communication profile.

July 26, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.08.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for Dynamic Usage Charges feature

The following API updates are specific to the Dynamic Usage Charges feature.

  • Usage - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "CRUD: Create a usage record" operation, added the ProductRatePlanChargeNumber field.
    • In the response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a usage record" operation, added the ProductRatePlanChargeNumber field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a usage record" operation, added the usage > productRatePlanChargeNumber field.
    • In the template usage file that is uploaded by the "Upload a usage file" operation, added the PRODUCT_RATE_PLAN_CHARGE_ID column.
  • Object Queries - Added the productRatePlanChargeId field to the Usage Record object. You can access this field through the following Object Queries operations:
    • Retrieve a usage record
    • List usage records
    • Retrieve an account
    • List accounts
  • Regenerate - In the request body of the "Regenerate booking transactions" operation, made the following updates:
    • Added the ratePlanChargeId field
    • Added the chargeNumber field
    • Added the DynamicUsageCharge enum value to the type field

API updates for Charge Level Proration feature enhancements

The following API updates are specific to the enhancements of the Charge Level Proration feature.

  • Orders - In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously

    Added the following fields:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > isProratePartialMonth
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > prorationUnit
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > daysInMonth
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > isProratePartialMonth
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > prorationUnit
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > daysInMonth
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > isProratePartialMonth
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > prorationUnit
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > daysInMonth

    Added the CustomizeProrationOptionOverrides enum value to each of the following the following fields:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number

    Added the following fields:

    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > isProratePartialMonth
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > prorationUnit
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > daysInMonth
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > isProratePartialMonth
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > prorationUnit
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > daysInMonth
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > isProratePartialMonth
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > prorationUnit
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > daysInMonth

    Added the CustomizeProrationOptionOverrides enum value to each of the following the following fields:

    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation:

    Added the following fields:

    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > isProratePartialMonth
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > prorationUnit
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > daysInMonth
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > isProratePartialMonth
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > prorationUnit
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > daysInMonth
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > isProratePartialMonth
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > prorationUnit
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > ratingPropertiesOverride > daysInMonth

    Added the CustomizeProrationOptionOverrides enum value to each of the following the following fields:

    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > prorationOption

Other API updates

The following items are other API updates included in this release:

  • Orders - In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the subscriptions field for the support of creating an order that contains multiple subscriptions with different invoice owner accounts:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
  • Operations - In the request body of the "Export bulk PDF files" operation, added the FailedDocuments field.
  • Payment Methods - In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, made the following updates for the support of payment method tokenization:
    • For the ACH payment method type, made the following changes:
      • Added the tokenize field.
      • Updated the description of the bankName field.
    • For the CreditCard payment method type, updated the description of the tokenize field.
    • For the SEPA payment method type, updated the description of each of the following fields:
      • accountMaskNumber
      • accountHolderInfo
      • IBAN
      • tokens

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations, corrected the maximum length of the personalEmail field to 80 from 74:
    • Create a contact
    • Update a contact
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, corrected the maximum length of the personalEmail field of the Contact object to 80 from 74:
    • Create a contact
    • Update a contact
    • Retrieve a contact
    • Object Query: Retrieve a contact
    • Object Query: List contacts
  • In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, updated the description of the sequenceSetId field for better clarity.
  • In the request body of the "Update order line items" operation, updated the description of the orderLineItems > sequenceSetId field for better clarity.
  • In the request body of the "Update an order line item" operation, updated the description of the sequenceSetId field for better clarity.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously

    Added the following missing fields:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > prorationOption

    Corrected the permission required for each of the following fields:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number

    Added the following missing fields:

    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > prorationOption

    Corrected the permission required for each of the following fields:

    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation:

    Added the following missing fields:

    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > prorationOption
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > prorationOption

    Corrected the permission required for each of the following fields:

    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
  • Added the missing prorationOption field on the Product Rate Plan Charge object. You can access this field through the following Object Queries operations:
    • List products
    • Retrieve a product
    • List product rate plans
    • Retrieve a product rate plan
    • List product rate plan charges
    • Retrieve a product rate plan charge
    • List product rate plan charge tiers
    • Retrieve a product rate plan charge tier
    • List rate plan charges
    • Retrieve a rate plan charge
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge
    • CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge

    Added the missing ProrationOption field and corrected the permission required for each of the following fields:

    • ChargeFunction
    • CommitmentType
  • In the 200 response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, added the missing ProrationOption field and corrected the permission required for each of the following fields:
    • ChargeFunction
    • CommitmentType
  • In the 200 response body of the "Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, added the missing prorationOption field and corrected the permission required for each of the following fields:
    • chargeFunction
    • commitmentType
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • Retrieve a subscription by key
    • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

    Corrected the permission required for each of the following fields:

    • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > chargeFunction
    • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > commitmentType
  • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, corrected the permission required for each of the following fields:
    • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > chargeFunction
    • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > commitmentType
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the id query parameter for better clarity.
    • Delete a sequence set
    • Retrieve a sequence set
    • Update a sequence set
  • Updated the description of the "Create a payment method" operation to clarify the required fields for payment method tokenization.

July 19, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.07.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Credit Memos - In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the customRates field for a behavior change:
    • Create a credit memo from a charge
    • Refund a credit memo
  • Debit Memos - In the request body of the "Create a debit memo from a charge" operation, updated the description of the customRates field for a behavior change.
  • Invoices - In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the customRates field of the Invoice object for a behavior change:
    • Create a standalone invoice
    • Create standalone invoices
  • Payments - In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the customRates field for a behavior change:
    • Create a payment
    • Refund a payment

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the "Retrieve a payment schedule" operation, added the missing cancellationReason field in the response body and response sample code.
  • In the "Retrieve a payment schedule item" operation, made the following changes:
    • Added the following missing fields to the response body:
      • cancelledById
      • cancelledOn
    • Updated the response sample code.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, corrected the type of the invoiceItems > amount field from string to number:
    • Create a standalone invoice
    • Update an invoice
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, corrected the type of the invoices > invoiceItems > amount field from string to number:
    • Create standalone invoices
    • Update invoices
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an account" operation, corrected the data type of the billingAndPayment > billCycleDay field from string to integer, and updated the data format of this field to int64.

July 12, 2024

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the "Create an order" and "Create an order asynchronously" operations, updated string maximum length for the orderLineItems > description field.
  • In the description of the "Create an order" operation, added a note to clarify the special characters not allowed in the Orders operations.
  • In the description of each of the "Preview an order" and "Preview an order asynchronously" operations, added a note to clarify that these operations do not support previewing usage charges.
  • From the following fields of the "Preview an order" and "Preview an order asynchronously" operations:
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing
    • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > chargeUpdates > pricing

    Removed the following unsupported fields:

    • usageFlatFee
    • usageOverage
    • usagePerUnit
    • usageTiered
    • usageTieredWithOverage
    • usageVolume

July 4, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.07.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Settings - For each of the following settings:
    • AllTaxEngines
    • CreateGlobalTaxHubTaxEngine
    • GlobalTaxHubTaxEngine

    Made the following updates:

    • Added the oauthScope parameter.
    • Added the OneSource_REST enum value to the vendor parameter.

    See 200 response sample in JSON format.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > rolloverPeriodLength field for better clarity.
    • Retrieve a subscription by key
    • Retrieve a subscription by key and version
  • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, updated the description of the subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > rolloverPeriodLength field for better clarity.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the RolloverPeriodLength field for better clarity.
    • CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge
    • CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge
  • In the 200 response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, updated the description of the RolloverPeriodLength field for better clarity.
  • In the 200 response body of the "Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, updated the description of the rolloverPeriodLength field for better clarity.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
  • Updated the description of the rolloverPeriodLength field on the Rate Plan Charge object for better clarity. You can access this field through the following Object Queries operations:
    • Retrieve a rate plan
    • List rate plans
    • Retrieve a rate plan charge
    • List rate plan charges
    • List credit memo items
    • Retrieve a credit memo item
    • List debit memo items
    • Retrieve a debit memo item
    • List invoice items
    • Retrieve an invoice item
    • List rating results
    • Retrieve a rating result
  • Updated the description of the rolloverPeriodLength field on the Product Rate Plan Charge object for better clarity. You can access this field through the following Object Queries operations:
    • List products
    • Retrieve a product
    • List product rate plans
    • Retrieve a product rate plan
    • List product rate plan charges
    • Retrieve a product rate plan charge
    • List product rate plan charge tiers
    • Retrieve a product rate plan charge tier
    • List rate plan charges
    • Retrieve a rate plan charge
  • In the request body of the "Create a payment session" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • accountId
    • invoices
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, corrected the memos > invoiceId field to required and updated the field description for better clarity:
    • Create credit memos
    • Create debit memos
  • Updated the description of the "Unapply a credit memo" operation for better clarity.
  • Added multiple payload examples to the "Update a callout template" operation.
  • For the "List taxation items" and "Retrieve a taxation item" Object Queries operations, added the missing description for each of the following fields:
    • customerCode
    • sellerRegistration
    • balance

June 28, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.07.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Notifications - Added the following operations:
    • Create or update callout templates
    • Create a callout template
    • List callout templates
    • Retrieve a callout template
    • Update a callout template
    • Delete a callout template

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Updated the description of the Zuora-Entity-Ids header field for better clarity.
  • Removed the unsupported sort[] query parameters from the "List custom objects" and "Retrieve a custom object" operations.
  • Updated the description of the "Object Query" section for better clarity.

June 26, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.07.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Payment Methods - In the request body of the "Create a payment session" operation, made the following updates for support of Payment Form implementation:
    • Added the following fields:
      • storePaymentMethod
      • invoices
    • Updated the description of each of the following fields:
      • amount
      • authAmount
      • paymentGateway
      • processPayment

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Updated the description of the "Create a payment" operation for better clarity.

June 21, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.07.R1.

API updates for Standalone Orders feature enhancements

The following items are the API updates specific to the enhancements of the Standalone Orders feature.

  • Orders - In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously

    Added the following fields to support setting the configurations for the Order to Revenue feature in a standalone order:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > revenueRecognitionTiming
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > revenueAmortizationMethod
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > revenueRecognitionTiming
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > revenueAmortizationMethod
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > revenueRecognitionTiming
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > revenueAmortizationMethod

API updates for availability permission change in Advanced Consumption Billing feature

  • Usage - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "CRUD: Create a usage record" operation, changed the availability permission required to use the UniqueKey field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a usage record" operation, changed the availability permission required to use the usage > uniqueKey field.
  • Object Queries - Changed the availability permission required to use the uniqueKey field of the Usage Record object. You can access this field through the following operations:
    • Retrieve a usage record
    • List usage records
    • Retrieve an account
    • List accounts

API updates for Payment Schedules enhancements

The following items are specific to the Payment Schedules feature:

  • Payment Schedules - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create a payment schedule" operations, added the billingDocuments field.
    • In the request body of the "Create multiple payment schedules at once" operation, added the paymentSchedules > billingDocuments nested field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the billingDocuments field:
      • Create a payment schedule
      • Retrieve a payment schedule
      • List payment schedules by customer account

Other API updates

The following items are other API updates included in this release:

  • Orders - In the request body of each of the following operations, added the processingOptions > electronicPaymentOptions > gatewayOptions nested field:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
  • Payment Authorization - In the request body of the "Cancel authorization" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for a system behavior change:
    • accountId
    • accountNumber
    • paymentGatewayId
  • Payment Profiles - Added the "Payment Profiles" section that contains the following operation:
    • Create or update payment profiles in bulk

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Added the missing revenueRecognitionTiming and revenueAmortizationMethod fields to the Rate Plan Charge object. You can access these fields through the following operations:
    • Retrieve a rate plan
    • List rate plans
    • Retrieve a rate plan charge
    • List rate plan charges
    • List credit memo items
    • Retrieve a credit memo item
    • List debit memo items
    • Retrieve a debit memo item
    • List invoice items
    • Retrieve an invoice item
    • List prepaid balance funds
    • Retrieve a prepaid balance fund
    • List rating results
    • Retrieve a rating result

June 14, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.06.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for Specialized Payment Connections integrations

The following items are the API updates specific to payment method tokenization on certain integrations requested through the Specialized Payment Connections service.

  • Payment Methods - In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, added the following fields for the CreditCard payment method type:
    • cardMaskNumber
    • tokenize
    • tokens
  • Accounts - In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, added the following fields for the CreditCard payment method type:
    • paymentMethod > cardMaskNumber
    • paymentMethod > tokenize
    • paymentMethod > tokens
  • Orders - In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously

    Added the following fields for the CreditCard payment method type:

    • newAccount > paymentMethod > cardMaskNumber
    • newAccount > paymentMethod > tokenize
    • newAccount > paymentMethod > tokens

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Added the missing orderId field to the Subscription object in the following Object Queries operations:
    • List accounts
    • Retrieve an account
    • List order actions
    • Retrieve an order action
    • List rate plans
    • Retrieve a rate plan
    • List rating results
    • Retrieve a rating result
    • List invoice items
    • Retrieve an invoice item
    • List debit memo items
    • Retrieve a debit memo item
    • List credit memo items
    • Retrieve a credit memo item
    • List prepaid balances
    • Retrieve a prepaid balance
  • Updated the description of the "Create a payment session" operation for better clarity.

June 7, 2024

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Added the missing paymentMethodCascadingConsent field to the expanded account object. The following Object Queries operations are affected:
    • List subscriptions
    • Retrieve a subscription
    • List credit memos
    • Retrieve a credit memo
    • List debit memos
    • Retrieve a credit memo
    • List invoices
    • Retrieve an invoice
    • List orders
    • Retrieve an order
    • List payments
    • Retrieve a payment
    • List payment methods
    • Retrieve a payment method
    • List prepaid balance
    • Retrieve a prepaid balance
    • List prepaid balance transactions
    • Retrieve a prepaid balance transaction
    • List rating results
    • Retrieve a rating result
    • List Refunds
    • Retrieve a refund
    • List usage records
    • Retrieve a usage record
    • List validity period summaries
    • Retrieve a validity period summary

May 30, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.06.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for E-Invoicing

The following items are the API updates specific to the E-Invoicing feature.

  • E-Invoicing - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create an e-invoicing business region" operation, added the following fields:
      • processType
      • invoiceEnabled
      • creditMemoEnabled
      • debitMemoEnabled
    • In the response body of the "List e-invoicing business regions" operation, added the following nested fields to the regions field:
      • processType
      • invoiceEnabled
      • creditMemoEnabled
      • debitMemoEnabled
    • In the request body of the "Create an e-invoicing business region" operation, updated the description of the responseMapping for better clarity.
    • In the response body of the "List e-invoicing business regions" operation, updated the description of the regions > responseMapping nested field for better clarity.
    • In the request body of the "Create an e-invoicing service provider" operation, added the Avalara enum value to the provider field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations,added the Avalara enum value to the provider field:
      • Create an e-invoicing service provider
      • Retrieve an e-invoicing service provider
    • In the response body of the "List e-invoicing service providers" operation, added the Avalara enum value to the serviceProviders > provider field.
    • In the request body of the "Create an e-invoicing service provider" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields to clarify the required fields for different service providers:
      • apiKey
      • secretKey
    • In the request body of the "Update an e-invoicing service provider" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields to clarify the required fields for different service providers:
      • apiKey
      • secretKey
      • clientCertificate
      • clientCertificateType
      • clientCertificatePassword
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an e-invoicing service provider
      • Update an e-invoicing service provider
      • Retrieve an e-invoicing service provider

      Updated the description of each of the following fields to clarify the required fields for different service providers:

      • apiKey
      • clientCertificate
      • clientCertificateType
    • In the response body of the "List e-invoicing service providers" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields to clarify the required fields for different service providers:
      • serviceProviders > apiKey
      • serviceProviders > clientCertificate
      • serviceProviders > clientCertificateType

Other API updates

  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the salesPrice nested field to the ratePlans > ratePlanCharges field:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the salesPrice nested field to the subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges field.
  • Object Queries - Made the following updates:
    • Added the salesPrice field to the Rate Plan Charge object. You can access this field through the following operations:
      • Retrieve a rate plan
      • List rate plans
      • Retrieve a rate plan charge
      • List rate plan charges
      • List credit memo items
      • Retrieve a credit memo item
      • List debit memo items
      • Retrieve a debit memo item
      • List invoice items
      • Retrieve an invoice item
      • List prepaid balance funds
      • Retrieve a prepaid balance fund
      • List rating results
      • Retrieve a rating result
    • Added the orderId field to the Subscription object. You can access this field through the following operations:
      • Retrieve a subscription
      • List subscriptions
  • Notifications - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body and 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the PATCH enum value to the callout > httpMethod field:
      • Create a notification definition
      • Update a notification definition
    • In the 200 response body of the "List notification definitions" operation, added the PATCH enum value to the data > callout > httpMethod field.
    • In the 200 response body of the "Retrieve a notification definition" operation, added the PATCH enum value to the callout > httpMethod field.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • For each of the following operations, removed the unsupported Idempotency-Key request header parameter:
    • Create custom object definitions
    • Update a custom object definition
    • Create custom object records
    • Partially update a custom object record
    • Update or delete custom object records
    • Submit a custom object bulk job
    • Upload a file for a custom object bulk job
    • Cancel a custom object bulk job

May 23, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.06.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for new API versioning scheme

The following items are the API updates specific to the new API versioning scheme.

  • Moved the "API Verisons" section from this API Reference to a separate page called API versions .
  • Removed all version-controlled fields that are not available in the latest minor verison, 2024-05-20 . For details about the fields are no longer available, see API upgrades .
  • Updated the description for each of the version-controlled fields that are available in the latest minor verison, 2024-05-20 . For details about the available version-controlled fields, see API upgrades .
  • Added the 4XX and 500 responses to each of the operations with an endpoint prefixed with /v1 , except for Actions and CRUD operations.

For more information about the new API versioning scheme, see the following pages:

Other API updates

The following items are other API updates included in this release:

  • Debit Memos - Updated the description of the "List all application parts of a debit memo" operation.
  • Data Backfill - Made the following updates:
    • Added the following operations:
      • Create an auto backfill job
      • List all auto backfill jobs
      • Retrieve an auto backfill job
      • Stop an auto backfill job
    • In the response body of the "List all booking date backfill jobs" operation, added the jobs > type field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a booking date backfill job" operation, added the job > type field.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the description of the "Object Queries" section, updated limitations for better clarity.
  • In the "Prepaid with Drawdown" section, added the missing "Deplete funds" operation.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the accountKey field for better clarity:
    • Create a payment method
    • Update a payment method
  • Corrected the endpoint of the "Download a data backfill template file" operation.

May 16, 2024

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • Retrieve a subscription by key
    • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

    Added the following missing fields:

    • contractedNetMrr
    • asOfDayGrossMrr
    • asOfDayNetMrr
  • In the description of the "Object Queries" section, updated limitations for better clarity.

May 10, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.05.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for Standalone Orders feature enhancements

The following items are the API updates specific to the enhancements of the Standalone Orders feature.

  • Orders - Made the following changes to support using a standalone order to create a Minimum Commitment subscription:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously

      Added the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > creditOption
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > creditOption
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > creditOption

      Enhanced the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > validityPeriodType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > validityPeriodType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > validityPeriodType
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Added the following fields:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > creditOption
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > creditOption
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > creditOption

      Enhanced the following fields:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > validityPeriodType
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > validityPeriodType
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > validityPeriodType
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation:

      Added the following fields:

      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > creditOption
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > creditOption
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeFunction
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > commitmentType
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > creditOption

      Enhanced the following fields:

      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > validityPeriodType
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > validityPeriodType
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > validityPeriodType

API updates for retrieving account owner details from orders or subscriptions

The following items are the API updates for the retrieving account owner details from orders or subscriptions use case.

  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the getAccountDetails query parameter.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, made the following changes:
      • Added the existingAccountDetails nested field to the order field.
      • Added the subscriptionOwnerAccountDetails nested field to the order > subscriptions field.
    • In the response body of the “Create an order” operation, added the subscriptionOwnerNumber and subscriptionOwnerID fields.
  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Retrieve a subscription by key" operation, added the getSubscriptionOwnerDetails and getInvoiceOwnerDetails query parameters.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a subscription by key" operation, made the following changes:
      • Added the accountOwnerDetails and invoiceOwnerAccountDetails fields.
      • Updated the description of each of the billToContact and soldToContact fields.

Other API updates

The following items are other API updates included in this release:

  • Files - Added the following operations:
    • Restore a file
    • Retrieve file status
  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In each of the following operations:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

      Added the following query parameters:

      • getDetailedMetrics
      • asOfDay

      Added the following fields in the response body:

      • contractedNetMrr
      • asOfDayGrossMrr
      • asOfDayNetMrr
      • ratePlans > contractedMrr
      • ratePlans > contractedNetMrr
      • ratePlans > asOfDayGrossMrr
      • ratePlans > asOfDayNetMrr
    • In the "List subscriptions by account key" operation:

      Added the following query parameters:

      • getDetailedMetrics
      • asOfDay

      Added the following fields in the response body:

      • subscriptions > contractedNetMrr
      • subscriptions > asOfDayGrossMrr
      • subscriptions > asOfDayNetMrr
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > contractedMrr
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > contractedNetMrr
      • ratePlans > asOfDayGrossMrr
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > asOfDayNetMrr
  • Object Queries - Made the following updates:
    • In the "List invoices" and "Retrieve an invoice" operations, added the following enum values to the expand[] query parameter:
      • invoiceitems.subscription
      • invoiceitems.subscription.account
    • In the "List credit memos" and "Retrieve an credit memo" operations, added the following enum values to the expand[] query parameter:
      • creditmemoitems.subscription
      • creditmemoitems.subscription.account
    • In the "List debit memos" and "Retrieve an debit memo" operations, added the following enum values to the expand[] query parameter:
      • debitmemoitems.subscription
      • debitmemoitems.subscription.account
  • Custom Object Definitions - Made the following updates to add support for the Long Text custom field type:
    • Updated the description of the "Create custom object definitions" operation.
    • In the request body of the "Create custom object definitions" operation, updated the description of the definitions > property name* > properties > property name* > maxLength field.
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the definitions > property name* > schema > properties > property name* > maxLength field.
      • Create custom object definitions
      • List custom object definitions
    • In the 200 response body of the "Retrieve a custom object definition" operation, updated the description of the schema > properties > property name* > maxLength field.
    • In the request body and 200 response body of the "Update a custom object definition" operation, updated the description of the actions > field > definition > maxLength field.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously

    Added the missing DiscountFixedAmount and DiscountPercentage enum values for each of the following fields:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeModel

    Removed the incorrect DiscountFixedAmount and DiscountPercentage enum values from each of the following fields:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeType
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeType
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeType
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously

    Added the following missing fields:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeTiered > uom
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > uom
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeTiered > uom
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > uom
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeTiered > uom
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > uom
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number

    Added the following missing fields:

    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeTiered > uom
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > uom
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeTiered > uom
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > uom
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeTiered > uom
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > uom
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the following missing fields:
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeTiered > uom
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > uom
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeTiered > uom
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > uom
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeTiered > uom
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > uom
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the following missing fields:
    • productRatePlans > productRatePlanCharges > chargeFunction
    • productRatePlans > productRatePlanCharges > commitmentType
  • For the following objects in all relevant operations, updated the description of the state field in the request body and response body for better clarity:
    • Bill To Contact
    • Sold To Contact
    • Payment Method
  • For the Payment Method object in all relevant Object Queries operations, updated the description of the achState field in the response body for better clarity.
  • For the Account object in all relevant Object Queries operations, added the missing paymentMethodCascadingConsent field to the response body.
  • In the response body of the "List payment methods of an account" operation, added enum values for the returnedPaymentMethodType > type field.
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve the default payment method of an account" operation, added enum values for the type field.
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an account summary" operation, added enum values for the basicInfo > defaultPaymentMethod > paymentMethodType field.
  • In the request body of the "Create a journal run" operation, corrected the data type and updated the description of the organizationLabels field.

The following changes are applicable to the Older API Reference:

  • In the description of each of the "Amend" and "Subscribe" actions, added a missing note for the deprecation of the Subscribe and Amend features.
  • Updated the description of the "Amendments" section for better clarity.

April 29, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.05.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for deprecation of the Subscribe and Amend features

  • Subscriptions - In the description of the "Subscriptions" section and the description of each of the following operations, added a note for the deprecation of the Subscribe and Amend features:
    • Preview a subscription
    • Preview a subscription by subscription key
    • Create a subscription
    • List subscriptions by account key
    • Retrieve a subscription by key
    • Update a subscription
    • Retrieve a subscription by key and version
    • Renew a subscription
    • Cancel a subscription
    • Resume a subscription
    • Suspend a subscription
    • Delete a subscription by number
    • Update subscription custom fields of a subscription version
  • Object Queries - In the description of each of the following operations, added a note for the deprecation of the Subscribe and Amend features:
    • List amendments
    • Retrieve an amendment

The following changes apply to the Older API Reference:

  • Subscriptions - In the description of the "Subscriptions" section and the description of each of the following operations, added a note for the deprecation of the Subscribe and Amend features:
    • CRUD: Retrieve a subscription
    • CRUD: Update a subscription
    • CRUD: Delete a subscription
  • Amendments - In the description of the "Amendments" section and the description of each of the following operations, added a note for the deprecation of the Subscribe and Amend features:
    • Retrieve an amendment
    • Retrieve the last amendment of a subscription
    • CRUD: Retrieve an amendment
    • CRUD: Update an amendment
    • CRUD: Delete an amendment
  • Subscription Product Features - In the description of the "Subscription Product Features" section and the description of each of the following operations, added a note for the deprecation of the Subscribe and Amend features:
    • CRUD: Retrieve a subscription product feature

API updates for deprecation of the Invoice Adjustments, Invoice Item Adjustments, and Credit Balance Adjustments features

The following changes apply to the Older API Reference:

  • Invoice Adjustments - In the description of the "Invoice Adjustments" section and the description of each of the following operations, added a note for the deprecation of the Invoice Adjustment, Invoice Item Adjustment, and Credit Balance Adjustment features:
    • CRUD: Create an invoice adjustment
    • CRUD: Retrieve an invoice adjustment
    • CRUD: Update an invoice adjustment
    • CRUD: Delete an invoice adjustment
  • Invoice Item Adjustments - In the description of the "Invoice Item Adjustments" section and the description of each of the following operations, added a note for the deprecation of the Invoice Adjustment, Invoice Item Adjustment, and Credit Balance Adjustment features:
    • CRUD: Create an invoice item adjustment
    • CRUD: Retrieve an invoice item adjustment
    • CRUD: Update an invoice item adjustment
    • CRUD: Delete an invoice item adjustment
  • Credit Balance Adjustments - In the description of the "Credit Balance Adjustments" section and the description of each of the following operations, added a note for the deprecation of the Invoice Adjustment, Invoice Item Adjustment, and Credit Balance Adjustment features:
    • CRUD: Create a credit balance adjustment
    • CRUD: Retrieve a credit balance adjustment
    • CRUD: Update a credit balance adjustment

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the following Object Queries operations, corrected the filter[] query parameter to required and updated the description of each of the operations:
    • List rate plan charges
    • List invoice items
    • List payment method snapshots
  • In the description of the "Object Queries" section, updated the limitations to clarify that filtering on null or an empty string ( '' ) is not supported.

April 26, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.05.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Bill Run - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create a bill run" operation, added the following fields:
      • invoiceDateMonthOffset
      • invoiceDateDayOfMonth
      • targetDateMonthOffset
      • targetDateDayOfMonth
      • schedule > monthlyOnEndOfMonth
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Create a bill run
      • Retrieve a bill run
      • Post a bill run
      • Cancel a bill run
      • Delete a bill run

      Added the following fields:

      • invoiceDateMonthOffset
      • invoiceDateDayOfMonth
      • targetDateMonthOffset
      • targetDateDayOfMonth
      • schedule > monthlyOnEndOfMonth
  • Credit Memos - In the request body of the "Create a credit memo from a charge" operation, added the number field.
  • Debit Memos - In the request body of the "Create a debit memo from a charge" operation, added the number field.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the "Object Queries" section, made the following updates:
    • Corrected the maximum value of the pageSize query parameter to 99 from 50.
    • Added 10 as the default value for the pageSize query parameter.
    • In the description of this section, added a limitation to clarify that filtering on unindexed fields is not supported.
    • In the description of the "List custom objects" operation, added a note to clarify that sorting custom objects by ID is not supported.
  • Updated the "Base URL" section to add information about upcoming environments.

April 18, 2024

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of the "CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields to include the WSDL version information:
    • RevenueRecognitionTiming
    • RevenueAmortizationMethod
  • In the "Update an account" operation, corrected the following nested fields in the ​​soldToContact and billToContact fields to non-required:
    • firstName
    • lastName
  • In the request body of the "Create a billing preview run" operation, updated the description of the storageOption parameter.
  • Renamed the "Access to the API" section to "Base URL", and updated the base URL table for better clarity.

April 12, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.04.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Accounts - Made the following updates:
    • Added the following operations:
      • Configure cascading payment methods for an account
      • Retrieve configuration of cascading payment methods for an account
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an account" operation, added the billingAndPayment > paymentMethodCascadingConsent nested field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an account summary" operation, added the basicInfo > paymentMethodCascadingConsent nested field.
  • E-Invoicing - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the responseMapping field.
      • Create an e-invoicing business region
      • Update an e-invoicing business region
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the responseMapping field:
      • Create an e-invoicing business region
      • Retrieve an e-invoicing business region
      • Update an e-invoicing business region
    • In the 200 response body of the "List e-invoicing business regions" operation, added the responseMapping nested field to the regions field.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the missing excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting nested field to the charges field:
    • Create a debit memo from a charge
    • Create a credit memo from a charge
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > billing > billingPeriod
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > billing > billingPeriod
    • createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > billing > billingPeriod
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > billing > billingPeriod
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > billing > billingPeriod
    • orders > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > billing > billingPeriod
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > billing > billingPeriod
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > billing > billingPeriod
    • order > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > billing > billingPeriod
  • Updated the description of the "Data Labeling" section for better clarity.
  • Updated the description of the "List all settings" operation to remove the deprecated settings for custom fields.
  • Renamed the "Generate bulk PDF files" operation to "Export bulk PDF files".
  • Updated the description of the "Export bulk PDF files" to add a reference to an FAQ article in the Knowledge Center.

The following update applies to the Older API Reference:

  • In the request body of the "Amend" action, added the missing requests > Amendments > RatePlanData > RatePlan > AmendmentSubscriptionRatePlanId field.

April 5, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.04.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for Delivery-based Billing feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the General Availability announcement of the Delivery-based Billing feature.

  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, removed the availability note in the description of the subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > numberOfDeliveries field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, removed the availability note in the description of the ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > numberOfDeliveries field:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version
  • Orders - Removed the availability note in each of the recurringDelivery and recurringDeliveryBased fields. The following operations are affected:
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
    • List orders
    • Retrieve an order
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number

API updates for E-Invoicing feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the E-Invoicing feature.

  • E-Invoicing - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an e-invoicing service provider
      • Update an e-invoicing service provider

      Added the following fields:

      • apiKey
      • secretKey
      • clientCertificate
      • clientCertificateType
      • clientCertificatePassword
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an e-invoicing service provider" operation, added the following fields:
      • apiKey
      • clientCertificate
      • clientCertificateType
    • In the response body of the "List e-invoice service providers" operation, added the following nested fields to the serviceProviders field:
      • apiKey
      • clientCertificate
      • clientCertificateType

Other API updates

The following items are other API updates included in this release:

  • Notifications - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create or update email templates" operation, added the emailHeaders field to the emailTemplates field.
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the emailHeaders field:
      • Create an email template
      • Update an email template
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the emailHeaders field:
      • Create an email template
      • Retrieve an email template
      • Update an email template
    • In the 200 response body of the "List email templates" operation, added the emailHeaders field to the data field.
  • Data Queries - In the "List data query jobs" operation, increased the number of records per page size in the pageSize query parameter from 100 to 1000.
  • AQuA - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Submit an aggregate query job" operation, deprecated the following field and field value:
      • The warehouseSize field
      • The warehouse enum value for the sourceData field
    • In the response body of the "Submit an aggregate query job" operation, deprecated the warehouse value for the sourceData field.

March 28, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.04.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Object Queries - Added an "Object Queries" section that contains standardized GET methods to query Billing and Payments objects. For more information about Object Queries, see 2024.04.R1 Release Notes .
  • Orders - Made the following updates to support the Tiered Pricing charge model for the Standalone Orders feature:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order

      Added the Tiered enum value for each of the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Added the Tiered enum value for each of the following fields:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operations, added the Tiered enum value for each of the following fields:
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
  • Orders - In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously

    Added the endDate nested field to the following fields:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > terms > initialTerm
    • subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > lastTerm
  • Usage - Made the following updates to support the Negative Quantity Usage feature:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, enhanced the Quantity field to support negative values:
      • CRUD: Create a usage record
      • CRUD: Update a usage record
    • In the response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a usage record" operation, enhanced the the Quantity field to support negative values.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a usage record" operation, enhanced the usage > quantity field to support negative values.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve usage rate detail for an invoice item" operation, enhanced the data > quantity field to support negative values.
  • Billing Preview Run - In the request body of the "Create a billing preview run" operation, added the storeDifference and comparedBillingPreviewRunId fields to support comparing the current billing preview run result with a specified billing preview run result and storing the difference in the database.
  • Credit Memos - In the description of the "Unpost a credit memo" operation, added information about preventing the unpost operation.
  • Debit Memos - In the description of the "Unpost a debit memo" operation, added information about preventing the unpost operation.
  • Payment Schedules - In the "Retrieve a payment schedule" operation, added the following fields to the response body and updated the corresponding sample values:
    • cancelledById
    • cancelledOn
    • cancelDate
  • Data Labeling - In the request body of the "Submit a data labeling job" operation, updated the description of the following fields to support the use case of unlabeling objects:
    • orgIds
    • orgs

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order

    Added the missing DiscountFixedAmount and DiscountPercentage enum values for each of the following fields:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeModel

    Removed the incorrect DiscountFixedAmount and DiscountPercentage enum values from each of the following fields:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeType
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeType
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeType
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number

    Added the missing DiscountFixedAmount and DiscountPercentage enum values for each of the following fields:

    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeModel

    Removed the incorrect DiscountFixedAmount and DiscountPercentage enum values from each of the following fields:

    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeType
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeType
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeType
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation:

    Added the missing DiscountFixedAmount and DiscountPercentage enum values for each of the following fields:

    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeModel

    Removed the incorrect DiscountFixedAmount and DiscountPercentage enum values from each of the following fields:

    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeType
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeType
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeType
  • In the response body of the Retrieve usage rate detail for an invoice item operation, corrected the type and format of the data > quantity field.
  • In the response body of the Retrieve a usage record operation, corrected the type and format of the usage > quantity field.
  • In the description of the "List all settings" operation, added the Zuora Tax Engine section.
  • In the request body of the "Create a standalone invoice" and "Create standalone invoices" operations, updated the description of the invoices > invoiceItems field for better clarity.
  • Updated the description of the "Refund a payment with auto-unapplying" operation.
  • Updated the description of the "Data Labeling" section for better clarity.

March 22, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.03.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Payment Methods - In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, added the following fields for the ACH payment method type:
    • tokens
    • bankAccountMaskNumber
  • Accounts - In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, added the following fields for the ACH payment method type:
    • paymentMethod > tokens
    • paymentMethod > bankAccountMaskNumber
  • Orders - In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously

    Added the following fields for the ACH payment method type:

    • newAccount > paymentMethod > tokens
    • newAccount > paymentMethod > bankAccountMaskNumber

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of the "Generate bulk PDF files" operation, added enum values for the docType field.
  • Updated the description of each of the following operations for better clarity:
    • Create an order
    • Update an order
    • Cancel an order
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the descriptions of the status and schedulingOptions fields for better clarity:
    • Create an order
    • Update an order
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, updated the descriptions of the status and schedulingOptions nested fields of the order field for better clarity.
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the descriptions of the status and schedulingOptions nested fields of the orders field for better clarity:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
  • For the following objects in all relevant operations, updated the description of the country field in the request body and response body for better clarity:
    • E-Invoicing Business Region
    • E-Invoice File Template
    • Payment Method
  • In the "List e-invoice file templates" operation, updated the description of the country query parameter for better clarity.
  • In the description of the "List payments" operation, added filtering condition information.
  • In the request body and response body of the "Submit an aggregate query job" operation, corrected the data type of the offset field from number to integer.

March 15, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.03.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for E-Invoicing with PEPPOL

The following items are the API updates specific to the E-invoicing with PEPPOL feature.

  • E-Invoicing - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create an e-invoicing service provider" operation, added the PEPPOL enum value to the provider field.
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the PEPPOL enum value to the provider field:
      • Create an e-invoicing service provider
      • Retrieve an e-invoicing service provider
      • Update an e-invoicing service provider
    • In the 200 response body of the "List e-invoicing service providers" operation, added the PEPPOL enum value to the serviceProviders > provider field.
  • Invoices - In the 200 response body of the "Retrieve an invoice" operation, added the Generated enum value to the einvoiceStatus field.
  • Credit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the Generated enum value to the memos > einvoiceStatus field.
      • Create credit memos
      • Update credit memos
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the Generated enum value to the einvoiceStatus field.
      • Create a credit memo from a charge
      • Create a credit memo from an invoice
      • Retrieve a credit memo
      • Update a credit memo
      • Apply a credit memo
      • Unapply a credit memo
      • Cancel a credit memo
      • Post a credit memo
      • Unpost a credit memo
    • In the 200 response body of the "List credit memos" operation, added the Generated enum value to the creditmemos > einvoiceStatus field.
  • Debit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the Generated enum value to the memos > einvoiceStatus field.
      • Create debit memos
      • Update debit memos
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the Generated enum value to the einvoiceStatus field.
      • Create a debit memo from a charge
      • Create a debit memo from an invoice
      • Retrieve a debit memo
      • Update a debit memo
      • Cancel a debit memo
      • Post a debit memo
      • Unpost a debit memo
    • In the 200 response body of the "List debit memos" operation, added the Generated enum value to the debitmemos > einvoiceStatus field.

API updates for adding support for "Zuora custom event" event type in Notifications

The following items are the API updates specific to adding support for the "Zuora custom event" event type in the Events and Notifications feature.

  • Notifications - Made the following updates:
    • Updated the description of each of the following operations:
      • Create a notification definition
      • List notification definitions
      • Retrieve a notification definition
      • Update a notification definition
      • Delete a notification definition
    • In the request body of the "Create a notification definition" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields:
      • eventTypeName
      • eventTypeNamespace
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations:
      • Create a notification definition
      • Retrieve a notification definition
      • Update a notification definition

      Updated the description of each of the following fields:

      • eventTypeName
      • eventTypeNamespace
    • For the "List notification definitions" operation, updated the description of the eventTypeName query parameter.
    • In the 200 response body of the "List notification definitions" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields:
      • data > eventTypeName
      • data > eventTypeNamespace

Other API updates

The following items are other API updates included in this release:

  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

      Added the following fields:

      • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > upsellOriginChargeNumber
      • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > chargeFunction
      • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > commitmentType
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the following fields:
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > upsellOriginChargeNumber
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > chargeFunction
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > commitmentType
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously

      Added the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > upsellOriginChargeNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > upsellOriginChargeNumber
      • orderLineItems > currency
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Added the following fields:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > upsellOriginChargeNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > upsellOriginChargeNumber
      • orders > orderLineItems > currency
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operations, added the following fields:
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > upsellOriginChargeNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > upsellOriginChargeNumber
      • order > orderLineItems > currency
    • In the request body of the "Update an order" operation, deprecated the newAccount field.
  • Order Line Items - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the orderLineItem > currency field:
      • Retrieve an order line item
      • Update order line items
  • Product Rate Plan Charges - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge
      • CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge

      Added the following fields:

      • ChargeFunction
      • CommitmentType
    • In the 200 response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, added the following fields:
      • ChargeFunction
      • CommitmentType
    • In the 200 response body of the "Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, added the following fields:
      • chargeFunction
      • commitmentType
  • Regenerate - In each of the following operations, added the onlyReSend query parameter:
    • Regenerate booking transactions
    • Regenerate billing transactions
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously

      Added the subscriptionRatePlanNumber field to the following nested fields:

      • subscriptions > addProduct
      • subscriptions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans
      • subscriptions > changePlan
    • In the response body of the "Preview an order" operation, added the subscriptionRatePlanNumber field to the following nested fields:
      • previewResult > chargeMetrics > charges
      • previewResult > orderMetrics > orderActions > orderMetrics
  • Credit Memos - Added an operation called "List all files of a credit memo".
  • Debit Memos - Added an operation called "List all files of a debit memo".
  • Operations - Added the following operations:
    • Generate bulk PDF files
    • Retrieve information of a bulk PDF file generation job
  • Invoices - Updated the description of the "List all application parts of an invoice" operation.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Updated the description of each of the following operations for better clarity:
    • Create an order
    • Update an order
    • Cancel an order
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the descriptions of the status and schedulingOptions fields for better clarity:
    • Create an order
    • Update an order
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, updated the descriptions of the status and schedulingOptions nested fields of the order field for better clarity.
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the descriptions of the status and schedulingOptions nested fields of the orders field for better clarity:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
  • In the response body of the "Create an order" operation, corrected the data format for each of the following fields:
    • orderLineItems > id
    • orderLineItems > itemNumber
  • In each of the following operations, updated the description of the reMigrate query parameter:
    • Regenerate booking transactions
    • Regenerate billing transactions
  • In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • paymentMethod > tokenize for the Bacs payment method type
    • paymentMethod > processingOptions > checkDuplicated for the CreditCard payment method type
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • newAccount > paymentMethod > tokenize for the Bacs payment method type
    • newAccount > paymentMethod > processingOptions > checkDuplicated for the CreditCard payment method type
  • In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • tokenize for the Bacs payment method type
    • processingOptions > checkDuplicated for the CreditCard payment method type
  • Updated the description of each of the following operations for better clarity:
    • Create custom object records
    • Update a custom object record
    • Partially update a custom object record
    • Update or delete custom object records

March 7, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.03.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Subscriptions - Added a new operation called "Preview a subscription by subscription key".

March 1, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.03.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for passing identity number when creating Credit Card payment method

The following items are the API updates specific to a system behavior change introduced by the support of passing the identity number in the creation of a Credit Card payment method.

  • Payment Methods - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, added the identityNumber field for the CreditCard payment method type.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a payment method" operation, updated the description of the identityNumber nested field.
  • Accounts - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, added the paymentMethod > identityNumber nested field for the CreditCard payment method type.
    • In the response body of the "List payment methods of an account" operation, updated the description of the returnedPaymentMethodType > identityNumber nested field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve the default payment method of an account" operation, updated the description of the identityNumber nested field.
  • Orders - In the request body of each of the following operations, added the newAccount > paymentMethod > identityNumber nested field for the CreditCard payment method type:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously

API updates on currency field in response of billing document operations

  • Billing Documents - In the response body of the "List billing documents for an account" operation, added the currency field.
  • Invoices - In the response body of the "Retrieve an invoice" operation, updated the description of the currency field.
  • Credit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a credit memo" operation, updated the description of the currency field.
    • In the response body of the "List credit memos" operation, updated the description of the creditmemos > currency field.
  • Debit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a debit memo" operation, updated the description of the currency field.
    • In the response body of the "List debit memos" operation, updated the description of the debitmemos > currency field.

Other API updates

  • Regenerate - Made the following updates:
    • Updated the API endpoint for each of the following operations:
      • Regenerate revenue recognition events transactions for Delivery Schedule
      • Regenerate revenue recognition events transactions for Daily Consumption
    • In each of the following operations, added a query parameter called forRevenueRecollect :
      • Regenerate revenue recognition events transactions for Delivery Schedule
      • Regenerate revenue recognition events transactions for Daily Consumption
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously

      Added the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > customFields
      • subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > chargeUpdates
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Added the following fields:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > customFields
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > chargeUpdates
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operations, added the following fields:
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > customFields
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > chargeUpdates

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the response body of the "List all items of an invoice" operation, added the missing applicableTaxUnRounded and country nested fields to the taxationItems field.
  • For each of the following settings in the Settings API, corrected the templateFileName field from required to optional:
    • AllCreditMemoTemplates
    • AllDebitMemoTemplates

February 23, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.02.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Payments - For the "Refund a payment with auto-unapplying" operation, made the following updates:
    • In the request body, removed the availability note for each of the following fields because these fields are now generally available:
      • writeOff
      • writeOffOptions
    • In the response body, removed the availability note for the writeOffResults field because this field is now generally available.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of the "Update a payment schedule item" operation, corrected the data type and the correspnding sample value for each of the following fields:
    • linkPayments
    • unlinkPayments
  • In the response body of the "Invoice and collect" operation, made the following updates:
    • Corrected the creditMemos > memoAmount field to the creditMemos > totalAmount field.
    • Corrected the data type of the amountCollected field from string to number.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, introduced a filtering mechanism for the  type  field within the payment method object, to show only the relevant fields for the selected payment method type:
    • Create a payment method
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
  • In the request body of the "Generate an RSA signature" operation, corrected the value for the US Cloud 1 Sandbox environment in the uri field.

The following update applies to the Older API Reference:

  • In the request body of the "Amend" action, updated the description of the Amendments > BookingDate field for better clarity.

February 8, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.02.R1.

  • Data Backfill - Added a section called "Data Backfill" that contains the following operations:
    • Create a booking date backfill job
    • List all booking date backfill jobs
    • Retrieve a booking date backfill job
    • Stop a booking date backfill job
    • Create a data backfill job
    • Retrieve a data backfill job
    • Stop a data backfill job
    • List all data backfill jobs
    • Download a data backfill template file
  • Prepaid with Drawdown - Added an operation called "Deplete funds".
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously

      Added the following fields:

      • orderLineItems > RevenueAmortizationMethod
      • orderLineItems > RevenueRecognitionTiming
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Added the following fields:

      • orders > orderLineItems > RevenueAmortizationMethod
      • orders > orderLineItems > RevenueRecognitionTiming
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > revenueAmortizationMethod
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > revenueRecognitionTiming
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > revenueAmortizationMethod
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > revenueRecognitionTiming
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > revenueAmortizationMethod
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > revenueRecognitionTiming
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operations, added the following fields:
      • order > orderLineItems > RevenueAmortizationMethod
      • order > orderLineItems > RevenueRecognitionTiming
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > revenueAmortizationMethod
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > revenueRecognitionTiming
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > revenueAmortizationMethod
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > revenueRecognitionTiming
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > revenueAmortizationMethod
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > revenueRecognitionTiming
  • Order Line Items - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Update an order line item" operation, added the revenueAmortizationMethod and revenueRecognitionTiming fields.
    • In the request body of the "Update order line items" operation, added the revenueAmortizationMethod and revenueRecognitionTiming nested fields to the orderLineItems field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the revenueAmortizationMethod and revenueRecognitionTiming nested fields to the orderLineItem field:
      • Retrieve an order line item
      • Update order line items
  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

      Added the following fields:

      • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > revenueAmortizationMethod
      • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > revenueRecognitionTiming
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the following fields:
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > revenueAmortizationMethod
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > revenueRecognitionTiming

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the response body of the "Update order line items" operation, adding the missing excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting and excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting nested fields to the orderLineItems field.
  • In the source YAML file, made the following updates to avoid confusion:
    • Renamed the CommonResponseType schema to CommonResponse .
    • Removed the redundant CommonErrorResponse schema.
    • Updated each reference to the CommonErrorResponse or CommonResponseType schema to be referencing CommonResponse .

February 2, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.02.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for duplication check on payment methods

The following items are the API updates specific to a system behavior change for duplication check on payment methods.

  • Payment Methods - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the processingOptions field and its nested field:
      • Create a payment method
      • Update a payment method
    • In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, updated the description of the checkDuplicated field.
  • Accounts - In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, made the following updates:
    • Added the processingOptions field and its nested field to the paymentMethod field.
    • Updated the description of the paymentMethod > checkDuplicated nested field.
  • Orders - In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order

    Made the following updates:

    • Added the processingOptions field and its nested field to the newAccount > paymentMethod field.
    • Updated the description of the newAccount > paymentMethod > checkDuplicated nested field.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create a notification definition
    • Update a notification definition

    Reorganized the nested fields of the callout field according to the following scenarios:

    • Without authentication
    • Base authentication
    • OAuth 2.0 authentication

January 26, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.02.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for the Invoice Grouping feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Invoice Grouping feature.

  • Credit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the invoiceGroupNumber field:
      • Create a credit memo from a charge
      • Create a credit memo from an invoice
      • Retrieve a credit memo
      • Update a credit memo
      • Apply a credit memo
      • Unapply a credit memo
      • Cancel a credit memo
      • Post a credit memo
      • Unpost a credit memo
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the invoiceGroupNumber nested field to the memos field:
      • Create credit memos
      • Update credit memos
    • In the response body of the "List credit memos" operation, added the invoiceGroupNumber nested field to the creditmemos field.
  • Debit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the invoiceGroupNumber field:
      • Create a debit memo from a charge
      • Create a debit memo from an invoice
      • Retrieve a debit memo
      • Update a debit memo
      • Cancel a debit memo
      • Post a debit memo
      • Unpost a debit memo
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the invoiceGroupNumber nested field to the memos field:
      • Create debit memos
      • Update debit memos
    • In the response body of the "List debit memos" operation, added the invoiceGroupNumber nested field to the debitmemos field.
  • Invoices - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the invoiceGroupNumber field:
      • Retrieve an invoice
      • Create a standalone invoice
    • In the response body of the "Create standalone invoices" operation, added the invoiceGroupNumber nested field to the invoices field.
  • Orders - Made the following changes:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously

      Added the following fields:

      • orderLineItems > invoiceGroupNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > invoiceGroupNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > invoiceGroupNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > clearingExistingInvoiceGroupNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > invoiceGroupNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > clearingExistingInvoiceGroupNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > invoiceGroupNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > clearingExistingInvoiceGroupNumber
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Added the following fields:

      • orders > orderLineItems > invoiceGroupNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > invoiceGroupNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > invoiceGroupNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > clearingExistingInvoiceGroupNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > invoiceGroupNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > clearingExistingInvoiceGroupNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > invoiceGroupNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > clearingExistingInvoiceGroupNumber
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operations, added the following fields:
      • order > orderLineItems > invoiceGroupNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > invoiceGroupNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > invoiceGroupNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > clearingExistingInvoiceGroupNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > invoiceGroupNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > clearingExistingInvoiceGroupNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > invoiceGroupNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > clearingExistingInvoiceGroupNumber
  • Order Line Items - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Update an order line item" operation, added the invoiceGroupNumber field.
    • In the request body of the "Update order line items" operation, added the invoiceGroupNumber nested field to the orderLineItems field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the invoiceGroupNumber nested field to the orderLineItem field:
      • Retrieve an order line item
      • Update order line items
  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the invoiceGroupNumber field:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the invoiceGroupNumber nested field to the subscriptions field.

Other API updates

The following items are other API updates included in this release:

  • Notifications - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an email template
      • Update an email template

      Updated the description of each of the following fields to clarify that merge fields enclosed by double curly brackets are supported now.

      • emailBody
      • emailSubject
    • In the request body of the "Create or update email templates" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields to clarify that merge fields enclosed by double curly brackets are supported now.
      • emailTemplates > emailBody
      • emailTemplates > emailSubject
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an email template
      • Update an email template
      • Retrieve an email template

      Updated the description of each of the following fields to clarify that merge fields enclosed by double curly brackets are supported now.

      • emailBody
      • emailSubject
    • In the 200 response body of the "List email templates" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields to clarify that merge fields enclosed by double curly brackets are supported now.
      • data > emailBody
      • data > emailSubject

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the associatedAccount field for better clarity.
    • Create a notification definition
    • Update a notification definition
  • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the associatedAccount field for better clarity.
    • Create a notification definition
    • Retrieve a notification definition
    • Update a notification definition
  • In the 200 response body of the "List notification definitions" operation, updated the description of the data > associatedAccount field for better clarity.

January 19, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.02.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Invoices - Added an operation called "Retrieve the PDF file generation status of invoices".
  • Credit Memos - Added an operation called "Retrieve the PDF file generation status of credit memos".
  • Debit Memos - Added an operation called "Retrieve the PDF file generation status of debit memos".
  • Orders - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the scheduledOrderActivationResponse nested field to the orders field:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the scheduledOrderActivationResponse nested field to the order field.
  • Payment Gateway Reconciliation - Updated the description of each of the following operations for system behavior changes introduced by a Gateway Reconciliation enhancement:
    • Reject a payment
    • Reverse a payment
  • Notifications - Made the following changes:
    • Updated the description of each of the following operations for supporting notification definitions for standard events:
      • Create a notification definition
      • List notification definitions
      • Retrieve a notification definition
      • Update a notification definition
      • Delete a notification definition
    • In the request body of the "Create a notification definition" operation, made the following updates:
      • Added the eventCategory field.
      • Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
        • eventTypeName
        • eventTypeNamespace
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations:
      • Create a notification definition
      • Retrieve a notification definition
      • Update a notification definition

      Made the following updates:

      • Added the following fields:
        • eventCategory
        • eventId
      • Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
        • eventTypeName
        • eventTypeNamespace
    • For the "List notification definitions" operation, made the following updates:
      • Added a query parameter called eventCategory that accepts the event category codes for standard events.
      • Updated the description of the eventTypeName query parameter for better clarity.
    • In the 200 response body of the "List notification definitions" operation, made the following updates:
      • Added the following fields:
        • data > eventCategory
        • data > eventId
      • Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
        • data > eventTypeName
        • data > eventTypeNameSpace
  • E-Invoicing - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the "Create an e-invoicing service provider" and "Update an e-invoicing service provider" operations:
      • Added the companyIdentifier field.
      • Removed the apiKey and secretKey fields.
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the companyIdentifier field and removed the apiKey field:
      • Create an e-invoicing service provider
      • Retrieve an e-invoicing service provider
      • Update an e-invoicing service provider
    • In the 200 response body of the "List e-invoicing service providers" operation, made the following updtes:
      • Added the companyIdentifier nested field to the serviceProviders field.
      • Removed the apiKey nested field from the serviceProviders field.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

Doc updates for the Delivery Adjustments feature

The following items are the documentation updates specific to the Delivery Adjustments feature.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create a delivery adjustment
    • Preview a delivery adjustment

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • deferredRevenueAccountingCode
    • recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
    • revenueRecognitionRuleName
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • Create a delivery adjustment
    • Preview a delivery adjustment

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • adjustments > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
    • adjustments > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
    • adjustments > revenueRecognitionRuleName
    • ineligibleAdjustments > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
    • ineligibleAdjustments > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
    • ineligibleAdjustments > revenueRecognitionRuleName
  • In the response body of the "List all delivery adjustments of a subscription" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • adjustments > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
    • adjustments > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
    • adjustments > revenueRecognitionRuleName
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve a delivery adjustment" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • deferredRevenueAccountingCode
    • recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
    • revenueRecognitionRuleName

Other doc updates

The following items are the other general documentation updates included in this release:

  • In the description of the "Create an event trigger" operation, added the missing base objects.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the missing Formula field.
    • CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge
    • CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge
  • In the 200 response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, added the missing Formula field.
  • In the 200 response body of the "Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, added the following missing fields.
    • formula
    • applyToBillingPeriodPartially
    • isPrepaid
    • prepaidOperationType
    • prepaidQuantity
    • prepaidTotalQuantity
    • prepaidUom
    • validityPeriodType
    • drawdownRate
    • drawdownUom
    • creditOption
    • isRollover
    • rolloverApply
    • rolloverPeriodLength
    • rolloverPeriods
  • In the 200 reponse body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation and the request body of each of the following operations:
    • CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge
    • CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge

    Updated the description for each of the following fields to indicate the requirement of the X-Zuora-WSDL-Version request header:

    • IsAllocationEligible
    • IsUnbilled
    • ProductCategory
    • ProductClass
    • ProductFamily
    • ProductLine
  • In the request body of the "Create a payment" operation, updated the description of the type field.
  • In the request body of the "Create credit memos" operation, updated the description of the memos > items > taxMode field to clarify that this field only needs to be included when the credit memo needs to be processed with a different tax mode.

January 11, 2024

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, updated the enum values of the bankAccountType field.
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve a payment method" operation, updated the enum values of the bankAccountType field.
  • In the response body of the "List custom exchange rates by currency" operation, corrected the data type for the rates field.

January 5, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.01.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for Payment Gateway Routing

The following items are the API updates specific to a system behavior change introduced by the Payment Gateway Routing feature.

  • Payments - In the request body of the "Create a payment" operation, updated the description of the gatewayId field.
  • Orders - In the request body of the "Create an order" operation, updated the description of the nested processingOptions > electronicPaymentOptions > paymentGatewayId field.
  • Subscriptions - In the request body of the "Create a subscription" operation, updated the description of the gatewayId field.
  • Payment Runs - In the request body of the "Create a payment run" operation, updated the description of the nested data > paymentGatewayId field.

Other API updates

The following items are other API updates included in this release:

  • Payment Methods - In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, updated the description of the tokenize field for the newly supported BACS payment methods on Adyen Integration v2.0.
  • Accounts - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the businessCategory nested field to the einvoiceProfile field:
      • Create an account
      • Update an account
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an account" operation, added the businessCategory nested field to the einvoiceProfile field.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an invoice" operation, added the missing success field.
  • From the response body of the "List all items of an invoice" operation, made the following updates:
    • Added the following missing nested fields to the invoiceItems field:
      • fulfillmentId
      • orderLineItemId
    • Removed the unsupported success nested field from the invoiceItems field.
  • Updated the request examples of the "Update a payment schedule item" operation.
  • In the "Create a payment" operation, made the following updates:
    • Updated the description of this operation for the Multiple Currencies feature.
    • In the request body, updated the desciption of each of the following fields:
      • currency
      • effectiveDate
  • In the request body of the "Create a payment run" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields:
    • data
    • data > dataItems

January 3, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.01.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Product Rate Plan Charges - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge
      • CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge

      Added the following fields:

      • RevenueRecognitionTiming
      • RevenueAmortizationMethod
    • In the 200 response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, added the following fields:
      • RevenueRecognitionTiming
      • RevenueAmortizationMethod
    • In the 200 response body of the "Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, added the following fields:
      • revenueRecognitionTiming
      • revenueAmortizationMethod
  • Product Charge Definitions - Made the following updates:
    • In the 200 response body of each of the "List product charge definitions" and "Update product charge definitions" operations, added the following fields:
      • chargeDefinitions > revenueRecognitionTiming
      • chargeDefinitions > revenueAmortizationMethod
    • In the 200 response body of each of the "Retrieve a product charge definition" and "Update a product charge definition" operations, added the revenueRecognitionTiming and revenueAmortizationMethod fields.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create a product charge definition
    • Update a product charge definition

    Removed the following fields:

    • excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
    • isAllocationEligible
    • isUnbilled
    • productCategory
    • productClass
    • productFamily
    • productLine
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create product charge definitions
    • Update product charge definitions

    Removed the following fields:

    • productChargeDefinitions > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • productChargeDefinitions > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
    • productChargeDefinitions > isAllocationEligible
    • productChargeDefinitions > isUnbilled
    • productChargeDefinitions > productCategory
    • productChargeDefinitions > productClass
    • productChargeDefinitions > productFamily
    • productChargeDefinitions > productLine
  • We have reverted API documentation updates about the Gateway Reconciliation enhancements published on December 22, 2023. These changes will be delivered in an upcoming release.

December 22, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2024.01.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for the Billing Schedule feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the General Availability announcement of the Billing Schedule feature.

  • Invoice Schedules - In the description of each of the following operations, changed the Early Adopter note to the General Availability note for the Billing Schedule feature:
    • Create an invoice schedule
    • Retrieve an invoice schedule
    • Update an invoice schedule
    • Execute an invoice schedule
    • Pause an invoice schedule
    • Resume an invoice schedule
    • Delete an invoice schedule
  • Credit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a credit memo item" operation, updated the availability note in the description of each of the following fields:
      • invoiceScheduleId
      • invoiceScheduleItemId
    • In the response body of the "List credit memo items" operation, updated the availability note in the description of each of the following fields:
      • items > invoiceScheduleId
      • items > invoiceScheduleItemId
  • Invoices - In the response body of the "List all items of an invoice" operation, updated the availability note in the description of each of the following fields:
    • invoiceItems > invoiceScheduleId
    • invoiceItems > invoiceScheduleItemId
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the availability note in the description of the order > invoiceScheduleId field:
      • Retrieve an order
      • List order metrics for an evergreen subscription (in the Older API Reference)
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the availability note in the description of the orders > invoiceScheduleId field:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number
  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, updated the availability note in the description of each of the following fields:
      • subscriptions > invoiceScheduleId
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > invoiceScheduleId
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the availability note in the description of each of the invoiceScheduleId and ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > invoiceScheduleId fields:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

API updates for the Multiple Currencies feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the General Availability announcement of the Multiple Currencies feature.

  • Accounts - In the response body of the "Retrieve an account" operation, updated the availability note in the description of each of the following fields:
    • metrics
    • metricsData
  • Credit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create a credit memo from a charge" operation, updated the availability note in the description of the currency field.
    • In the request body of the "Create credit memos" operation, updated the availability note in the description of the memos > currency field.
  • Debit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create a debit memo from a charge" operation, updated the availability note in the description of the currency field.
    • In the request body of the "Create debit memos" operation, updated the availability note in the description of the memos > currency field.
  • Invoices - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body and response body of the "Create a standalone invoice" operation, updated the availability note in the description of the currency field.
    • In the request body and response body of the "Create standalone invoices" operation, updated the availability note in the description of the invoices > currency field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an invoice" operation, updated the availability note in the description of the currency field.
  • Invoice Schedules - In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the availability note in the description of the currency field:
    • Create an invoice schedule
    • Update an invoice schedule
    • Retrieve an invoice schedule
    • Pause an invoice schedule
    • Resume an invoice schedule
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the availability note in the description of the subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > currency field:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, updated the availability note in the description of the order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > currency field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the availability note in the description of the orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > currency field:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

The following updates apply to the Older API Reference:

  • Orders - In the response body of the "List order metrics for an evergreen subscription" operation, updated the availability note in the description of the order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > currency field.
  • Subscriptions - In the response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a subscription" operation, updated the availability note in the description of the Currency field.

API updates for the E-Invoicing feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the the General Availability announcement of the E-Invoicing feature.

  • E-Invoicing - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an e-invoicing business region
      • Update an e-invoicing business region

      Added the following fields:

      • digitalSignatureEnable
      • digitalSignatureBoxEnable
      • digitalSignatureBoxPosX
      • digitalSignatureBoxPosY
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an e-invoicing business region
      • Update an e-invoicing business region
      • Retrieve an e-invoicing business region

      Added the following fields:

      • digitalSignatureEnable
      • digitalSignatureBoxEnable
      • digitalSignatureBoxPosX
      • digitalSignatureBoxPosY
    • In the response body of the "List e-invoicing business regions" operation, added the following nested fields to the regions field:
      • digitalSignatureEnable
      • digitalSignatureBoxEnable
      • digitalSignatureBoxPosX
      • digitalSignatureBoxPosY

Other API updates

The following items are other API updates included in this release:

  • Metadata - Added a section called "Metadata", containing the following operations:
    • Compare and deploy a source tenant to a target tenant
    • Compare and deploy a template to a tenant
    • Revert a deployment
    • Retrieve a deployment log
    • Compare and deploy the product catalog of a tenant to a target tenant
    • Compare and deploy a template for the product catalog to a tenant
  • Workflows - Added the "Stop a workflow run" operation.
  • Payment Gateway Reconciliation - Updated the description of each of the following operations for the Gateway Reconciliation enhancements:
    • Reject a payment
    • Reverse a payment
  • Payments - In the request body of each of the following operations, added the refundTransactionType field:
    • Refund a payment
    • Refund a payment with auto-unapplying

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Removed the "Offers" and "Price Book Items" sections as well as all related fields in other corresponding operations for the Offers feature and the Price Book Item feature, which are superseded by the Attribute-based Pricing feature. When creating a subscription, you can only use the subscribeToRatePlans field to subscribe to a product rate plan because the subscribeToProducts field is removed.

December 15, 2023

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Updated the description of each of the following operations for better clarity:
    • Create a draft custom payment method type
    • Update a custom payment method type
  • In the response body of the "List all items of an invoice" operation, updated the description of the invoiceItems > balance field for better clarity.
  • In the 200 response body of the "Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, added the following missing fields:
    • excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
    • isAllocationEligible
    • isUnbilled
    • productCategory
    • productClass
    • productFamily
    • productLine
  • In the 200 response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, added the following missing fields:
    • IsAllocationEligible
    • IsUnbilled
    • ProductCategory
    • ProductClass
    • ProductFamily
    • ProductLine
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create a product charge definition
    • Update a product charge definition

    Added the following missing fields:

    • excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
    • isAllocationEligible
    • isUnbilled
    • productCategory
    • productClass
    • productFamily
    • productLine
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create product charge definitions
    • Update product charge definitions

    Added the following missing fields:

    • productChargeDefinitions > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • productChargeDefinitions > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
    • productChargeDefinitions > isAllocationEligible
    • productChargeDefinitions > isUnbilled
    • productChargeDefinitions > productCategory
    • productChargeDefinitions > productClass
    • productChargeDefinitions > productFamily
    • productChargeDefinitions > productLine
  • In the 200 response body of the "Retrieve a product charge definition" operation, added the following missing fields:
    • excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
    • isAllocationEligible
    • isUnbilled
    • productCategory
    • productClass
    • productFamily
    • productLine
  • In the 200 response body of the "List product charge definitions" operation, added the following missing fields:
    • chargeDefinitions > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • chargeDefinitions > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
    • chargeDefinitions > isAllocationEligible
    • chargeDefinitions > isUnbilled
    • chargeDefinitions > productCategory
    • chargeDefinitions > productClass
    • chargeDefinitions > productFamily
    • chargeDefinitions > productLine
  • In the 200 response body of "Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, corrected the enum values of the model field.
  • Updated the description of the "Query" action for better clarity.

December 8, 2023

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the existingAccountNumber field for better clarity:
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
  • Updated the description of each of the following operations for better consistency:
    • Create authorization
    • Cancel authorization

December 1, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.12.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Settings - Made the following updates:
    • Added the following parameters to the BillingRules setting:
      • discountConsolidated
      • availableToCreditIncludingRbeCreditMemo
    • Added the jsonFields parameter to the following settings:
      • AllTaxEngines
      • CreateGlobalTaxHubTaxEngine
      • GlobalTaxHubTaxEngine

    See 200 response sample in JSON format.

  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create an order" operation, added the following nested fields to the processingOptions > electronicPaymentOption field:
      • authTransactionId
      • gatewayOrderId
    • In the source YAML file, added the processingOptionsOrdersWithDelayedCapturePayment definition, and updated the schema reference of the processingOptions field in the request body of the "Create an order" operation to this definition.
  • Payment Authorization - In the section description, added the "Create an order" operation as a supported operation for the Delayed Capture feature.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • For the "CRUD: Create usage record" operation, made the following updates:
    • Added the missing X-Zuora-WSDL-Version header parameter.
    • In the request body, added the missing UniqueKey field.
  • Updated field descriptions for E-Invocing operations.

November 24, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.12.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for the Order to Revenue feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Order to Revenue feature.

  • Regenerate - Added a section called "Regenerate", containing the following operations:
    • Regenerate booking transactions
    • Regenerate billing transactions
    • Regenerate revenue recognition events transactions for Delivery Schedule
    • Regenerate revenue recognition events transactions for Daily Consumption

API updates for the Billing Schedule feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Billing Schedule feature.

  • Invoice Schedules - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an invoice schedule
      • Update an invoice schedule

      Made the following updates:

      • Added the percentage nested field to the scheduleItems field.
      • Updated the description of the scheduleItems > amount field to clarify the incompatibility with the scheduleItems > percentage field.
      • Added the chargeNumbers nested field to the specificSubscriptions field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the percentage nested field to the scheduleItems field:
      • Create an invoice schedule
      • Update an invoice schedule
      • Retrieve an invoice schedule
      • Pause an invoice schedule
      • Resume an invoice schedule

      Made the following updates:

      • Added the percentage nested field to the scheduleItems field.
      • Added the chargeNumbers nested field to the specificSubscriptions field.

API updates for the Delivery Pricing charge model

The following items are the API updates specific to the Delivery Pricing charge model.

  • Credit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a credit memo item" operation, added the numberOfDeliveries field.
    • In the response body of the "List credit memo items" operation, added the numberOfDeliveries nested field to the items field.
  • Invoices - In the response body of the "List all items of an invoice" operation, added the numberOfDeliveries nested field to the invoiceItems field.
  • Operations - In the response body of the "Generate a billing preview" operation, added the following fields:
    • invoiceItems > numberOfDeliveries
    • creditMemoItems > numberOfDeliveries
  • Orders - In the response body of the "Preview an order" operation, added the numberOfDeliveries nested field to each of the following fields:
    • previewResult > invoices > invoiceItems > additionalInfo
    • previewResult > creditMemos > creditMemoItems > additionalInfo

Other API updates

The following items are the other general API updates included in this release:

  • Orders - Made the following changes:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order

      Added the following fields, and removed the requirement of enabling the Standalone Orders feature for using this field in other order actions:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > chargeUpdates > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > chargeUpdates > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > chargeUpdates > pricing > usageFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > chargeUpdates > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > ratePlanUpdates > chargeUpdates > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > ratePlanUpdates > chargeUpdates > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > ratePlanUpdates > chargeUpdates > pricing > usageFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > ratePlanUpdates > chargeUpdates > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
  • Product Charge Definitions - Made the following updates to support the Discount - Fixed Amount and Discount Percentage charge models for the Attribute-based Pricing feature:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create a product charge definition
      • Update a product charge definition

      Made the following updates:

      • Added the DiscountFixedAmount and DiscountPercentage enum values for the chargeModel field.
      • Added the prices > discountAmount and prices > discountPercentage fields.
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create product charge definitions
      • Update product charge definitions

      Made the following updates:

      • Added the DiscountFixedAmount and DiscountPercentage enum values for the productChargeDefinitions > chargeModel field.
      • Added the productChargeDefinitions > prices > discountAmount and productChargeDefinitions > prices > discountPercentage fields.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the ID array for better clarity:
    • Resend email notifications
    • Resend callout notifications
  • Updated the description of each of the following operations for better clarity:
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
  • Removed the following operations:
    • List all credit memo part items
    • Retrieve a credit memo part item
  • In the request body of the "Refund a payment with auto-unapplying" operation, added the availability note for the following fields:
    • writeOff
    • writeOffOptions
  • In the response body of the "Refund a payment with auto-unapplying" operation, added the availability note for the writeOffResults field.
  • In each of the following operations, updated the description of the product-rateplan-definition-key path parameter for better clarity:
    • Retrieve a product rate plan definition
    • Delete a product rate plan definition

November 17, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.11.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Product Charge Definitions - Added the following operations to create or update multiple product charge definitions in one request:
    • Create product charge definitions
    • Update product charge definitions

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the 200 response body of the "List product charge definitions" operation, made the following updates:
    • Added the missing chargeDefinitions > isDefault field.
    • Corrected the field name for each of the following fields to comply with the actual API:
      • chargeDefinitions > productRatePlanChargeId
      • chargeDefinitions > productRatePlanChargeNumber
  • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations:
    • Retrieve a product charge definition
    • Update a product charge definition

    Made the following updates:

    • Added the missing isDefault field.
    • Corrected the field name for each of the following fields to comply with the actual API:
      • productRatePlanChargeId
      • productRatePlanChargeNumber
  • In the response body of the "List all product rate plans of a product" operation, corrected the Semi-Annual enum value to Semi_Annual for the productRatePlans > productRatePlanCharges > billingPeriod field.
  • Updated the cURL request sample for each of the following operations:
    • List API volume summary records
    • List billing document volume summary records

November 10, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.11.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Subscriptions - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the currency field:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the currency nested field to the subscriptions field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

      Added the following fields:

      • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > isStackedDiscount
      • offers > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > isStackedDiscount
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the following fields:
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > isStackedDiscount
      • offers > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > isStackedDiscount
  • Orders - Made the following changes to add validation on the non-revenue data exclusion fields to fulfill the Order to Revenue feature's support for Advanced Consumption Billing :
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order

      Enhanced the behavior of each of the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously

      Enhanced the behavior of each of the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Enhanced the behavior of each of the following fields:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, enhanced the behavior of each of the following fields:
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
  • Settings - Added the following parameters to the NumberAndSku setting:
    • eInvoiceBusinessRegionNumberPrefix
    • eInvoiceServiceProviderNumberPrefix
    • eInvoiceTemplateNumberPrefix

    See 200 response sample in JSON format.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Corrected the enum values for the ListPriceBase field by removing redundant underscores in the following operations:
    • CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge
    • CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan charge
    • CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge
  • Updated the availability notes for the Offer and Price Book Item related operations to indicate that these objects and operations are in the Beta phase.
  • In the source YAML file, renamed the PostContactType definition to PostCreateInvoiceContactType and updated its description for each of the following operations:
    • Create a standalone invoice
    • Create standalone invoices
  • In the request body of the "Create a notification definition" operation, corrected the following fields from required to optional:
    • callout > eventTypeName
    • callout > requiredAuth
  • In the request body of the "Update a notification definition" operation, corrected the following fields from required to optional:
    • callout > calloutBaseurl
    • callout > httpMethod
    • callout > name
    • callout > requiredAuth
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create a notification definition
    • Update a notification definition

    Made the following updates:

    • Updated the description of the callout > requiredAuth field for better clarity.
    • Added the following missing fields:
      • callout > requiredOauth2
      • callout > oauth2ProviderId
  • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations:
    • Create a notification definition
    • Update a notification definition
    • Retrieve a notification definition

    Made the following updates:

    • Updated the description of the callout > requiredAuth field for better clarity.
    • Added the following missing fields:
      • callout > requiredOauth2
      • callout > oauth2ProviderId
  • In the 200 response body of the "List notification definitions" operator, made the following updates:
    • Updated the description of the data > callout > requiredAuth field for better clarity.
    • Added the following missing fields:
      • data > callout > requiredOauth2
      • data > callout > oauth2ProviderId
  • Made the following updates to add the missing clarification that these fields are also available for the Order to Revenue feature:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order

      Updated the description of each of the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously

      Updated the description of each of the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Updated the description of each of the following fields:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields:
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
  • In the source YAML file, duplicated the CreateOrderChargeOverride reference object as a new reference object called ChangePlanChargeOverride , which is used in the following locations:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation
  • Updated the request sample of each of the following operations:
    • List API volume summary records
    • List billing document volume summary records
    • List payment volume summary records

The following updates applies to the Older API Reference:

  • In the request body of the "Subscribe" action, removed the limitation note for the Invoice Settlement feature from the description of the subscribes > SubscribeOptions > ProcessPayments field.
  • In the request body of the "Amend" action, removed the limitation note for the Invoice Settlement feature from the description of the requests > AmendOptions > ProcessPayments field.
  • In the request body of the "CRUD: Create a bill run" operation, updated the description of the Batch field for better clarity.

November 3, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.11.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the minimum and maximum character limits on the fields of string type:
    • Create an order
    • Update an order
    • Activate an order
  • In the response body of the "Cancel a subscription" operation, updated the description of the cancelledDate field to clarify that this field is not available in the Orders tenants .

October 27, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed. See the following list for a quick reference:

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.10.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates in Release 2023.10.R2

API updates for the E-Invoicing feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the E-Invoicing feature.

Note: The E-Invoicing feature is in the Early Adopter phase. We are actively soliciting feedback from a small set of early adopters before releasing it as generally available. If you want to join this early adopter program, submit a request at Zuora Global Support.

  • E-Invoicing - Added a section called E-Invoicing, containing the following operations:
    • Create an e-invoicing service provider
    • Update an e-invoicing service provider
    • Retrieve an e-invoicing service provider
    • List e-invoicing service providers
    • Delete an e-invoicing service provider
    • Create an e-invoicing business region
    • Update an e-invoicing business region
    • Retrieve an e-invoicing business region
    • List e-invoicing business regions
    • Delete an e-invoicing business region
    • Create an e-invoice file template
    • Update an e-e-invoice file template
    • Retrieve an e-invoice file template
    • List e-invoice file templates
    • Delete an e-invoice file template
  • Accounts - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the einvoiceProfile field and its nested fields:
      • Create an account
      • Update an account
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an account" operation, added the einvoiceProfile field and its nested fields.
  • Invoices - Made the following updates:
    • Added an operation called "Generate an e-invoice file for an invoice".
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an invoice" operation, added the following fields:
      • eInvoiceStatus
      • eInvoiceErrorCode
      • eInvoiceErrorMessage
      • eInvoiceFileId
  • Credit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • Added an operation called "Generate an e-invoice file for a credit memo".
    • In the response body of each of the following operations
      • Create credit memos
      • Update credit memos

      Added the following fields:

      • memos > eInvoiceStatus
      • memos > eInvoiceErrorCode
      • memos > eInvoiceErrorMessage
      • memos > eInvoiceFileId
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Create a credit memo from a charge
      • Create a credit memo from an invoice
      • Retrieve a credit memo
      • Update a credit memo
      • Apply a credit memo
      • Unapply a credit memo
      • Cancel a credit memo
      • Post a credit memo
      • Unpost a credit memo

      Added the following fields:

      • eInvoiceStatus
      • eInvoiceErrorCode
      • eInvoiceErrorMessage
      • eInvoiceFileId
    • In the response body of the "List credit memos" operation, added the following fields:
      • creditmemos > eInvoiceStatus
      • creditmemos > eInvoiceErrorCode
      • creditmemos > eInvoiceErrorMessage
      • creditmemos > eInvoiceFileId
  • Debit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • Added an operation called "Generate an e-invoice file for a debit memo".
    • In the response body of each of the following operations
      • Create debit memos
      • Update debit memos

      Added the following fields:

      • memos > eInvoiceStatus
      • memos > eInvoiceErrorCode
      • memos > eInvoiceErrorMessage
      • memos > eInvoiceFileId
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Create a debit memo from a charge
      • Create a debit memo from an invoice
      • Retrieve a debit memo
      • Update a debit memo
      • Cancel a debit memo
      • Post a debit memo
      • Unpost a debit memo

      Added the following fields:

      • eInvoiceStatus
      • eInvoiceErrorCode
      • eInvoiceErrorMessage
      • eInvoiceFileId
    • In the response body of the "List debit memos" operation, added the following fields:
      • debitmemos > eInvoiceStatus
      • debitmemos > eInvoiceErrorCode
      • debitmemos > eInvoiceErrorMessage
      • debitmemos > eInvoiceFileId
  • Files - For the "Retrieve a file" operation, added support for retrieving e-invoicing files.

Other API updates

The following items are the other general API updates included in this release:

  • Payment Methods - In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, made the following updates for the newly supported tokenization of payment methods on Adyen and Stripe:
    • Added the following fields:
      • tokens and its nested fields
      • tokenize
      • accountMaskNumber
    • Updated the description of each of the following fields:
      • IBAN
      • accountNumber
  • Accounts - In the response body of the "Retrieve an account" operation, added the balance nested field to the metricsData field.

API updates in Release 2023.11.R1

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.11.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for the Multi-Org feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Early Adopter announcement of the Multi-Org feature.

  • Multiple Organizations - Added a section called "Multiple Organizations", containing the following operations:
    • Submit a data labeling job
    • Retrieve a data labeling job
  • Added the Zuora-Org-Ids request header for all operations.
  • Accounts - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Retrieve an account
      • Retrieve an account summary

      Added the following fields:

      • basicInfo > organizationLabel
      • basicInfo > tags
    • In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, added the following fields:
      • organizationLabel
      • tagging
  • Attachments - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of the "List attachments by object type and key" operation, added the organizationLabel nested field to the attachments field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an attachment" operation, added the organizationLabel field.
  • Credit Memos - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of the "List credit memos" operation, added the organizationLabel nested field to the creditmemos field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the organizationLabel field:
      • Retrieve a credit memo
      • Retrieve a credit memo item
      • Retrieve a credit memo part
      • Retrieve a credit memo part item
      • Create a credit memo from a charge
      • Create a credit memo from an invoice
      • Update a credit memo
      • Apply a credit memo
      • Cancel a credit memo
      • Post a credit memo
      • Unapply a credit memo
      • Unpost a credit memo
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the organizationLabel nested field to the memos field:
      • Update credit memos
      • Create credit memos
  • Debit Memos - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the organizationLabel field:
      • Retrieve a debit memo
      • Create a debit memo from a charge
      • Create a debit memo from an invoice
      • Collect a posted debit memo
      • Update a debit memo
      • Cancel a debit memo
      • Post a debit memo
      • Unpost a debit memo
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the organizationLabel nested field to the memos field:
      • Create debit memos
      • Update debit memos
  • Invoices - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the organizationLabel field:
      • Retrieve an invoice
      • Create a standalone invoice
    • In the response body of the "Create standalone invoices" operation, added the organizationLabel nested field to the invoices field.
  • Summary Journal Entries - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a summary journal entry" operation, added the organizationLabel field.
    • In the response body of the "List all summary journal entries in a journal run" operation, added the organizationLabel nested field to the journalEntries field.
    • In the request body of the "Create a summary journal entry" operation, added the organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
  • Orders - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the organizationLabel nested field to the orders field:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the organizationLabel nested field to the orders field.
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Update an order

      Added the following fields:

      • newAccount > organizationName
      • newAccount > tagging
  • Payments - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the organizationLabel field:
      • Retrieve a payment
      • Retrieve a payment part
      • Retrieve a payment part item
      • Create a payment
      • Refund a payment
      • Update a payment
      • Transfer a payment
      • Apply a payment
      • Cancel a payment
      • Unapply a payment
    • In the response body of the "List payments" operation, added the organizationLabel nested field to the payments field.
    • In the response body of the "List all parts of a payment" operation, added the organizationLabel nested field to the parts field.
    • In the response body of the "List all payment part items" operation, added the organizationLabel nested field to the itemParts field.
  • Refunds - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the organizationLabel field:
      • Update a refund
      • Cancel a refund
      • Retrieve a refund
      • Retrieve a refund part
      • Retrieve a refund part item
    • In the response body of the "List refunds" operation, added the organizationLabel nested field to the refunds field.
    • In the response body of the "List all parts of a refund" operation, added the organizationLabel nested field to the parts field.
    • In the response body of the "List all refund part items" operation, added the organizationLabel nested field to the itemParts field.
  • Subscriptions - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the organizationLabel field:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the organizationLabel nested field to the subscriptions field.
  • Usage - In the response body of the "Retrieve a usage record" operation, added the organizationLabel nested field to the usage field.
  • Bill Run - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
      • Delete bill run
      • Retrieve a bill run
      • Create a bill run
      • Post a bill run
      • Cancel a bill run
    • In the request body of the "Create a bill run" operation, added organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
  • Payment Gateway Reconciliation - In the response body of each of the following operations, added the organizationLabel field:
    • Settle a paymnet
    • Reject a payment
    • Reverse a payment
    • Reconcile a payment
  • Bill Run Previews - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a billing preview run" operation, added the organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
    • In the request body of the "Create a bill run preview" operation, added the organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
  • Catalog Groups - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of the "List all catalog groups" operation, added the catalogGroups > productRatePlans > organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the productRatePlans > organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
      • Retrieve a catalog group
      • Update a catalog group
  • Catalog - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of the "List all products" operation, added the products > organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a product" operation, added the organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a product" operation, added the tags field.
    • In the response body of the "List all products" operation, added the tags nested field to the products field.
  • Journal Runs - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a journal run" operation, added the organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
    • In the request body of each of the "Create a journal run" operation, added the organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
  • Payment Runs - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
      • Retrieve a payment run
      • Create a payment run
      • Update a payment run
    • In the response body of the "List payment runs" operation, added the paymentRun > organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
      • Create a payment run
      • Update a payment run
  • Product Rate Plans - In the response body of each of the following operations, added the organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
    • Retrieve a product rate plan by ID
    • List product rate plans by external ID
  • Invoice Schedules - In the response body of the "Execute an invoice schedule" operation, added the organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
  • Accounting Periods - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of the "List all accounting periods" operation, added the accountingPeriods > organizationLabels field and its nested fileds.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an accounting period" operation, added the organizationLabels field and its nested fields.
    • In the request body of the "Create an accounting period" operation, added the organizationLabels field and its nested fields.

API updates for the Flexible Billing Attributes feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Flexible Billing Attributes feature.

  • Invoices - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the “Create a standalone invoice” operation, added the following fields:
      • billToContact and its nested fields
      • billToContactId
      • paymentTerm
      • sequenceSet
      • soldToContact and its nested fields
      • soldToContactId
      • soldToSameAsBillTo
      • templateId
    • In the request body of the "Create standalone invoices" operation, added the following fields:
      • invoices > billToContact and its nested fields
      • invoices > billToContactId
      • invoices > paymentTerm
      • invoices > sequenceSet
      • invoices > soldToContact and its nested fields
      • invoices > soldToContact
      • invoices > soldToSameAsBillTo
      • invoices > templateId

API updates for the Standalone Orders feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Standalone Orders feature.

Note: The Standalone Orders feature is in the Early Adopter phase. We are actively soliciting feedback from a small set of early adopters before releasing it as generally available. If you want to join this early adopter program, submit a request at Zuora Global Support.

  • Orders - Made the following changes:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order

      Added the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > isFromExternalCatalog
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanName
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > name
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > name
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > isFromExternalCatalog
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > ratePlanName
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > name
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > isFromExternalCatalog
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanName
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > name
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > name
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > isFromExternalCatalog
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > ratePlanName
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > name
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously

      Added the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > isFromExternalCatalog
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > ratePlanName
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > name
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > isFromExternalCatalog
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanName
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > name
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > isFromExternalCatalog
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > ratePlanName
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > name
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Added the following fields:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > isFromExternalCatalog
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanName
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > name
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > name
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > isFromExternalCatalog
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > ratePlanName
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > name
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > isFromExternalCatalog
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanName
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > name
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > name
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > isFromExternalCatalog
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > ratePlanName
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > name
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the following fields:
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > isFromExternalCatalog
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanName
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > name
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > name
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > isFromExternalCatalog
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > ratePlanName
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > name
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > isFromExternalCatalog
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanName
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > name
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > name
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > isFromExternalCatalog
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > ratePlanName
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > name
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pobPolicy
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productCategory
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productClass
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productFamily
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productLine
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeType
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > chargeModel
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > accountReceivableAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > adjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > adjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > contractAssetAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > contractLiabilityAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > contractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > deferredRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > recognizedRevenueAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > unBilledReceivablesAccountingCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > taxCode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > taxMode
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimePerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > originalListPrice
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > usagePerUnit > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > oneTimeVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > uom
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > usageVolume > uom

Other API updates

The following items are the other general API updates included in this release:

  • Delivery Adjustments - In the response body of each of the following operations, renamed the totalQuantity field to totalNumberOfDeliveries .
    • Create a delivery adjustment
    • Preview a delivery adjustment
  • Subscriptions - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the numberOfDeliveries nested field to the subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the numberOfDeliveries nested field to the ratePlans > ratePlanCharges field.
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version
  • Settings - Made the following updates:
    • Added the Specific_Days enum value to the billingPeriods parameter of the BillingPeriod setting.
    • Added the following parameters to the NumberAndSku setting:
      • creditMemoTemplateNumberPrefix
      • debitMemoTemplateNumberPrefix
      • invoiceTemplateNumberPrefix
      • productNumberPrefix
      • productRatePlanChargeNumberPrefix
      • productRatePlanNumberPrefix
      • sequenceSetNumberPrefix
      • subscriptionRatePlanNumberPrefix
    • Updated the voidTemplate parameter of each of the following settings to add the support of the null value:
      • AllTaxEngines
      • CreateGlobalTaxHubTaxEngine
      • GlobalTaxHubTaxEngine

    See 200 response sample in JSON format.

  • Aggregate Queries - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Submit an aggregate query job" operation, added the following fields:
      • sourceData
      • warehouseSize
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the sourceData field:
      • Submit an aggregate query job
      • Retrieve an aggregate query job
      • Cancel a running aggregate query job
      • Retrieve the last completed aggregate query job
  • Data Queries - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Submit a data query" operation, made the following updates:
      • Updated the description of the sourceData field to add the support of the Zuora Warehouse feature.
      • Added the warehouseSize field.
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the sourceData nested field to the data field:
      • Submit a data query
      • List data query jobs
      • Retrieve a data query job
      • Cancel a data query job

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of the "Create a product charge definition" operation, removed the productChargeDefinitionId and productChargeDefinitionNumber fields.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create a product charge definition
    • Update a product charge definition

    Made the following updates:

    • Corrected the enum values of the chargeModel field.
    • Updated the format of each of the effectiveStartDate and effectiveEndDate fields.
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve a product charge definition" operations, made the following updates:
    • Corrected the enum values of the chargeModel field.
    • Updated the format of each of the effectiveStartDate and effectiveEndDate fields.
  • In the response body of the "List product charge definitions", made the following updates:
    • Corrected the enum values of the chargeDefinitions > chargeModel field.
    • Updated the format of each of the chargeDefinitions > effectiveStartDate and chargeDefinitions > effectiveEndDate fields.
  • Updated the description of each of the recurringDelivery and recurringDeliveryBased fields to clarify the access approach. The following operations are affected:
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
    • List orders
    • Retrieve an order
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number
  • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the missing useIndexJoin nested field to the data field:
    • Submit a data query
    • List data query jobs
    • Retrieve a data query job
    • Cancel a data query job
  • In the request sample of the "Update credit memo" operation, corrected the format of the id field.
  • Updated the request sample of each of the following operations:
    • List API volume summary records
    • List billing document volume summary records
    • List payment volume summary records
  • In the response body of the "Create a payment schedule" operation, updated the description of the totalAmount field.
  • In the request body of the "Update a payment schedule" operation, added a note to the paymentOption field.

October 20, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.10.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Invoices - Made the following updates:
  • In the response body of the "List all items of an invoice" operation, added the property name* nested field to the invoiceItems > taxationItems > data field for supporting custom fields on the Invoice Taxation Item object.
  • In the response body of the "List all taxation items of an invoice item" operation, added the property name* nested field to the data field for supporting custom fields on the Invoice Taxation Item object.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • For operations in the following sections, updated the availability note to indicate that you must reach out to your CSM if you want to access the operations in the Early Adopter phase.
  • In the description of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added a note about the return order of rate plan charges in a subscription.

October 13, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.10.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for the Attribute-based Pricing feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Early Adopter announcement of the Attribute-based Pricing feature.

  • Product Rate Plan Definitions - Added a section called "Product Rate Plan Definitions", containing the following operations:
    • Create a product rate plan definition
    • Delete a product rate plan definition
    • List product rate plan definitions
    • Retrieve a product rate plan definition
  • Product Charge Definitions - Added a section called "Product Charge Definitions", containing the following operations:
    • Create a product charge definition
    • Delete a product charge definition
    • List product charge definitions
    • Retrieve a product charge definition
    • Update a product charge definition
  • Product Rate Plan Charges - Added an operation called "Retrieve a product rate plan charge" to facilitate retrieving a charge information including its charge definition information.

Other API updates

The following items are the other general API updates included in this release:

  • Custom Event Triggers - Made the following updates:
    • Updated the description of the "Custom Event Triggers" section to add the support for custom objects.
    • Updated the description of the "Create an event trigger" operation to add the support for custom objects.
    • In the request body of the "Create an event trigger" operation, updated the description of the baseObject field.
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the baseObject field:
      • Create an event trigger
      • Retrieve an event trigger
      • Update an event trigger
    • In the "List event triggers" operation, updated the description of the baseObject query parameter.
    • In the 200 response body of the "List event triggers" operation, updated the description of the data > baseObject field.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • For the "List records for a custom object" operation, removed the unsupported page query parameter.
  • In the description of the "Create an order" operation, added the description for the Scheduled Orders feature.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the descriptions of the status and schedulingOptions fields for better clarity:
    • Create an order
    • Update an order
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the descriptions of the status and schedulingOptions nested fields of the orders field for better clarity:
    • List orders
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, updated the description of the status and schedulingOptions nested fields of the order field for better clarity.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the character length of the personalEmail and workEmail fields.
    • Create a contact
    • Update a contact
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the character length of the personalEmail and workEmail fields.
    • Create a contact
    • Retrieve a contact
    • Update a contact
  • In the request body and response body of the "Create a payment" operation, removed the version control information from the paymentOption field because this field is no longer version controlled.
  • In the response body of the "List payments" operation, removed the version control information from the payments > paymentOption field description because this field is no longer version controlled.
  • Removed the version control information from the description of the paymentOption field on the Payment Schedule object and Payment Schedule Item object because these fields are no longer version controlled. The following operations are affected:
    • Create a payment schedule
    • Retrieve a payment schedule
    • Create multiple payment schedules at once
    • Add payment schedule items to a custom payment schedule
    • Update a payment schedule
    • Update a payment schedule item
    • Preview the result of payment schedule update
    • Retrieve a payment schedule item
    • List payment schedules by customer account
    • Cancel a payment schedule
    • Cancel a payment schedule item
    • Skip a payment schedule item
    • Retry failed payment schedule items
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an account" operation, updated the description of the metrics field for better clarity.

September 28, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.10.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for the Enhanced Discounts feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Enhanced Discounts feature.

  • Orders - Made the following changes:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order

      Added the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > startDate > periodsAfterChargeStart
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > startDate > startDatePolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > startDate > startPeriodsType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > endDate > endDatePolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > applyToBillingPeriodPartially
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountApplyDetails and its nested fields
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountClass
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > startDate > periodsAfterChargeStart
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > startDate > startDatePolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > startDate > startPeriodsType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > endDate > endDatePolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > applyToBillingPeriodPartially
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountApplyDetails
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountClass
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > startDate > periodsAfterChargeStart
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > startDate > startDatePolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > startDate > startPeriodsType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > endDate > endDatePolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > applyToBillingPeriodPartially
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountApplyDetails and its nested fields
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountClass
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > startDate > periodsAfterChargeStart
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > startDate > startDatePolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > startDate > startPeriodsType
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > endDate > endDatePolicy
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > applyToBillingPeriodPartially
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountApplyDetails and its nested fields
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountClass
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Added the following fields:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > startDate > periodsAfterChargeStart
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > startDate > startDatePolicy
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > startDate > startPeriodsType
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > endDate > endDatePolicy
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > applyToBillingPeriodPartially
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountApplyDetails and its nested fields
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountClass
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > startDate > periodsAfterChargeStart
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > startDate > startDatePolicy
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > startDate > startPeriodsType
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > endDate > endDatePolicy
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > applyToBillingPeriodPartially
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountApplyDetails
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountClass
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > startDate > periodsAfterChargeStart
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > startDate > startDatePolicy
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > startDate > startPeriodsType
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > endDate > endDatePolicy
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > applyToBillingPeriodPartially
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountApplyDetails and nested fields
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountClass
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > startDate > periodsAfterChargeStart
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > startDate > startDatePolicy
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > startDate > startPeriodsType
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > endDate > endDatePolicy
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > applyToBillingPeriodPartially
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountApplyDetails and its nested fields
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountClass
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the following fields:
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > startDate > periodsAfterChargeStart
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > startDate > startDatePolicy
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > startDate > startPeriodsType
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > endDate > endDatePolicy
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > applyToBillingPeriodPartially
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountApplyDetails and its nested fields
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountClass
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > startDate > periodsAfterChargeStart
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > startDate > startDatePolicy
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > startDate > startPeriodsType
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > endDate > endDatePolicy
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > applyToBillingPeriodPartially
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountApplyDetails
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountClass
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > startDate > periodsAfterChargeStart
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > startDate > startDatePolicy
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > startDate > startPeriodsType
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > endDate > endDatePolicy
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > applyToBillingPeriodPartially
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountApplyDetails and its nested fields
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountClass
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > startDate > periodsAfterChargeStart
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > startDate > startDatePolicy
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > startDate > startPeriodsType
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > endDate > endDatePolicy
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > applyToBillingPeriodPartially
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountApplyDetails and its nested fields
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > discount > discountClass
  • Subscriptions - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

      Added the following fields:

      • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > applyToBillingPeriodPartially
      • offers > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > applyToBillingPeriodPartially
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the following fields:
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > applyToBillingPeriodPartially
      • offers > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > applyToBillingPeriodPartially
  • Product Rate Plan Charges - Made the following changes:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the applyToBillingPeriodPartially field:
      • CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge
      • CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge
    • In the response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a product" operation, added the applyToBillingPeriodPartially field.

API updates for the Multiple Currencies feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Early Adopter announcement of the Multiple Currencies feature.

  • Accounts - In the response body of the "Retrieve an account" operation, added the metricsData field and its nested fields.
  • Credit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create a credit memo from a charge" operation, added the currency field.
    • In the request body of the "Create credit memos" operation, added the currency nested field to the memos field.
  • Debit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create a debit memo from a charge" operation, added currency field.
    • In the request body of the "Create debit memos" operation, added the currency nested field to the memos field.
  • Invoices - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body and response body of the "Create a standalone invoice" operation, added the currency field.
    • In the request body and response body of the "Create standalone invoices" operation, added the currency nested field to the invoices field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an invoice" operation, added the currency field.
  • Invoice Schedules - In the response body of each of the following operations, added the currency field:
    • Create an invoice schedule
    • Update an invoice schedule
    • Retrieve an invoice schedule
    • Pause an invoice schedule
    • Resume an invoice schedule
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the currency nested field to the subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription field:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the currency nested field to the order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the currency nested field to the orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription field:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

The following updates apply to the Older API Reference:

  • Orders - In the response body of the "List order metrics for an evergreen subscription" operation, added the currency nested field to the order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription field.
  • Subscriptions - In the response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a subscription" operation, added the Currency field.

Other API updates

The following items are the other general API updates included in this release:

  • Product Rate Plans - Changed the endpoint of the "List all product rate plans of a product" operation from /v1/rateplan/{product-key}/productRatePlan to /v1/products/{product-key}/product-rate-plans . Note that if you have integrated with the /v1/rateplan/{product-key}/productRatePlan endpoint, you do not need to make any update for this change because the previous endpoint is still supported for backward compatibility.
  • Payments - Made the following changes:
    • In the request body of the "Refund a payment with auto-unapplying" operation, added the following fields:
      • writeOff
      • writeOffOptions and its nested fields
    • In the response body of the "Refund a payment with auto-unapplying" operation, added the writeOffResults field and its nested fields.
    • In the request body of the "Create a payment" operation, added the paymentGatewayNumber field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the paymentGatewayNumber field.
      • Create a payment
      • Update a payment
      • Retrieve a payment
      • Transfer a payment
      • Apply a payment
      • Cancel a payment
      • Refund a payment
      • Unapply a payment
      • Refund a payment with auto-unapplying
    • In the response body of the "List payments" operation, added the paymentGatewayNumber nested field to the payments field.
  • Payment Runs - In the request body of the "Create a payment run" operation, added the dataItems field and its nested fields.
  • Settings - Added the copyBillingAttributesFromAccountForStandaloneInvoice parameter to the BillingRules setting.

    See 200 response sample in JSON format.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Product Rate Plan Charges - In the request body of the "CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge" operation and the "CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge" operation, added the following missing fields:
    • IsAllocationEligible
    • IsUnbilled
    • ProductCategory
    • ProductClass
    • ProductFamily
    • ProductLine

September 22, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.10.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Settings - Made the following updates:
    • Added the support for GET and POST methods to the AllSummaryStatementTemplates setting.
    • Added the support for POST method to the SummaryStatementTemplatesReplacements setting.
    • Added the support for GET, PUT, and DELETE methods to the SummaryStatementTemplate setting.
    • Added the following parameters to the AuditTrailSettings setting:
      • advancedSMTPServerSetting
      • calloutOption
      • campaignDefinition
      • communicationProfile
      • customEvent
      • customScheduledEvent
      • emailTemplate
      • notificationDefinition
      • oauth2Provider
    • Added the following parameters to the AllTaxEngines setting:
      • accessTokenUrl
      • authenticationType
      • clientId
      • clientSecret
      • description
      • networkOpenTimeoutInSeconds
      • networkReadTimeoutInSeconds
      • password
      • requestHeaders
      • requestTemplate
      • responseMappings
      • securityToken
      • sellerInfo
      • url
      • vendor
      • voidTemplate
      • voidUrl
    • Added the GlobalTaxHub enum value to the taxEngineType parameter of the AllTaxEngines setting.
    • For each of the following settings:
      • CreateGlobalTaxHubTaxEngine
      • GlobalTaxHubTaxEngine

      Made the following updates:

      • Added the following parameters:
        • securityToken
        • sellerInfo
      • Added the ConnectTaxEngine enum value to the taxEngineType parameter.
      • Added the PrivateToken enum value to the authenticationType parameter.
      • Added the following enum values to the vendor parameter:
        • Anrok
        • AvaTax
        • OneSource_SOAP
        • SovosTaxware
        • SureTax_REST
        • SureTax_SOAP
        • Taxamo
        • Vertex_REST
        • Vertex_SOAP

    See 200 response sample in JSON format and 200 response sample in CSV format.

September 15, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.09.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for the Prepaid with Drawdown feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Prepaid with Drawdown feature.

  • Prepaid with Drawdown - Added a section called "Prepaid with Drawdown", containing the following operations:
    • Trigger fund rollover
    • Reverse fund rollover
  • Subscriptions - Made the following changes:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

      Added the following fields:

      • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > rolloverPeriodLength
      • offers > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > rolloverPeriodLength
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the following field:
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > rolloverPeriodLength
      • offers > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > rolloverPeriodLength
  • Product Rate Plan Charges - In the request body of each of the following operations, added the rolloverPeriodLength field:
    • CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge
    • CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge
  • Product Rate Plans - In the response body of the "List all product rate plans of a product" operation, added the productRatePlans > productRatePlanCharges > rolloverPeriodLength field.
  • Orders - Made the following changes:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order

      Added the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Added the following fields:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the following fields:
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriodLength

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Renamed the "List all delivery adjustments of the latest version subscription" operation to "List all delivery adjustments of a subscription" and updated the description of the operation.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > effectivePolicy field for better clarity:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously
  • In the request body of the "Update a subscription" operation, updated the description of the change > effectivePolicy field for better clarity.
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • Retrieve a subscription by key
    • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

    Updated the description of each of the following fields to remove the WSDL version information:

    • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > isRollover
    • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > rolloverApply
    • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > rolloverPeriods
    • offers > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > isRollover
    • offers > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > rolloverApply
    • offers > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > rolloverPeriods
  • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the following field:
    • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > isRollover
    • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > rolloverApply
    • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > rolloverPeriods
    • offers > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > isRollover
    • offers > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > rolloverApply
    • offers > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > rolloverPeriods
  • In the response body of the "List all product rate plans of a product" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields to remove the WSDL version information:
    • productRatePlans > productRatePlanCharges > isRollover
    • productRatePlans > productRatePlanCharges > rolloverApply
    • productRatePlans > productRatePlanCharges > rolloverPeriods
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order

    Updated the description of each of the following fields to remove the WSDL version information:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > isRollover
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > isRollover
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > isRollover
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > rolloverApply
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > rolloverApply
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > rolloverApply
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriods
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriods
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriods
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number

    Updated the description of each of the following fields to remove the WSDL version information:

    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > isRollover
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > isRollover
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > isRollover
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > rolloverApply
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > rolloverApply
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > rolloverApply
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriods
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriods
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriods
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields to remove the WSDL version information:
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > isRollover
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > isRollover
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > isRollover
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > rolloverApply
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > rolloverApply
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > rolloverApply
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriods
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriods
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > rolloverPeriods
  • In the request body of the "Update subscription custom fields" operation, made the following updates:
    • Added the missing chargeId nested field to the ratePlans > charges field.
    • Added the missing description for the ratePlans > charges > chargeNumber field.

September 11, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.09.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for the Asynchronous Payment Statuses feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Asynchronous Payment Statuses feature.

  • Payments - In the response body of the "Create a payment" operation, updated the description of the status field for a system behavior change.
  • Payment Gateway Reconciliation - Updated the description of each of the following operations for a system behavior change:
    • Settle a payment
    • Reject a payment
    • Reverse a payment

API updates for customer batches

The following items are the API updates specific to the limit on the number of batches.

  • Accounts - In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the batch field to increase the limit on the number of account batches from 50 to 200:
    • Create an account
    • Update an account
  • Bill Run - In the request body of the "Create a bill run" operation, updated the description of the batches field to increase the limit on the number of account batches from 50 to 200.
  • Billing Preview Run - In the request body of the "Create a billing preview run" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields to increase the limit on the number of account batches from 50 to 200.
    • batch
    • batches
  • Payment Runs - In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the batch field to increase the limit on the number of account batches from 50 to 200:
    • Create a payment run
    • Update a payment run
  • Orders - In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the newAccount > batch field to increase the limit on the number of account batches from 50 to 200:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
  • Sign Up - In the request body of each of the following operation, updated the description of the accountData > batch field to increase the limit on the number of account batches from 50 to 200.

The following updates applies to the Older API Reference:

  • Actions - In the request body of the "Subscribe" action, pdated the description of the subscribes > Account > Batch field to increase the limit on the number of account batches from 50 to 200.
  • Accounts - In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the Batch field to increase the limit on the number of account batches from 50 to 200:
    • CRUD: Create an account
    • CRUD: Update an account
  • Bill Run - In the request body of the "Create a bill run" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields to increase the limit on the number of account batches from 50 to 200.
    • Batch
    • Batches

Other API updates

The following items are the other general API updates included in this release:

  • Catalog - Changed the endpoint of the "Retrieve a product" operation from /v1/catalog/product/{product-key} to /v1/catalog/products/{product-key} . Note that if you have integrated with the /v1/catalog/product/{product-key} endpoint, you do not need to make any update for this change because the previous endpoint is still supported for backward compatibility.
  • Accounts - In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, added the screeningAmount nested field to the paymentMethod field.
  • Payment Methods - Made the following updates:
    • Added the following operations:
      • Register an Apple Pay domain
      • List registered Apple Pay domains
      • Unregister an Apple Pay domain
    • In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, added the screeningAmount field.
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the screeningAmount nested field to the newAccount > paymentMethod field:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added a query parameter called status , which supports for listing orders by status:
      • List orders
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
  • Delivery Adjustments - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "List all delivery adjustments of the latest version subscription" operation, added the debitMemoNumber nested field to the adjustments field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a delivery adjustment" operation, added the debitMemoNumber field.
    • In the source YAML file, added the GETAdjustmentByIdResponseType definition, and updated the response body schema reference of each of the following operations to this definition:
      • List all delivery adjustments of the latest version subscription
      • Retrieve a delivery adjustment
  • Invoices - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the “Create a standalone invoice” operation, updated the description of the invoiceNumber field to support purely numerical prefixes or prefixes ending with a number.
    • In the request body of the "Create standalone invoices" operation, updated the description of the invoices > invoiceNumber field to support purely numerical prefixes or prefixes ending with a number.
  • Price book items - Updated the availability note for the following operations. Now you need to submit a request at Zuora Global Support to use these operations.
    • Create a price book item
    • Update a price book item
    • List all price book items
    • Retrieve a price book item
    • Delete a price book item
  • Settings - Made the following updates:
    • Updated the pattern value of the batch parameter of the BatchAliases setting.
    • Added the templateNumber parameter to each of the following settings:
      • InvoiceTemplate
      • CreditMemoTemplate
      • DebitMemoTemplate
      • AllInvoiceTemplates
      • AllCreditMemoTemplates
      • AllDebitMemoTemplates

    See 200 response sample in JSON format.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Renamed the "Adjustments" section to "Delivery Adjustments", and updated the name for each specific operation to be as follows:
    • Create a delivery adjustment
    • List all delivery adjustments of the latest version subscription
    • Retrieve a delivery adjustment
    • Preview a delivery adjustment
    • Cancel a delivery adjustment
  • In the request body of the "Create a bill run" operation, added the missing billRunType field.
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • Submit an aggregate query job
    • Retrieve an aggregate query job
    • Cancel a running aggregate query job
    • Retrieve the last completed aggregate query job

    Made the following updates:

    • Removed the unsupported pending enum value from the status field.
    • Added the following missing enum values to the status field:
      • submitted
      • error
    • Updated the description of the status field for better clarity.
    • Removed the unsupported cancelled enum value from the batches > status field.
    • Added the following missing enum values to the batches > status field:
      • submitted
      • deleted_notallowed
    • Updated the description of the batches > status field for better clarity.

September 1, 2023

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the effectiveDate field:
    • Apply a payment
    • Unapply a payment
  • In the request body of the "Refund a payment with auto-applying" operation, updated the description of the totalAmount field.
  • In the request body of the "Retry failed payment schedule items" operation, updated the description of the items field.
  • For the fields that are affected by minor versions , updated the description for each field in all API operations.
  • In the request body of the "CRUD: Update a payment" operation in the Older API Reference, removed the following unsupported fields:
    • AccountId
    • Amount
    • PaymentMethodId
    • ReferenceId
    • Type
    • EffectiveDate

August 25, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.08.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Adjustments - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, renamed the adjustments > memoNumber field to adjustments > creditMemoNumber :
      • Create an adjustment
      • List all adjustments of the latest version subscription
      • Preview an adjustment
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an adjustment" operation, renamed the memoNumber field to creditMemoNumber .

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Updated the description of the "Minor Version History" section to list all supported minor versions for bettery clarity.

August 18, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.08.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

Doc updates for the Flexible Billing Attributes feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Flexible Billing Attributes feature.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > billToContactId
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > paymentTerm
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > invoiceTemplateId
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > sequenceSetId
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > soldToContactId
    • subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > billToContactId
    • subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > paymentTerm
    • subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > invoiceTemplateId
    • subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > sequenceSetId
    • subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > soldToContactId
    • subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > billToContactId
    • subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > paymentTerm
    • subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > invoiceTemplateId
    • subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > sequenceSetId
    • subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > soldToContactId
    • subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > billToContactId
    • subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > paymentTerm
    • subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > invoiceTemplateId
    • subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > sequenceSetId
    • subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > soldToContactId
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • Retrieve an order
    • List order metrics for an evergreen subscription (in the Older API Reference)

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > billToContactId
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > paymentTerm
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > invoiceTemplateId
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > sequenceSetId
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > soldToContactId
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > billToContactId
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > paymentTerm
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > invoiceTemplateId
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > sequenceSetId
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > soldToContactId
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > billToContactId
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > paymentTerm
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > invoiceTemplateId
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > sequenceSetId
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > soldToContactId
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > billToContactId
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > paymentTerm
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > invoiceTemplateId
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > sequenceSetId
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > soldToContactId
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > billToContactId
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > paymentTerm
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > invoiceTemplateId
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > sequenceSetId
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > soldToContactId
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > billToContactId
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > paymentTerm
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > invoiceTemplateId
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > sequenceSetId
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > soldToContactId
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > billToContactId
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > paymentTerm
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > invoiceTemplateId
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > sequenceSetId
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > soldToContactId
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > billToContactId
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > paymentTerm
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > invoiceTemplateId
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > sequenceSetId
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > soldToContactId
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • Retrieve a subscription by key
    • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • billToContact
    • paymentTerm
    • invoiceTemplateId
    • invoiceTemplateName
    • sequenceSetId
    • sequenceSetName
    • soldToContact
  • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • subscriptions > billToContactId
    • subscriptions > paymentTerm
    • subscriptions > invoiceTemplateId
    • subscriptions > invoiceTemplateName
    • subscriptions > sequenceSetId
    • subscriptions > sequenceSetName
    • subscriptions > soldToContact

The following updates applies to the Older API Reference:

  • In the response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a subscription" operation, updated the description of the PaymentTerm field for better clarity.

Other doc updates

The following items are the other general documentation updates included in this release:

  • For each of the following operations, updated the description of the SpecificListPriceBase field to indicate that you must set the X-Zuora-WSDL-Version request header to 129 or later to use this field:
    • "CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge" operation: request body
    • "CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge" operation: request body
    • "CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation: 200 response body

August 14, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.08.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Product Rate Plans - Increased the character limit of the Name field from 100 to 255 in the following operations:
    • "CRUD: Create a product rate plan" operation: request body
    • "CRUD: Update a product rate plan" operation: request body
    • "CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan" operation: 200 response body
  • Payments - In the request body of the "Update a payment" operation, added the gatewayState field.
  • Accounts - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "List payment methods of an account" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for a system behavior change:
      • returnedPaymentMethodType > appleCardType
      • returnedPaymentMethodType > googleCardType
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve the default payment method of an account" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for a system behavior change:
      • appleCardType
      • googleCardType
  • Payment Methods - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a payment method" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for a system behavior change:
      • appleCardType
      • googleCardType
    • In the request body of the "Update a payment method" operation, added the accountKey field.
  • Billing Preview Run - For the "Create a billing preview run" operation, made the following updates for behavior enhancements:
    • In the description of the operation, stated that the maximum supported preview duration is 20 years.
    • In the request body, updated the description of the targetDate field by stating that the value for this field must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Rate Plans - In the response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a rate plan" operation, added the OriginalRatePlanId field. This change applies to the Older API Reference.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • For each of the following operations:
    • "CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge" operation: request body
    • "CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge" operation: request body
    • "CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation: 200 response body

    Corrected the format for the enum values of each of the following fields:

    • ApplyDiscountTo
    • BillCycleType
    • BillingPeriod
    • BillingPeriodAlignment
    • BillingTiming
    • ChargeModel
    • ChargeType (not applicable for the "CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge" operation)
    • DiscountLevel
    • EndDateCondition
    • OverageCalculationOption
    • OverageUnusedUnitsCreditOption
    • PriceChangeOption
    • RatingGroup
    • RevRecTriggerCondition
    • RevenueRecognitionRuleName
    • SmoothingModel
    • TaxMode
    • TriggerEvent
    • UpToPeriodsType
    • WeeklyBillCycleDay
  • In the response body of each of the "Query" and "QueryMore" actions, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • done
    • queryLocator
    • records
    • size
  • In the request body of the "QueryMore" action, updated the description of the queryLocator field.

August 4, 2023

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of the "Create an order" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • processingOptions > refund
    • processingOptions > writeOff
  • In the "API Health" section, updated the time limit to view the API data from 7 days to 14 days.
  • In the "Refund a payment with auto-unapplying" operation, made the following changes:
    • Corrected the endpoint to /v1/payments/{paymentKey}/refunds/unapply .
    • Removed the unsupported customRates field from the request body and the request sample.

July 31, 2023

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the response body of each of the following operations, removed the incorrect availability note from the description of the orderLineItem > sequenceSetId field:
    • Retrieve an order line item
    • Update order line items
  • In the request body of the "Update an order line item" operation, removed the incorrect availability note from the description of the sequenceSetId field.
  • In the request body of the "Update order line items" operation, removed the incorrect availability note from the description of the orderLineItems > sequenceSetId field.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, removed the incorrect availability note from the description of the orderLineItems > sequenceSetId field:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, removed the incorrect availability note from the description of the orders > orderLineItems > sequenceSetId field:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, removed the incorrect availability note from the description of the order > orderLineItems > sequenceSetId field.

July 28, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.07.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Settings - Made the following updates:
    • Added the support for the GET and PUT methods to the SafeHtmlSetting setting.
    • Added the enableCustomPaymentNumber parameter to the PaymentRules setting.
    • Added the following parameters to the BillingRules setting:
      • autoRenewalBillRun
      • catchUpBillRun
      • copyBillingAttributesFromAccount
      • customerHierarchy
      • recurringCreditProrationOption
      • taxPreview

    See 200 response sample in JSON format and 200 response sample in CSV format.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the description of the "Run a workflow" operation, emphasized that the following parameters cannot be used in the request body:
    • controller
    • action
    • id
    • user_email
    • user_token
    • format
  • In the request body of the "Update a fulfillment" operation, removed the unsupported fulfillment field and corrected the location of each of the following fields:
    • orderLineItemId
    • fulfillmentDate
    • fulfillmentType
    • quantity
    • state
    • billTargetDate
    • description
    • trackingNumber
    • carrier
    • fulfillmentSystem
    • fulfillmentLocation
    • externalId
    • excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
    • customFields
  • In the request body of the "Update a fulfillment item" operation, removed the unsupported fulfillmentItem field and corrected the location of each of the following fields:
    • customFields
    • description
    • itemIdentifier
  • In the request body of the "Create a draft custom payment method type" operation, fixed the broken link in the description of the entityId field.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, corrected the data type of the orderLineItems > productRatePlanChargeId field:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, corrected the data type of the orders > orderLineItems > productRatePlanChargeId field:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, corrected the data type of the order > orderLineItems > productRatePlanChargeId field.
  • In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, removed the default property from the invoiceCollect field and updated the field description for better clarity.
  • In the table of the "API Names for Zuora Objects" section, added the following missing objects and their corresponding API names:
    • Billing Preview Run
    • Invoice Schedule Item

July 24, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.07.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for the Reseller Account feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Reseller Account feature.

  • Accounts - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the partnerAccount field:
      • Create an account
      • Update an account
    • In the response body of each of the "Retrieve an account" and "Retrieve an account summary" operations, added the following fields:
      • basicInfo > partnerAccount
      • basicInfo > lastMetricsUpdate
  • Orders - In the request body of each of the following operation, added the partnerAccount nested field to the newAccount field:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order

The following updates applies to the Older API Reference:

  • Accounts - Made the following updates:
    • For each of the following operations, added the X-Zuora-WSDL-Version request header parameter and the PartnerAccount field in the request body:
      • CRUD: Create an account
      • CRUD: Update an account
    • For the "CRUD: Retrieve an account" operation, added the X-Zuora-WSDL-Version request header parameter and the following fields in the response body:
      • PartnerAccount
      • LastMetricsUpdate

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the response body of the "List stored credential profiles of a payment method" operation, corrected the type of the profiles field to array .

July 18, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.07.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for automatic creation of stored credential profiles

The following items are the API updates specific to the support for creating stored credential profiles automatically when creating payment methods.

  • Payment Methods - In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create a payment method
    • Create an Apple Pay payment method

    Added the support for the automatic creation of stored credential profiles to the description of each of the following fields:

    • mitProfileAction
    • mitProfileType
    • mitConsentAgreementSrc
  • Accounts - In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, added the support for the automatic creation of stored credential profiles to the description of each of the following fields:
    • paymentMethod > mitProfileAction
    • paymentMethod > mitProfileType
    • paymentMethod > mitConsentAgreementSrc
  • Orders - In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously

    Added the support for the automatic creation of stored credential profiles to the description of each of the following fields:

    • newAccount > paymentMethod > mitProfileAction
    • newAccount > paymentMethod > mitProfileType
    • newAccount > paymentMethod > mitConsentAgreementSrc
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > newSubscriptionOwnerAccount > paymentMethod > mitProfileAction
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > newSubscriptionOwnerAccount > paymentMethod > mitProfileType
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > newSubscriptionOwnerAccount > paymentMethod > mitConsentAgreementSrc
  • Sign Up - In the request body of the "Sign up" operation, added the support for the automatic creation of stored credential profiles to the description of each of the following fields:
    • accountData > paymentMethod > mitProfileAction
    • accountData > paymentMethod > mitProfileType
    • accountData > paymentMethod > mitConsentAgreementSrc

The following updates apply to the Older API Reference:

  • Actions - In the request body of the "Subscribe" action, added the support for the automatic creation of stored credential profiles to the description of each of the following fields:
    • subscribes > PaymentMethod > MitProfileAction
    • subscribes > PaymentMethod > MitProfileType
    • subscribes > PaymentMethod > MitConsentAgreementSrc
  • Payment Methods - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create a credit card payment method" operation, added the support for the automatic creation of stored credential profiles to the description of each of the following fields:
      • mitProfileAction
      • mitProfileType
      • mitConsentAgreementSrc
    • In the request body of the "CRUD: Create a payment method" operation, added the support for the automatic creation of stored credential profiles to the description of each of the following fields:
      • MitProfileAction
      • MitProfileType
      • MitConsentAgreementSrc

API updates for natural keys of product catelog objects

The following natural keys are removed from several operations in this release due to some issues:

  • Products - In the 200 response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a product" operation, removed the ProductNumber field.
  • Product Rate Plans - In the 200 response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan" operation, removed the ProductRatePlanNumber field.
  • Product Rate Plan Charges - In the 200 response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, removed the ProductRatePlanChargeNumber field.

The following natural keys are added:

  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order

      Added the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > productRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > productRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > productRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > productRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > productRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > productRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > ratePlanUpdates > productRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > ratePlanUpdates > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > productRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > productRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > productRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously

      Added the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > productRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > productRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > productRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > productRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > productRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > productRatePlanNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Added the following fields:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > productRatePlanNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > productRatePlanNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > productRatePlanNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > productRatePlanNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > productRatePlanNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > productRatePlanNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > ratePlanUpdates > productRatePlanNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > ratePlanUpdates > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > productRatePlanNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > productRatePlanNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > productRatePlanNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the following fields:
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > productRatePlanNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > productRatePlanNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > productRatePlanNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > productRatePlanNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > productRatePlanNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > productRatePlanNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > ratePlanUpdates > productRatePlanNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > ratePlanUpdates > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > productRatePlanNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > productRatePlanNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > productRatePlanNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber

API updates for the Billing Schedule feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Billing Schedule feature.

  • Invoice Schedules - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an invoice schedule
      • Update an invoice schedule

      Added the following fields for supporting custom fields:

      • property name*
      • scheduleItems > property name*
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an invoice schedule
      • Update an invoice schedule
      • Retrieve an invoice schedule
      • Pause an invoice schedule
      • Resume an invoice schedule

      Added the following fields for supporting custom fields:

      • property name*
      • scheduleItems > property name*

API updates for the Annual List Price feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the General Availability announcement of the Annual List Price feature.

  • Accounts - In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, removed the availability note from the description of the subscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > listPriceBase field.
  • Offers - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create an offer" operation, removed the availability note from the description of the productRatePlans > chargeOverrides > prices > listPriceBase field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an offer" operation, removed the availability note from the description of the productRatePlanCharges > priceBookItems > listPriceBase field.
  • Price Book Items - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "List price book items" operation, removed the availability note from the description of the offers > productRatePlanCharges > priceBookItems > listPriceBase field.
    • In the request body and response body of each of the following operations, removed the availability note from the description of the listPriceBase field:
      • Create a price book item
      • Update a price book item
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a price book item" operation, removed the availability note from the description of the listPriceBase field.
    • In the response body of the "List price book items" operation, removed the availability note from the description of the priceBookItems > listPriceBase field.
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously
      • Update an order

      Removed the availability note from the description of each of the following fields:

      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order

      Removed the availability note from the description of each of the following fields:

      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Retrieve an order
      • List order metrics for an evergreen subscription (in the Older API Reference)

      Removed the availability note from the description of each of the following fields:

      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Removed the availability note from the description of each of the following fields:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create a subscription
      • Preview a subscription

      Removed the availability note from the description of the subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > listPriceBase field.

    • In the request body of the "Update a subscription" operation, removed the availability note from the description of each of the following fields:
      • add > chargeOverrides > listPriceBase
      • change > chargeOverrides > listPriceBase
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

      Removed the availability note from the description of the ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > listPriceBase field.

    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, removed the availability note from the description of the subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > listPriceBase field.
  • Product Rate Plan Charges - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, removed the availability note from the description of the ListPriceBase field:
      • CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge
      • CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge
    • In the response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, removed the availability note from the description of the ListPriceBase field.
  • Product Rate Plans - In the response body of the "List all product rate plans of a product" operation, removed the availability note from the description of each of the productRatePlans > productRatePlanCharges > listPriceBase field.
  • Rate Plans - In the response body of the "Retrieve a rate plan" operation, removed the availability note from the description of each of the following fields:
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase

The following updates applies to the Older API Reference:

  • Actions - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Amend" action, removed the availability note from the description of the requests > Amendments > RatePlanData > RatePlanChargeData > RatePlanCharge > ListPriceBase field.
    • In the request body of the "Subscribe" action, removed the availability note from the description of the subscribes > SubscriptionData > RatePlanData > RatePlanChargeData > RatePlanCharge > ListPriceBase field.
  • Rate Plan Charges - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "CRUD: Update a rate plan charge" operation, removed the availability note from the description of each of the ListPriceBase field.
    • In the response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a rate plan charge" operation, removed the availability note from the description of each of the ListPriceBase field.

Other API updates

The following items are the other general API updates included in this release:

  • Adjustments - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create an adjustment" operation, added the exclusion and accountNumber fields.
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, changed the subscriptionNumber field from required to optional:
      • Create an adjustment
      • Preview an adjustment
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, renamed the id nested field to adjustmentId for the adjustments and ineligibleAdjustments fields:
      • Create an adjustment
      • Preview an adjustment
    • In the response body of the "List all adjustments of the latest version subscription" operation, renamed the id nested field to adjustmentId for the adjustments field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an adjustment" operation, renamed the id field to adjustmentId .
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an adjustment
      • Preview an adjustment

      Updated the description of each of the following fields:

      • adjustments > status
      • ineligibleAdjustments > status
    • In the response body of the "List all adjustments of the latest version subscription" operation, updated the description of the adjustments > status field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an adjustment" operation, updated the description of the status field.
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an adjustment
      • Preview an adjustment

      Updated the description of each of the following fields:

      • adjustments > billingDate
      • ineligibleAdjustments > billingDate
    • In the response body of the "List all adjustments of the latest version subscription" operation, updated the description of the adjustments > billingDate field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an adjustment" operation, updated the description of the billingDate field.
  • Accounts - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an account
      • Update an account

      Made the following changes:

      • Added the profileNumber field.
      • Updated the description of the communicationProfileId field for the compatibility with the profileNumber field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an account" operation, made the following changes:
      • Added the basicInfo > profileNumber field.
      • Updated the description of the basicInfo > communicationProfileId field for the compatibility with the profileNumber field.
  • API Health - Added a section called "API Health", containing the "Retrieve API volume summary records" operation.
  • Bill Run Health - Added a section called "Bill Run Health", containing the "Retrieve billing documents volume summary records" operation.
  • Electronic Payments Health - Added a section called "Electronic Payments Health", containing the "Retrieve payments volume summary records" operation.
  • Payment Method Updater - Added a section called "Payment Method Updater", containing the following operations:
    • Create a Payment Method Updater batch asynchronously
    • List Payment Method Updater instances
  • Custom Object Jobs - Made the following updates:
    • Updated the description of the "Custom Object Jobs" section to add the support for updating custom object records in bulk.
    • Updated the description of the "Submit a custom object bulk job" operation to add the support for updating custom object records in bulk.
    • In the request body of the "Submit a custom object bulk job" operation, added the update enum value to the operation field.
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the update enum value to the operation field:
      • Submit a custom object bulk job
      • Retrieve a custom object bulk job
      • Upload a file for a custom object bulk job
      • Cancel a custom object bulk job
    • In the 200 response body of the "List all custom object bulk jobs" operation, added the update enum value to the jobs > operation field:
  • Bill Run - In the description of the "Delete a bill run", added support for deleting bill runs in Error status.
  • Invoices - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create a standalone invoice" operation, added the invoiceNumber field to 32 characters.
    • In the request body of the "Create standalone invoices" operation, increased the character limit on the invoices > invoiceNumber field to 32 characters.
  • Order Line Items - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the orderLineItem > sequenceSetId field:
      • Retrieve an order line item
      • Update order line items
    • In the request body of the "Update an order line item" operation, added the sequenceSetId field.
    • In the request body of the "Update order line items" operation, added the orderLineItems > sequenceSetId field.
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the orderLineItems > sequenceSetId field:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the orderLineItems > sequenceSetId field:
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the orders > orderLineItem > sequenceSetId field:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the order > orderLineItem > sequenceSetId field.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of the "Preview an order" operation, added the following missing fields:
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
  • In the request body of the "Preview an order asynchronously“ operation, added the following missing fields:
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > excludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
    • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
  • In the request body and response body of the Payment Schedules operations, corrected the description of the paymentOption field.
  • In the request body and response body of the "Create a payment" operation, corrected the description of the paymentOption field.
  • In the response body of the "List payments" operation, corrected the description of the payments > paymentOption field.

July 7, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.07.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Adjustments - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, removed the billingDate field:
      • Create an adjustment
      • Preview an adjustment
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the memoNumber nested field to the adjustments field:
      • Create an adjustment
      • List all adjustments of the latest version subscription
      • Preview an adjustment
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an adjustment" operation, added the memoNumber field.
    • In the response body of the "Cancel an adjustment" operation, added the debitMemoNumber field.
  • Payment Authorization - In the description of each of the following operations, added SaferPay as a supported payment gateway integration:
    • Create authorization
    • Cancel authorization
  • Order Line Items - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Retrieve an order line item
      • Update order line items

      Added the following fields:

      • orderLineItem > isAllocationEligible
      • orderLineItem > isUnbilled
    • In the request body of the "Update an order line item" operation, added the following fields:
      • isAllocationEligible
      • isUnbilled
    • In the request body of the "Update order line items" operation, added the following fields:
      • orderLineItems > isAllocationEligible
      • orderLineItems > isUnbilled
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order

      Added the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
      • subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
      • orderLineItems > isAllocationEligible
      • orderLineItems > isUnbilled
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously

      Added the following fields:

      • orderLineItems > isAllocationEligible
      • orderLineItems > isUnbilled
    • In the response body of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Added the following fields:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
      • orders > orderLineItem > isAllocationEligible
      • orders > orderLineItem > isUnbilled
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the following fields:
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
      • order > orderLineItem > isAllocationEligible
      • order > orderLineItem > isUnbilled
  • Product Rate Plans - In the response body of the "List all product rate plans of a product" operation, added the following fields:
    • productRatePlans > productRatePlanCharges > isAllocationEligible
    • productRatePlans > productRatePlanCharges > isUnbilled
  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Preview a subscription
      • Create a subscription

      Added the following fields:

      • subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
      • subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
      • subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • subscribeToRatePlans > productRatePlanNumber
    • In the request body of the "Update a subscription" operation, added the following fields:
      • add > chargeOverrides > isAllocationEligible
      • add > chargeOverrides > isUnbilled
      • add > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • add > productRatePlanNumber
      • change > chargeOverrides > productRatePlanChargeNumber
      • change > productRatePlanNumber
      • remove > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • remove > productRatePlanNumber
      • update > subscriptionRatePlanNumber
      • update > productRatePlanNumber
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the following fields:
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > isAllocationEligible
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > isUnbilled
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > productCategory
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > productClass
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > productFamily
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > productLine
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

      Added the following fields:

      • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > isAllocationEligible
      • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > isUnbilled
      • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > productCategory
      • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > productClass
      • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > productFamily
      • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > productLine

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the "Payment Schedules" section, updated the description of all operations for the self-service interface.
  • In the "Adjustments" section, updated the description of this section and all operations for the self-service interface.
  • Updated the description of the "Create a payment" operation for the self-service interface.

June 30, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.06.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Orders - In the request body of each of the following operations, added the Specific_Days enum value to the subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > billing > billingPeriod field:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
  • Product Rate Plan Charges - In the request body of each of the following operations, added the Specific Days enum value to the BillingPeriod field:
    • CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge
    • CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the description of the "Create a payment method" operation, removed the Early Adopter note for each of the following features because these features are generally available:
    • Google Pay on Adyen Integration v2.0
    • Google Pay on Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway
    • PayPal Commerce Platform payment gateway integration

June 26, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.06.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for natural key support of product catalog objects

To support natural keys in product catalog, the following fields are added to different objects, which involves various operations.

  • Products - Made the following updates:
    • In the 200 response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a product" operation, added the ProductNumber field.
    • In the request body of the following operations, added the ProductNumber field:
      • CRUD: Create a product
      • CRUD: Update a product
  • Catalog - Made the following updates:
    • In the 200 response body of the "List all products" operation, added the products > productNumber field.
    • In the 200 response body of the "Retrieve a product" operation, added the productNumber field.
  • Product Rate Plans - Made the following updates:
    • In the 200 response body of the "List all product rate plans of a product" operation, added the productRatePlans > productRatePlanNumber field.
    • In the 200 response body of the "Retrieve a product rate plan by ID" operation, added the productRatePlanNumber field.
    • In the 200 response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan" operation, added the ProductRatePlanNumber field.
    • In the request body of the following operations, added the ProductRatePlanNumber field:
      • CRUD: Create a product rate plan
      • CRUD: Update a product rate plan
  • Product Rate Plan Charges - Made the following updates:
    • In the 200 response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, added the ProductRatePlanChargeNumber field.
    • In the request body of the following operations, added the ProductRatePlanChargeNumber field:
      • CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge
      • CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge

Other API updates

The following items are the other general API updates included in this release:

  • Contacts - Added the following operations:
    • Create a contact
    • Retrieve a contact
    • Update a contact
    • Delete a contact
  • Custom Event Triggers - In the description of the "Create an event trigger" operation, added UpdaterDetail to the supported base object list.
  • Custom Object Definitions - Made the following updates:
    • Updated the description of the "Create custom object definitions" operation to clarify the maximum number of multiselect options.
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations:
      • List custom object definitions
      • Create custom object definitions

      Made the following updates:

      • Updated the description of the definitions > property name* > schema > properties > property name* > maxLength field for better clarity.
      • Added the following fields:
        • definitions > property name* > schema > properties > property name* > displayName
        • definitions > property name* > schema > properties > property name* > multiselect
    • In the request body of the "Create custom object definitions" operation, made the following updates:
      • Updated the description of the definitions > property name* > properties > property name* > maxLength field for better clarity.
      • Added the following fields:
        • definitions > property name* > properties > property name* > displayName
        • definitions > property name* > properties > property name* > multiselect
    • In the 200 response body of the "Retrieve a custom object definition" operation, made the following updates:
      • Updated the description of the schema > properties > property name* > maxLength field for better clarity.
      • Added the following fields:
        • schema > properties > property name* > displayName
        • schema > properties > property name* > multiselect
    • In the request body and 200 response body of the "Update a custom object definition" operation, made the following updates:
      • Updated the description of the actions > field > definition > maxLength field for better clarity.
      • Added the following fields:
        • actions > field > definition > displayName
        • actions > field > definition > multiselect
  • Describe - For the "Describe an object" operation, added a query parameter called showCurrencyConversionInformation , which gives additional information about currency conversion.
  • Payments - Added an operation called "Refund a payment with auto-unapplying".
  • Invoice Schedules - In the request body of the "Create an invoice schedule" operation, added support for specifying blank dates to the description of the scheduleItems > runDate field.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of the "Create an order" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • processingOptions > refund
    • processingOptions > writeOff
  • Updated the description of each of the following operations:
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
  • In the description of the "Update an account" operation, corrected the information about the email addresses and email delivery preference.
  • Updated the description of the "Upload a file for a custom object bulk job" operation for better clarity.
  • Relocated the following operations from the REST API Reference to the Older API Reference:
    • CRUD: Create a contact
    • CRUD: Retrieve a contact
    • CRUD: Update a contact
    • CRUD: Delete a contact

June 16, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.06.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Payment Methods - In the request body of the "Create an Apple Pay payment method" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields by adding the support for Stripe v2 payment gateway integration:
    • mitConsentAgreementSrc
    • mitProfileAction
    • mitProfileType

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the missing orderDate field:
    • Renew a subscription
    • Cancel a subscription
    • Suspend a subscription
    • Resume a subscription
  • In the description of each of the following operations, added the missing description for the billing preview behavior:
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously
  • In the request body and response body of each of the following operations, renamed the consolidateBillingDocuments field to invoiceSeparately :
    • Create an invoice schedule
    • Update an invoice schedule
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, renamed the consolidateBillingDocuments field to invoiceSeparately :
    • Retrieve an invoice schedule
    • Pause an invoice schedule
    • Resume an invoice schedule

June 9, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.06.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of the "Cancel a subscription" operation, corrected the invoiceCollect field from required to version-controlled.
  • In the "Submit an aggregate query job" operation, corrected the endpoint to /v1/batch-query/ .
  • In the request body and response body of the "Submit an aggregate query job" operation, added the following missing fields:
    • queries > deleted
    • notifyUrl
    • incrementalTime
    • offset
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the missing batches > full field.
    • Submit an aggregate query job
    • Retrieve an aggregate query job
    • Retrieve the last completed aggregate query job
  • In the description of the "Create a billing preview run" operation, clarified that billing preview results will be stored in the system for only 180 days.

June 2, 2023

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Added a section called Aggregate Queries , containing the following operations. Previously, such information was stored in the Aggregate Query API section in the Knowledge Center.
    • Submit an aggregate query job
    • Retrieve an aggregate query job
    • Cancel a running aggregate query job
    • Retrieve the last completed aggregate query job
  • In the "List data query jobs" operation, removed the unsupported page query parameter.
  • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations:
    • List custom object definitions
    • Create custom object definitions

    Added the following missing fields:

    • definitions > property name* > schema > enableCreateRecordAuditing
    • definitions > property name* > schema > enableDeleteRecordAuditing
  • In the request body of the "Create custom object definitions" operation, added the following missing fields:
    • definitions > property name* > enableCreateRecordAuditing
    • definitions > property name* > enableDeleteRecordAuditing
  • In the 200 response body of the "Retrieve a custom object definition" operation, added the following missing fields:
    • schema > enableCreateRecordAuditing
    • schema > enableDeleteRecordAuditing
  • In the request body and 200 response body of the "Update a custom object definition" operation, added the following missing fields:
    • actions > enableCreateRecordAuditing
    • actions > enableDeleteRecordAuditing
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, fixed the hyperlink for Pending orders and subscriptions in the description of the subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan field:
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
  • In the response body of the "Apply a credit memo" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields to clarify the source and target field requirements:
    • debitMemos > items
    • invoices > items
  • In the request body of the "Amend" action, updated the description of the Amendments > BookingDate field for better clarity. This change applies to the Older API Reference.

May 26, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.05.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for Adyen Apple Pay and Adyen Google Pay payment methods

The following items are the API updates specific to using the email field to pass email information to Adyen for Apple Pay and Google Pay payment methods.

  • Payment Methods - In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, added Adyen Apple Pay and Google Pay to the description of the email field.
  • Accounts - In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, added Adyen Apple Pay and Google Pay to the description of the paymentMethod > email field.
  • Orders - In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously

    Added Adyen Apple Pay and Google Pay to the description of each of the following fields:

    • newAccount > paymentMethod > email
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > newSubscriptionOwnerAccount > paymentMethod > email

Other API updates

The following items are the other general API updates included in this release:

  • For CRUD operations and the Delete action, the HTTP response status code is now updated to 200 from 400 in the case that you attempt to delete an object with an invalid ID. Note that this change is currently live in Sandbox and Central Sandbox environments, and it will be deployed to Production no earlier than June 3, 2023.
    For more information about this change, see the 2023.05.R2 Release Notes .
  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the property name * and productOfferName nested fields to the offers field:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the property name * and productOfferName nested fields to the subscriptions > offers field.
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order

      Updated the description of each of the following fields to clarify that custom fields are available for subscription offers:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > customFields
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > customFields
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > customFields
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Updated the description of each of the following fields to clarify that custom fields are available for subscription offers:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > customFields
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > customFields
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > customFields
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields to clarify that custom fields are available for subscription offers:
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > customFields
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > customFields
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > customFields
  • Settings - Made the following updates:
    • Added the number parameter for each of the following settings:
      • AllCommunicationProfiles
      • CommunicationProfile
    • Added the following enum values to the billingCycleTypes parameter of the BillingCycleType setting:
      • TermStartDay
      • TermEndDay

    See 200 response sample in JSON format.

  • Payment Schedules - Made the following updates:
    • For the "Update a payment schedule item" operation, made the following updates:
      • Removed the version control information from the description of each of the following fields:
        • linkPayments and unlinkPayments fields in the request body
        • psiPayments field in the response body
      • Updated the description of the zuora-version request header.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the description of zuora-version request header and removed the version control information from the description of the items > psiPayments field:
      • Create a payment schedule
      • List payment schedules by customer account
      • Retrieve a payment schedule
      • Update a payment schedule
      • Preview the result of payment schedule updates
      • Cancel a payment schedule
      • Retrieve a payment schedule item
      • Cancel a payment schedule item
      • Skip a payment schedule item
      • Retry failed payment schedule item
      • Update a payment schedule item
      • Add payment schedule items to a custom payment schedule
  • In the "Minor Version History" table of the "API Versions" section, removed the following fields and their corresponding entries:
    • linkPayments
    • unlinkPayments
    • psiPayments

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

Doc updates for the Annual List Price feature

The following items are the documentation updates specific to the Annual List Price feature.

  • In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • subscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > listPriceBase
    • subscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > specificListPriceBase
  • In the request body of the "Create an offer" operation, updated the description of the productRatePlans > chargeOverrides > prices > listPriceBase field for better clarity.
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an offer" operation, updated the description of the productRatePlanCharges > priceBookItems > listPriceBase field for better clarity.
  • In the response body of the "List price book items" operation, updated the description of the offers > productRatePlanCharges > priceBookItems > listPriceBase field for better clarity.
  • In the request body and response body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the listPriceBase field for better clarity.
    • Create a price book item
    • Update a price book item
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve a price book item" operation, updated the description of the listPriceBase field for better clarity.
  • In the response body of the "List price book items" operation, updated the description of the priceBookItems > listPriceBase field for better clarity.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously
    • Update an order

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > specificListPriceBase
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > specificListPriceBase
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • Retrieve an order
    • List order metrics for an evergreen subscription (in the Older API Reference)

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > specificListPriceBase
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > specificListPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > specificListPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > specificListPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > specificListPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > specificListPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > specificListPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > specificListPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > newProductRatePlan > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > specificListPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > specificListPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > specificListPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > specificListPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > specificListPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > specificListPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > specificListPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > specificListPriceBase
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > specificListPriceBase
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create a subscription
    • Preview a subscription

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > listPriceBase
    • subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > specificListPriceBase
  • In the request body of the "Update a subscription" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • add > chargeOverrides > listPriceBase
    • change > chargeOverrides > listPriceBase
    • add > chargeOverrides > specificListPriceBase
    • change > chargeOverrides > specificListPriceBase
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • Retrieve a subscription by key
    • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > listPriceBase
    • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > specificListPriceBase
  • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > listPriceBase
    • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > specificListPriceBase
  • In the request body of each of the following operations in the Older API Reference:
    • CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge
    • CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • ListPriceBase
    • SpecificListPriceBase
  • In the response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan charge" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • ListPriceBase
    • SpecificListPriceBase
  • In the response body of the "List all product rate plans of a product" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • productRatePlans > productRatePlanCharges > listPriceBase
    • productRatePlans > productRatePlanCharges > specificListPriceBase
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve a rate plan" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > listPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > specificListPriceBase
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > specificListPriceBase

The following updates applies to the Older API Reference:

  • In the request body of the "Amend" action, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • requests > Amendments > RatePlanData > RatePlanChargeData > RatePlanCharge > ListPriceBase
    • requests > Amendments > RatePlanData > RatePlanChargeData > RatePlanCharge > SpecificListPriceBase
  • In the request body of the "Subscribe" action, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • subscribes > SubscriptionData > RatePlanData > RatePlanChargeData > RatePlanCharge > ListPriceBase
    • subscribes > SubscriptionData > RatePlanData > RatePlanChargeData > RatePlanCharge > SpecificListPriceBase
  • In the request body of the "CRUD: Update a rate plan charge" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • ListPriceBase
    • SpecificListPriceBase
  • In the response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a rate plan charge" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • ListPriceBase
    • SpecificListPriceBase

Other doc updates

The following items are the other general documentation updates included in this release:

  • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the memos > source field for better clarity:
    • Create credit memos
    • Update credit memos
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the source field for better clarity:
    • Create a credit memo from a charge
    • Create a credit memo from an invoice
    • Retrieve a credit memo
    • Update a credit memo
    • Apply a credit memo
    • Unapply a credit memo
    • Cancel a credit memo
    • Post a credit memo
    • Unpost a credit memo
  • In the response body of the "List credit memos" operation, updated the description of the creditmemos > source field for better clarity.
  • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, corrected the format and description of the SpecificDayofMonth(# of the month) enum value field for the subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > billingDay field.
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, corrected the format and description of the SpecificDayofMonth(# of the month) enum value field for the ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > billingDay field:
    • Retrieve a subscription by key
    • Retrieve a subscription by key and version
  • In the request body and request sample of the "Generate a billing preview" operation, corrected the accountKey field to accountNumber .
  • Updated the description of the "Retrieve a billing preview run" operation for better clarity.
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve a refund" operation, removed the unsupported PaymentId field. This change applies to the Older API Reference.

May 19, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.05.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for the Billing Schedule feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Early Adopter announcement of the Billing Schedule feature.

Note: The Billing Schedule feature is in the Early Adopter phase. We are actively soliciting feedback from a small set of early adopters before releasing it as generally available. If you want to join this early adopter program, submit a request at Zuora Global Support.

  • Invoice Schedules - Made the following updates:
    • Added the following operations:
      • Pause an invoice schedule
      • Resume an invoice schedule
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the Paused enum value to the status field:
      • Create an invoice schedule
      • Update an invoice schedule
      • Retrieve an invoice schedule
      • Execute an invoice schedule
    • In the request body and response body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an invoice schedule
      • Update an invoice schedule

      Added the following fields:

      • consolidateBillingDocuments
      • additionalSubscriptionsToBill
      • nextRunDate
      • scheduleItems > targetDateForAdditionalSubscriptions
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an invoice schedule" operation, added the following fields:
      • consolidateBillingDocuments
      • additionalSubscriptionsToBill
      • nextRunDate
      • scheduleItems > targetDateForAdditionalSubscriptions
    • In the request body and reresponse body of the "Update an invoice schedule" operation, added the nextRunDate field.
    • In the response body of the "Create an invoice schedule" operation, added the nextRunDate field.
  • Credit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a credit memo item" operation, added the following fields:
      • invoiceScheduleId
      • invoiceScheduleItemId
    • In the response body of the "List credit memo items" operation, added the following fields:
      • items > invoiceScheduleId
      • items > invoiceScheduleItemId
  • Invoices - In the response body of the "List all items of an invoice" operation, added the following fields:
    • invoiceItems > invoiceScheduleId
    • invoiceItems > invoiceScheduleItemId
  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the invoiceScheduleId nested field to the subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the invoiceScheduleId nested field to the ratePlans > ratePlanCharges field:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

Other API updates

The following items are the other general API updates included in this release:

  • Accounts - In the request body of the "Update an account” operation, added the following fields:
    • purchaseOrderNumber
    • customerServiceRepName
  • Credit Memos - In the request body of the "Create a credit memo from a charge" operation, changed the behavior of the following fields that can now be both specified in a request:
    • accountId
    • accountNumber
  • Data Queries - In the request body of the "Submit a data query" operation, made the following updates:
    • Removed the unsupported DATAHUB enum value from the sourceData field.
    • Updated the description of the sourceData field for better clarity.
  • Billing Preview Run - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create a billing preview run" operation, added the storageOption field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a billing preview run" operation, made the following updates:
      • Added the storageOption field.
      • Updated the description of the resultFileUrl field to reflect the effects of the storageOption field.
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously
      • Update an order

      Added the following fields:

      • orderLineItems > billTo
      • orderLineItems > ownerAccountNumber
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the following fields:
      • order > orderLineItems > billTo
      • order > orderLineItems > billToSnapshotId
      • order > orderLineItems > ownerAccountId
      • order > orderLineItems > ownerAccountNumber
      • order > orderLineItems > ownerAccountName
      • order > orderLineItems > invoiceOwnerAccountId
      • order > orderLineItems > invoiceOwnerAccountNumber
      • order > orderLineItems > invoiceOwnerAccountName
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Added the following fields:

      • orders > orderLineItems > billTo
      • orders > orderLineItems > billToSnapshotId
      • orders > orderLineItems > ownerAccountId
      • orders > orderLineItems > ownerAccountNumber
      • orders > orderLineItems > ownerAccountName
      • orders > orderLineItems > invoiceOwnerAccountId
      • orders > orderLineItems > invoiceOwnerAccountNumber
      • orders > orderLineItems > invoiceOwnerAccountName
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, changed the behavior of the orderLineItems > soldTo field:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously
      • Update an order
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, changed the behavior of the order > orderLineItems > soldTo field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, changed the behavior of the orders > orderLineItems > soldTo field:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number
  • Order Line Items - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Update an order line item" operation, added the following fields:
      • billTo
      • ownerAccountNumber
    • In the request body of the "Update order line items" operation, added the following fields:
      • orderLineItems > billTo
      • orderLineItems > ownerAccountNumber
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Update order line items
      • Retrieve an order line item

      Added the following fields:

      • orderLineItem > billTo
      • orderLineItem > billToSnapshotId
      • orderLineItem > ownerAccountId
      • orderLineItem > ownerAccountNumber
      • orderLineItem > ownerAccountName
      • orderLineItem > invoiceOwnerAccountId
      • orderLineItem > invoiceOwnerAccountNumber
      • orderLineItem > invoiceOwnerAccountName
    • In the request body of the "Update an order line item" operation, changed the behavior of the soldTo field.
    • In the request body of the "Update order line items" operation, changed the behavior of the orderLineItems > soldTo field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, changed the behavior of the orderLineItem > soldTo field:
      • Update order line items
      • Retrieve an order line item
  • Communication Profiles - In the 200 response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a communication profile" operation, added the ProfileNumber field. This change applies to the Older API Reference.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

Doc updates for clarifying the maximum length for the accountHolderName field

The following items are the documentation updates specific to clarifying a maximum of 60 characters are allowed for the accountHolderName field:

  • In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, updated the description of the paymentMethod > accountHolderInfo > accountHolderName field.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously

    Updated the description of each of the following fields:

    • newAccount > paymentMethod > accountHolderInfo > accountHolderName
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > newSubscriptionOwnerAccount > paymentMethod > accountHolderInfo > accountHolderName
  • In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, updated the description of the accountHolderInfo > accountHolderName field.

Doc updates for the accountNumber field in memo API operations

The following items are the documentation updates specific to the accountNumber field in credit memo and debit memo API operations, available only if you have the Invoice Settlement feature enabled.

  • In the request body of the "Create a credit memo from a charge" operation, changed the accountId field from required to conditionally required.
  • In the request body of the "Create credit memos" operation, updated the memos > accountId field from required to conditionally required.
  • In the 200 response body and sample of each of the following operations, added the missing memos > accountNumber field with its value.
    • Create credit memos
    • Update credit memos
    • Create debit memos
    • Update debit memos
  • In the 200 response body and sample of each of the following operations, added the missing accountNumber field with its value:
    • Create a credit memo from a charge
    • Create a credit memo from an invoice
    • Retrieve a credit memo
    • Update a credit memo
    • Apply a credit memo
    • Unapply a credit memo
    • Cancel a credit memo
    • Post a credit memo
    • Unpost a credit memo
    • Create a debit memo from a charge
    • Create a debit memo from an invoice
    • Retrieve a debit memo
    • Update a debit memo
    • Cancel a debit memo
    • Post a debit memo
    • Unpost a debit memo
  • In the 200 response body and sample of the "List credit memos" operation, added the missing creditmemos > accountNumber field with its value.
  • In the 200 response body and sample of the "List debit memos" operation, added the missing debitmemos > accountNumber field with its value.

Doc updates for the Orders feature

The following items are the documentation updates specific to the Orders feature.

  • Updated the description of the "Update an order" operation for better clarity.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct
    • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct
    • subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the processingOptions field for better clarity:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the previewOptions > previewThruType field for better clarity:
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously

Other doc updates

The following items are the other general documentation updates included in this release:

  • Updated the note description of the "Retry failed payment schedule items" operation because the conditions of the payment schedule items are changed.
  • In the request body of the "Upload a usage file" operation, updated the description of the file field for better clarity.
  • In the description of the "Upload a usage file" operation, updated the description of the UNIQUE_KEY heading for better clarity in the Usage File Format section.

May 5, 2023

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of the "Create a payment" operation, updated the description of the authTransactionId field to clarify that the Stripe v2 payment gateway integration support this field.
  • In the request body of the "Create a payment" operation, added the missing paymentMethodType field.
  • Updated the note description of the "Retry failed payment schedule items" operation because the status options of the payment schedule items are changed.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the missing IsStackedDiscount field, which is used to specify whether the discount percentage is to be calculated by stacking with other discount percentages:
    • CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge
    • CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge
  • In the response body of the "List all product rate plans of a product" operation, added the missing isStackedDiscount nested field to the productRatePlans > productRatePlanCharges field.
  • For Settings API operations, made the following updates:
    • Added the support for the POST method to each of the following settings:
      • CreateGlobalTaxHubTaxCode
      • CreateGlobalTaxHubTaxEngine
    • Added the support for the GET, PUT, and DELETE methods to each of the following settings:
      • GlobalTaxHubTaxCode
      • GlobalTaxHubTaxEngine

    See 200 response sample in JSON format and 200 response sample in CSV format.

  • Updated the description of the "Reporting" section for better clarity. This change applies to the Older API Reference.

April 27, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.04.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Custom Object Definitions - Made the following updates:
    • In each of the following operations, removed the enableRecordMigration field because the Deployment Manager will no longer support migrating custom object records:
      • List custom object definitions
      • Create custom object definitions
      • Retrieve a custom object definition
      • Update a custom object definition
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the definitions > property name > schema > auditable field:
      • List custom object definitions
      • Create custom object definitions
    • In the request body of the "Create custom object definitions" operation, added the definitions > property name > auditable field.
    • In the 200 response body of the "Retrieve a custom object definition" operation, added the schema > auditable field.
    • In the request body and response body of the "Update a custom object definition" operation, added the actions > field > auditable field.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the processingOptions field for better clarity:
    • Create an order
    • Update an order
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > ratePlanId field to clarify that the Change Plan order action supports the function of removal before future-dated removals:
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated description of the subscriptionNumbers field for better clarity:
    • Create an order
    • Update an order
  • In the request body of the "Update a subscription" operation, updated the description of the change > ratePlanId field to clarify that the Change Plan amendment supports the function of removal before future-dated removals.
  • In the request body of the "Update a subscription" operation, updated the description of the change > productRatePlanId field for better clarity.
  • In the description of the “Create a payment schedule” operation, removed the Early Adopter note because the Payment Schedules feature has become generally available.
  • In the request body of the “Create a payment schedule” operation, updated the description of the billingDocument field.
  • In the response body of the "List payment schedules by customer account" operation, added the missing prepayment field.
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the prepayment field for better clarity:
    • Create a payment schedule
    • Retrieve a payment schedule
    • Add payment schedule items to a custom payment schedule
    • Update a payment schedule
    • Preview the result of payment schedule updates
    • Cancel a payment schedule
  • In the request body of the "Create a payment schedule" operation, updated the description of the prepayment field for better clarity.
  • Renamed the Flexible Billing feature to Flexible Billing Attributes​​ in all related operation.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the processingOptions > applyCredit field:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the applyCredit field:
    • Cancel a subscription
    • Create a subscription
    • Renew a subscription
    • Resume a subscription
    • Suspend a subscription
    • Update a subscription
  • In the request body of the “Amend” action in the Older API Reference, updated the description of the requests > AmendOptions > ApplyCredit field.
  • In the request body of the “Subscribe” action in the Older API Reference, updated the description of the subscribes > SubscribeOptions > ApplyCredit field.

April 20, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.04.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for the Prepaid Cash with Drawdown feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Prepaid Cash with Drawdown feature.

  • Payments - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create a payment" operation, added the prepayment field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the prepayment field:
      • Create a payment
      • Update a payment
      • Retrieve a payment
      • Transfer a payment
      • Apply a payment
      • Cancel a payment
    • In the response body of the "List payments" operation, added the payments > prepayment field.
  • Payment Schedules - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create a payment schedule" operation, added the prepayment field.
    • In the request body of the "Create multiple payment schedules at once" operation, added the paymentSchedules > prepayment field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the prepayment field:
      • Create a payment schedule
      • List payment schedules by customer account
      • Retrieve a payment schedule
      • Update a payment schedule
      • Preview the result of payment schedule updates
      • Cancel a payment schedule
      • Add payment schedule items to a custom payment schedule
  • Subscriptions - In the request body of the "Create a subscription" operation, added the prepayment field.
  • Accounts - In the response body of the "Retrieve an account" operation, added the metrics > reservedPaymentAmount field.

Other API updates

The following items are the other general API updates included in this release:

  • Accounts - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "List payment methods of an account" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for a system behavior change:
      • returnedPaymentMethodTyp > appleCardType
      • returnedPaymentMethodTyp > googleCardTyp
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve the default payment method of an account" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for a system behavior change:
      • appleCardType
      • googleCardTyp
  • Payment Methods - In the response body of the "Retrieve a payment method" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for a system behavior change:
    • appleCardType
    • googleCardTyp

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans field for better clarity:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
  • Moved the "Mass Updater" section from the Older API Reference to REST API Reference.
  • In the description of the "List records for a custom object" operation, clarified the scenarios where you might confront a latency when retrieving custom object records.
  • In the request body of the "Sign up" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:
    • customFields > property name *
    • accountData > customFields > property name *
    • subscriptionData > customFields > property name *
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • Retrieve a payment method
    • Retrieve the default payment method of an account

    Added the following missing fields:

    • googleGatewayToken
    • googleCardType
    • googleCardNumber
    • googleBIN
    • googleExpiryDate
    • appleGatewayToken
    • appleCardType
    • appleCardNumber
    • appleBIN
    • appleExpiryDate
  • In the response body of the "List payment methods of an account" operation, added the following missing fields:
    • returnedPaymentMethodTyp > googleGatewayToken
    • returnedPaymentMethodTyp > googleCardTyp
    • returnedPaymentMethodTyp > googleCardNumber
    • returnedPaymentMethodTyp > googleBIN
    • returnedPaymentMethodTyp > googleExpiryDate
    • returnedPaymentMethodTyp > appleGatewayToken
    • returnedPaymentMethodTyp > appleCardType
    • returnedPaymentMethodTyp > appleCardNumber
    • returnedPaymentMethodTyp > appleBIN
    • returnedPaymentMethodTyp > appleExpiryDate
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an invoice schedule
    • Update an invoice schedule
    • Retrieve an invoice schedule

    Added the following missing fields:

    • actualAmount
    • scheduleItems > actualAmount
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an invoice schedule
    • Update an invoice schedule
    • Retrieve an invoice schedule

    Updated the description of each of the following fields for better clarity:

    • totalAmount
    • scheduleItems > amount
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the invoiceScheduleId field for better clarity:
    • Retrieve a subscription by key
    • Retrieve a subscription by key and version
  • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, updated the description of the subscriptions > invoiceScheduleId field for better clarity.
  • In each of the Orders operations, updated the general availability note about the Orders feature.
  • In each of the Order Line Items operations, removed the general availability note about the Orders feature.
  • In the source YAML file of each of the following operations:
    • List payment methods of an account
    • Retrieve the default payment method of an account

    Made the following changes:

    • Renamed the GETPMAccountHolderInfo definition to GETAccountPMAccountHolderInfo .
    • Renamed the POSTPMMandateInfo definition to POSTAccountPMMandateInfo .
  • In each of the Custom Object Records operations, added the length of the Id field.
  • In each of the following operations, added the length of the id path parameter:
    • Retrieve a custom object record
    • Update a custom object record
    • Partially update a custom object record
    • Delete a custom object record
  • In the description of the ids query parameter of the "List records for a custom object" operation, clarified that each ID must be a string of 36 characters.

April 14, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.04.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the refundReasonCode nested field to the processingOptions field:
      • Create an order
      • Update an order
    • In the response body of each of the "Create an order" and "Update an order" operations, added the following fields:
      • refunds > refundInvoiceNumbers
      • writeOff > writeOffCreditMemoNumber

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of the "Create a payment run" operation, updated the description of the applyCreditBalance field for better clarity.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the newAccount > paymentTerm field for better clarity:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
  • In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, updated the description of the paymentTerm field for better clarity.
  • In the request body of the "Create an Apple Pay payment method" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields to clarify the payment gateway integrations that support the field:
    • mitConsentAgreementSrc
    • mitProfileAction
    • mitProfileType
  • In the description of the "Update an order" operation, added a note to clarify that this operation does not support auto-refund and invoice write-off during subscription cancellation.
  • Updated the description of the "Configuration Templates" section as the feature is now generally available to all Zuora customers.

April 10, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.04.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for the Flexible Billing feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Flexible Billing feature.

  • Credit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a credit memo item" operation, added the following fields:
      • soldToContactId
      • soldToContactSnapshotId
    • In the response body of the "List credit memo items" operation, added the following fields:
      • items > soldToContactId
      • items > soldToContactSnapshotId
  • Debit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve a debit memo item" operation, added the following fields:
      • soldToContactId
      • soldToContactSnapshotId
    • In the response body of the "List debit memo items" operation, added the following fields:
      • items > soldToContactId
      • items > soldToContactSnapshotId
  • Invoices - In the response body of the "List all items of an invoice" operation, added the following fields:
    • invoiceItems > soldToContactId
    • invoiceItems > soldToContactSnapshotId
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously
      • Update an order

      Added the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > soldToContactId
      • subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > soldToContactId
      • subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > clearingExistingSoldToContact
      • subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > soldToContactId
      • subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > clearingExistingSoldToContact
      • subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > soldToContactId
      • subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > clearingExistingSoldToContact
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the following fields:
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > soldToContactId
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > soldToContactId
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > clearingExistingSoldToContact
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > soldToContactId
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > clearingExistingSoldToContact
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > soldToContactId
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > clearingExistingSoldToContact
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Added the following fields:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > soldToContactId
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > soldToContactId
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > ownerTransfer > clearingExistingSoldToContact
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > soldToContactId
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > renewSubscription > clearingExistingSoldToContact
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > soldToContactId
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > termsAndConditions > clearingExistingSoldToContact
  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, add the soldToContact field and its nested fields:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, add the soldToContact field and its nested fields to the subscriptions field.

Other API updates

The following items are the other general API updates included in this release:

  • Contact Snapshots - Added a resource called "Contact Snapshots", with the "Retrieve a contact snapshot" operation.
  • Orders - In the request body of each of the following operations, added the generateDraftInvoice nested field to the processingOptions > billingOptions field:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
  • Payments - In the request body of the "Create a payment" operation, updated the description of the mitTransactionSource field for the support of MOTO transactions.
  • Payment Authorization - In the request body of the "Create authorization" operation, updated the description of the mitTransactionSource field for the support of MOTO transactions.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Sorted all sections based on business logic and areas.
  • Created a new section called "Payment Authorization" that contains the following operations:
    • Create an authorization
    • Cancel an authorization

    Previously, the preceding operations were in the "Payment Methods" section.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the processingOptions field for better clarity:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the missing subscriptionOfferUniqueToken nested field to the subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts field:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
  • In the request body of the "Upload a file for a custom object bulk job" operation, clarified that the uploaded file must be encoded in UTF-8.
  • In the request body of the "Submit a data query" operation, updated the description of the readDeleted field by clarifying an exception when using this field.

March 31, 2023

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

Doc updates for canceling subscriptions with a refund and write-off

The following items are the documentation updates specific to canceling subscriptions with a refund and write-off:

  • In the request body of the "Create an order" operation, updated the description of the processingOptions field to clarify the following two behaviors:
    • The operation partially succeeds even if a refund or write-off fails.
    • The cases in which the operation rolls back.
  • In the request body of the "Create an order" operation, updated the descriptions of the processingOptions > refund and processingOptions > writeOff fields.

Doc updates for the Delivery Pricing charge model

The following items are the documentation updates specific to the Delivery Pricing charge model:

  • In the response body of the "Retrieve a rate plan" operation, added the following missing fields:
    • order > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringDelivery
    • order > orderActions > updateProduct > chargeUpdates > pricing > recurringDelivery
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order

    Added the following missing fields:

    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringDeliveryBased
    • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringDeliveryBased
    • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > chargeUpdates > pricing > recurringDeliveryBased
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number

    Added the following missing fields:

    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringDelivery
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringDelivery
    • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > chargeUpdates > pricing > recurringDelivery
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the following missing fields:
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringDelivery
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringDelivery
    • order > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > chargeUpdates > pricing > recurringDelivery

Other doc updates

The following items are the other general documentation updates included in this release:

  • In the description of the "Create an account" operation, updated the note on the invoiceDeliveryPrefsEmail field for better clarity.
  • In the source YAML file, renamed the TaxInfo definition to SignUpTaxInfo in the "Sign up" operation.
  • For each of the following operations, updated the description of each of request and response fields:
    • Create a price book item
    • Update a price book item
    • List all price book items
    • Retrieve a price book item
    • Delete a price book item
  • In the "Minor Version History" table of the "API Versions" section, updated minor version from 196.0 to 206.0 for the following fields:
    • includeExistingDraftInvoiceItems
    • previewType
    • invoiceTargetDate
  • In the request body of each of the "Preview a subscription" and "Update a subscription" operations, added minor version 206.0 to the description of each of the following fields:
    • includeExistingDraftInvoiceItems
    • previewType
  • In the request body and response body of the "Preview a subscription" operation, added minor version 206.0 to the description of the invoiceTargetDate field.

March 24, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.03.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for the Offers feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Offers feature.

  • Offers - Added a resource called "Offers", with the following operations:
    • Create an offer
    • List all offers
    • Retrieve an offer
    • Delete an offer
  • Price Book Items - Added a resource called "Price Book Items", with the following operations:
    • Create a price book item
    • Update a price book item
    • List all price book items
    • Retrieve a price book item
    • Delete a price book item

API updates for the Delivery Pricing charge model

The following items are the API updates specific to the Delivery Pricing charge model.

  • Product Rate Plan Charges - In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge
    • CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge

    Made the following updates:

    • Added the DeliverySchedule field and its nested fields.
    • Added the Delivery Pricing enum value to the ChargeModel field.
  • Product Rate Plans - In the response body of the “List product rate plans” operation, made the following updates:
    • Added the productRatePlans > productRatePlanCharges > deliverySchedule field and its nested fields.
    • Added the Delivery enum value to the productRatePlans > productRatePlanCharges > model field.

Other API updates

The following items are the other general API updates included in this release:

  • Accounts - In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, added the following fields:
    • paymentMethod > ipAddress
    • paymentMethod > accountHolderInfo > country
  • Orders - In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order

    Added the following fields:

    • newAccount > paymentMethod > ipAddress
    • newAccount > paymentMethod > accountHolderInfo > country
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > newSubscriptionOwnerAccount > paymentMethod > ipAddress
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > newSubscriptionOwnerAccount > paymentMethod > accountHolderInfo > country
  • Payment Methods - In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create a payment method
    • Update a payment method

    Added the following fields:

    • ipAddress
    • accountHolderInfo > country
  • Sign Up - In the request body of the "Sign up" operation, added the ipAddress nested field to the newAccount > paymentMethod field.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the source YAML file, made the following changes to the "Sign up" operation:
    • Renamed the PaymentMethod definition to SignUpPaymentMethod .
    • Renamed the CreatePaymentMethodCreditCardReferenceTransaction definition to SignUpCreatePaymentMethodCreditCardReferenceTransaction .
    • Renamed the CreatePMPayPalECPayPalNativeEC definition to SignUpCreatePMPayPalECPayPalNativeEC .
    • Renamed the CreatePaymentMethodPayPalAdaptive definition to SignUpCreatePaymentMethodPayPalAdaptive .
    • Renamed the CreatePaymentMethodCreditCard definition to SignUpCreatePaymentMethodCreditCard .
    • Renamed the CreatePaymentMethodCommon definition to CreatePaymentMethodCommon .
    • Renamed the PaymentMethodObjectCustomFields definition to SignUpPaymentMethodObjectCustomFields .
    • Renamed the CreatePaymentMethodCardholderInfo definition to SignUpCreatePaymentMethodCardholderInfo .
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, aligned descriptions of the fields for creating stored credential profiles:
    • Create a payment method
    • Create a stored credential profile
  • In the description of the "Retrieve a rate plan" operation, added a note to clarify that you can only retrieve information about the following order actions:
    • addProduct
    • updateProduct
    • removeProduct
    • changePlan
  • Updated the limitations for the "Delete an account" operation.
  • In the request body of the "Create an order" operation, updated the refunding requirements in the description of the processingOptions > refund field.

March 17, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.03.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Adjustments - In the request body of each of the following operations, added the chargeNumbers field:
    • Create an adjustment
    • Preview an adjustment
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Preview an order
      • Preview an order asynchronously

      Added the following fields and their nested fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > priceIntervals
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order

      Added the following fields and their nested fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringDeliveryBased > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringDeliveryBased > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > priceIntervals
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > priceIntervals
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Added the following fields and their nested fields:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > priceIntervals
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > priceIntervals
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > priceIntervals
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > priceIntervals
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > priceIntervals
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > priceIntervals
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > priceIntervals
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > priceIntervals
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > priceIntervals
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > priceIntervals
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > priceIntervals
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > priceIntervals
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the following fields and their nested fields:
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > priceIntervals
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > priceIntervals
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > priceIntervals
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > priceIntervals
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > priceIntervals
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > priceIntervals
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > priceIntervals
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToRatePlans > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > priceIntervals
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringFlatFee > priceIntervals
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringPerUnit > priceIntervals
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringTiered > priceIntervals
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > chargeOverrides > pricing > recurringVolume > priceIntervals
    • In the description of the "Create an order" operation, deleted a limitation for draft orders.
  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Update a subscription" operation, added the following fields:
      • bookingDate
      • add > bookingDate
      • change > bookingDate
      • remove > bookingDate
      • update > bookingDate
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the bookingDate field:
      • Cancel a subscription
      • Resume a subscription
      • Suspend a subscription

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

Doc updates for passing in email information when creating payment methods

The following items are the documentation updates specific to the clarification that the email field is only supported for creating PayPal payment methods:

  • In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, updated the description of the email field.
  • In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, updated the description of the paymentMethod > email field.
  • In the request body of the "Sign up" operation, updated the description of the accountData > paymentMethod > email field.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously

    Updated the description of each of the following fields:

    • newAccount > paymentMethod > email
    • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > newSubscriptionOwnerAccount > paymentMethod > email

Other doc updates

The following items are the other general documentation updates included in this release:

  • In the request body of the "Update a payment method" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields to clarify that the field is not supported for updating Credit Card Reference Transaction payment methods:
    • authGateway
    • gatewayOptions
    • accountHolderInfo
    • Custom fields
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, added descriptions for the subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > chargeUpdates > pricing field and its nested fields:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, added descriptions for the orders > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > chargeUpdates > pricing field and its nested fields:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number
  • For each of the following operations, added the missing exclude-rate-plans-with-no-charges query parameter:
    • List subscriptions by account key
    • Retrieve a subscription by key
    • Retrieve a subscription by key and version
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added descriptions for the order > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > chargeUpdates > pricing field and its nested fields.
  • In the source YAML file, added the CreateOfferRatePlanOverride definition, and updated the request body schema reference of each of the following operations to this definition:
    • Create an order
    • Update an order
  • In the source YAML file, added the GetOfferRatePlanOverride definition, and updated the request body schema reference of each of the following operations to this definition:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number
  • In the source YAML file, added the GetOfferRatePlanUpdate definition, and updated the request body schema reference of each of the following operations to this definition:
    • List orders
    • List orders of a subscription owner
    • List orders by subscription number
    • List orders of an invoice owner
    • List pending orders by subscription number
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an invoice" operation, updated the description of the templateId field for better clarity.

March 10, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.03.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for the Offers feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Offers feature.

  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations:
      • Create an order
      • Create an order asynchronously
      • Update an order

      Added the following fields:

      • subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > productOfferId
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > productOfferNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > subscriptionOfferNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > subscriptionOfferId
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > subscriptionOfferUniqueToken
      • subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > ratePlanUpdates
      • subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > subscriptionOfferNumber
      • subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > subscriptionOfferId
      • subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > subscriptionOfferUniqueToken
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number

      Added the following fields:

      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > productOfferId
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > productOfferNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > newSubscriptionOfferId
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > newSubscriptionOfferNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > subscriptionOfferUniqueToken
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > subscriptionOfferId
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > productOfferNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > subscriptionOfferNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > subscriptionOfferUniqueToken
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > ratePlanUpdates
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > subscriptionOfferId
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > subscriptionOfferNumber
      • orders > subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > subscriptionOfferUniqueToken
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the following fields:
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > createSubscription > subscribeToProducts
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > productOfferId
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > productOfferNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > newSubscriptionOfferId
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > newSubscriptionOfferNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > subscriptionOfferUniqueToken
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > addProduct > ratePlanOverrides
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > subscriptionOfferId
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > productOfferNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > subscriptionOfferNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > subscriptionOfferUniqueToken
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > ratePlanUpdates
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > subscriptionOfferId
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > subscriptionOfferNumber
      • order > subscriptions > orderActions > removeProduct > subscriptionOfferUniqueToken
  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the subscriptions > offers field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the offers field:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

API updates for the Delivery Pricing charge model

The following items are the API updates specific to the Delivery Pricing charge model.

  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

      Added the following fields:

      • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > deliverySchedule
      • ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > subscriptionChargeIntervalPricing
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the Delivery enum value to the ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > model field:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the following fields:
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > deliverySchedule
      • subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > subscriptionChargeIntervalPricing
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the Delivery enum value to the subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > model field.

API updates for the Scheduled Orders feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Scheduled Orders feature.

  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the description of the "Cancel an order" operation, added a note to clarify that cancellation is only valid for draft or scheduled orders.
    • In the description of each of the following operations, added a note to clarify that you cannot retrieve detailed information about draft orders or scheduled orders through this operation:
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders of an invoice owner
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the status and schedulingOptions fields:
      • Create an order
      • Update an order
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • List orders
      • List orders by subscription number

      Made the following updates:

      • Added the Scheduled , Executing , and Failed enum values to the orders > status field.
      • Added the orders > schedulingOptions field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, made the following updates:
      • Added the Scheduled , Executing , and Failed enum values to the status field.
      • Added the schedulingOptions field.

API updates for the Adjustments feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Adjustments feature.

  • Adjustments - Added a resource called "Adjustments", with the following operations:
    • Create an adjustment
    • List all adjustments of the latest version subscription
    • Retrieve an adjustment
    • Preview an adjustment
    • Cancel an adjustment

Other API updates

The following items are the other general API updates included in this release:

  • Subscriptions - In the request body and response body of the "Preview a subscription" operation, added the documentDate field.
  • Order Actions - Added an API operation called "Update an order action".
  • Accounts - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an account" operation, added the autoPay field nested field to the billingAndPayment field.
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an account summary" operation, added the autoPay field nested field to the basicInfo field.
  • Credit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the billToContactSnapshotId field:
      • Create a credit memo from a charge
      • Create a credit memo from an invoice
      • Retrieve a credit memo
      • Update a credit memo
      • Apply a credit memo
      • Unapply a credit memo
      • Cancel a credit memo
      • Post a credit memo
      • Unpost a credit memo
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the billToContactSnapshotId nested field to the memos field:
      • Create credit memos
      • Update credit memos
    • In the response body of the "List credit memos" operation, added the billToContactSnapshotId nested field to the creditmemos field.
  • Debit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the billToContactSnapshotId field:
      • Create a debit memo from a charge
      • Create a debit memo from an invoice
      • Retrieve a debit memo
      • Update a debit memo
      • Cancel a debit memo
      • Post a debit memo
      • Unpost a debit memo
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the billToContactSnapshotId nested field to the memos field:
      • Create debit memos
      • Update debit memos
    • In the response body of the "List debit memos" operation, added the billToContactSnapshotId nested field to the debitmemos field.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of the "Update a subscription" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields to state that the field is not updatable:
    • add > chargeOverrides > originalOrderDate
    • change > chargeOverrides > originalOrderDate
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the processingOptions > applyCredit field for better clarity:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order

March 3, 2023

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations, added a limitation on the Change Plan order action in the description of the subscriptions > orderActions > changePlan > effectivePolicy field.:
    • Preview an order
    • Preview an order asynchronously
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
    • Update an order
  • In the request body of the "Update a subscription" operation, added a limitation on the Change Plan amendment in the description of the change > effectivePolicy field.
  • In the request body of the "Update a subscription" operation, updated the description of the change > chargeOverrides > amendedByOrderOn field to state that the field is not updatable.
  • In the request body of the "Create a payment schedule" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields:
    • runHour
    • items > runHour
  • In the request body of the "Create multiple payment schedules at once" operation, updated the description of each of the following fields:
    • paymentSchedules > runHour
    • paymentSchedules > items > runHour
  • In the request body of the "Add payment schedule items to a custom payment schedule" operation, updated the description of the items > runHour field.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the runHour field:
    • Update a payment schedule item
    • Update a payment schedule
    • Preview the result of payment schedule updates

February 24, 2023

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, updated the description of the order > subscriptions > orderActions > updateProduct > ratePlanId field to clarify that the version ID of the history can also be used.
  • In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, removed the unsupported country nested field from the paymentMethod > accountHolderInfo field.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, removed the unsupported country nested field from the newAcccount > paymentMethod > accountHolderInfo field:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, removed the unsupported country nested field from the accountHolderInfo field:
    • Create a payment method
    • Update a payment method
  • In the source YAML file, added the PUTOrderRequestType definition, and updated the request body schema reference of the "Update an order" operation to this definition.
  • In the source YAML file, renamed the PaymentMethod definition to PostOrderAccountPaymentMethod for the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Create an order asynchronously

February 21, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.02.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Bill Runs - In the response body of each of the following operations, added the name field:
    • Create a bill run
    • Post a bill run
    • Cancel a bill run
    • Retrieve a bill run

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.02.R1.

  • Usage - In the response body of the "Retrieve a usage record" operation, added the fileName field.

API updates for the paymentOption field

The following items are the API updates specific to the paymentOption field that is only available if you set zuora-version to 337.0 or later.

  • Payment Schedules - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body and response body of each of the following operations, added the paymentOption field:
      • Create a payment schedule
      • Preview the result of payment schedule update
      • Update a payment schedule
      • Update a payment schedule item
    • In the request body and response body of each of the following operations, added the paymentOption nested field to the items field:
      • Add payment schedule items to a custom payment schedule
      • Create a payment schedule
    • In the request body of the "Create multiple payment schedules at once" operation, added the paymentOption nested field to each of the following fields:
      • paymentSchedules
      • paymentSchedules > items
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the paymentOption field:
      • Cancel a payment schedule
      • Cancel a payment schedule item
      • List payment schedules by customer account
      • Retrieve a payment schedule
      • Retrieve a payment schedule item
      • Skip a payment schedule item
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the paymentOption nested field to the items field:
      • Cancel a payment schedule
      • List payment schedules by customer account
      • Preview the result of payment schedule update
      • Retrieve a payment schedule
      • Retry failed payment schedule items
      • Update a payment schedule
    • In the "Create a payment schedule" operation, added the following fields to the description of the zuora-version request header:
      • paymentOption
      • items > paymentOption
    • In the "Create multiple payment schedules at once" operation, added the following fields to the description of the zuora-version request header:
      • paymentSchedules > paymentOption
      • paymentSchedules > items > paymentOption
    • In each of the following operations, added the paymentOption field to the description of the zuora-version request header:
      • Update a payment schedule item
      • Update a payment schedule
      • Preview the result of payment schedule update
      • Retrieve a payment schedule
      • Retrieve a payment schedule item
      • List payment schedules by customer account
      • Cancel a payment schedule
      • Cancel a payment schedule item
      • Skip a payment schedule item
    • In each of the following operations, added the items > paymentOption field to the description of the zuora-version request header:
      • Add payment schedule items to a custom payment schedule
      • Retry failed payment schedule items
      • Retrieve a payment schedule
      • Cancel a payment schedule
  • Payments - Made the following updates:
    • For the "Create a payment" operation, made the following updates:
      • In the request body and response body, added the paymentOption field.
      • In the description of the zuora-version request header, added the paymentOption field.
    • For the "List payments" operation, made the following updates:
      • In the response body, added the paymentOption nested field to the payments field.
      • In the description of the zuora-version request header, added payments > paymentOption .

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a bill run" operation, added the following missing enum values to the Status field:
    • PostInProgress
    • CancelInProgress
    • RemoveInProgress
    • Paused
  • Updated the description of the "Create an OAuth token" operation.
  • In the "API Versions" section, added the following missing fields to the "Minor Version History" table:
    • billingDocument
    • paymentId
    • linkPayments
    • unlinkPayments
    • psiPayments
  • In the "Update a payment schedule item" operation, added the missing zuora-version request header.
  • In each of the following operations, added the missing fields in version control to the description of the zuora-version request header:
    • Create a payment schedule
    • Create multiple payment schedules at once
    • List payment schedules by customer account
    • Retrieve a payment schedule
    • Update a payment schedule
    • Preview the result of payment schedule updates
    • Cancel a payment schedule
    • Add payment schedule items to a custom payment schedule
    • Retrieve a payment schedule item
    • Update a payment schedule item
    • Cancel a payment schedule item
    • Skip a payment schedule item
    • Retry failed payment schedule items
  • Moved the following CRUD operations to the Older API Reference to avoid confusion:
    • CRUD: Delete an account
    • CRUD: Create a bill run
    • CRUD: Retrieve a bill run
    • CRUD: Post or cancel a bill run
    • CRUD: Delete a bill run
    • CRUD: Retrieve an invoice
    • CRUD: Delete an invoice
  • In the request body of the "Amend" action in the Older API Reference, corrected the name of the requests > Amendments > bookingDate field to requests > Amendments > BookingDate .

February 13, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.02.R1. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

  • Bill Runs - Added the following operations:
    • Create a bill run
    • Post a bill run
    • Cancel a bill run
    • Retrieve a bill run
    • Delete a bill run
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • Added the following operations only applied to orders in Draft status:
      • Update an order
      • Activate an order
      • Cancel an order
    • In the request body of the "Create an order" operation, added the status field.
    • In the response body of the "Create an order" operation, added the Draft enum value to the status field.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the Draft enum value to the orders > status field:
      • List orders
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List pending orders by subscription number
    • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, added the Draft enum value to the order > status field.
    • In the description of each of the following operations, added a note to clarify that you cannot retrieve the detailed information about draft orders:
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders of an invoice owner
  • Custom Object Jobs - For the "List all custom object bulk jobs" operation, added a query parameter called status that accepts the status of bulk jobs.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the description of the "List all settings" operation, added the following common use cases for notification definitions:
  • In the description of each of the following operations, added an alternative Settings API operation that applies to standard, custom, and custom scheduled events:
    • List notification definitions
    • Retrieve a notification definition
    • Update a notification definition
    • Delete a notification definition
  • For the "List all custom object bulk jobs" operation, removed the unsupported page query parameter.
  • Added the "Reporting" section that contains the following operations to the Older API Reference:
    • Retrieve a report run
    • Cancel a report run
    • Run a report
    • Search reports by name
    • Retrieve the last completed report run
    • Retrieve report data
    • Export results of a report run

    Previously, these operations were documented in the Knowledge Center.

February 2, 2023

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Relocated the following files:

    Previously, they were located in the assets.zuora.com domain. For information about other relocated resources, see this Community post.

  • Removed the Idempotency-Key header parameter from all PUT and GET methods.
  • For the AllCustomObjects and CustomObject settings of Settings API, corrected the name of each of the following fields by capitalizing the first letter:
    • Id
    • CreatedById
    • UpdatedById
    • CreatedDate
    • UpdatedDate
  • In the response body of the "List all product rate plans of a product" operation, added the ConsumptionBased enum value back to the creditOption > productRatePlans > productRatePlanCharges field.
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the ConsumptionBased enum value back to the CreditOption field:
    • CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge
    • CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge
  • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the ConsumptionBased enum value back to the subscriptions > ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > creditOption field.
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the ConsumptionBased enum value back to the ratePlans > ratePlanCharges > creditOption field:
    • Retrieve a subscription by key
    • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

January 19, 2023

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Updated the default MIME type for all operations from application/json;charset=utf-8 to application/json .
  • In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, updated the description of the bankAccountName field to clarify requirements specific to the BlueSnap integration.
  • In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, updated the description of the paymentMethod > bankAccountName field to clarify requirements specific to the BlueSnap integration.
  • In the request body of the "Create an order" operation, updated the description of the newAccount > paymentMethod > bankAccountName field to clarify requirements specific to the BlueSnap integration.
  • Fixed the broken links in the description of the "Payment Gateway Reconciliation" section.
  • Updated the description of each of the following operations:
    • Upload a usage file
    • Update an account
    • List all products
    • List all product rate plans of a product
    • Refund a payment
    • Delete a payment method
    • Create a credit memo from a charge
    • Create a notification definition
    • Create an order
    • Preview an order
    • CRUD: Update a contact
    • CRUD: Update a payment method
    • List all invoices for an account
  • In the request body of the "CRUD: Create a product rate plan" operation, updated the description of the ActiveCurrencies field.
  • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, updated the description of the subscriptions > ratePlans > lastChangeType field.
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the ratePlans > lastChangeType field:
    • Retrieve a subscription by key
    • Retrieve a subscription by key and version
  • In the description of the subscription-key path parameter of the "Update a subscription" operation, suggested retrieving the latest or history version of the subscription ID before updating a specific version of the subscription.
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order line item" operation, corrected the data type of the orderLineItem > productRatePlanChargeId field.
  • In the description of the "Cancel a payment schedule" operation, clarified that only pending payment schedule items will be canceled.
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • Retrieve a payment schedule item
    • Update a payment schedule item
    • Cancel a payment schedule item
    • Skip a payment schedule item

    Updated the description of each of the following fields to state the requirement on the API version:

    • balance
    • psiPayments
  • In the response body of each of the following operations:
    • Create a payment schedule
    • List payment schedule by customer account
    • Create multiple payment schedules at once
    • Retrieve a payment schedule
    • Add payment schedule items to a custom payment schedule
    • Retry failed payment schedule items

    Updated the description of each of the following fields to state the requirement on the API version:

    • items > balance
    • items > psiPayments

January 13, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.01.R2. For release notes for all Zuora products, see Latest releases.

API updates for the Flexible Billing feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Flexible Billing feature.

  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the following nested field to the subscriptions field:
      • invoiceTemplateName
      • sequenceSetName
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the invoiceTemplateName and sequenceSetName fields:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

API updates for the Billing Schedule feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Early Adopter announcement of the Billing Schedule feature.

  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the invoiceScheduleId nested field to the order field:
      • Retrieve an order
      • List order metrics for an evergreen subscription
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the invoiceScheduleId nested field to the orders field:
      • List orders
      • List orders of a subscription owner
      • List orders by subscription number
      • List orders of an invoice owner
      • List pending orders by subscription number
  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the "List subscriptions by account key" operation, added the invoiceScheduleId nested field to the subscriptions field:
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the invoiceScheduleId field:
      • Retrieve a subscription by key
      • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

API updates for the Payment Schedules feature

The following items are the API updates specific to the Payment Schedules feature.

  • Payment Schedules - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the “Update a payment schedule item” operation, added the following fields to support linking multiple payments to a payment schedule item:
      • linkPayments
      • unlinkPayments
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Retrieve a payment schedule item
      • Update a payment schedule item
      • Cancel a payment schedule item
      • Skip a payment schedule item

      Added the following fields to support linking multiple payments to a payment schedule item and payment schedule item balance:

      • balance
      • psiPayments
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Create a payment schedule
      • List payment schedule by customer account
      • Create multiple payment schedules at once
      • Retrieve a payment schedule
      • Add payment schedule items to a custom payment schedule
      • Retry failed payment schedule items

      Added the following fields to support linking multiple payments to a payment schedule item and payment schedule item balance:

      • items > balance
      • items > psiPayments

Other API updates

The following items are the other general API updates included in this release:

  • Accounts - Added an operation called "Delete an account".
  • Invoices - Made the following updates:
    • Added an operation called "Retrieve an invoice".
    • In the request body of the "Post invoices" operation, added the support for custom fields to the invoices field.
  • Custom Object Jobs - Added an operation called "Cancel a custom object bulk job".
  • Communication Profiles - In the response body of the "CRUD: Retrieve a communication profile" operation, added the following fields:
    • IsDefault
    • Muted

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Updated the description of each of the following actions:
    • Create
    • Update
  • In the request body of each of the following operations, removed the unsupported SubmissionDateTime field:
    • CRUD: Create a usage record
    • CRUD: Retrive a usage record
    • CRUD: Update a usage record
  • In the description of the “Update a payment schedule item” operation, added notes on linking and unlinking multiple payments to a payment schedule item.
  • In the response body of the "List credit memo items" operations, added the missing OrderLineItem enum value to each of the following fields:
    • items > sourceItemType
    • items > sourceItemId
  • In the response body of the "Retrive a credit memo item" operation, added the missing OrderLineItem enum value to each of the following fields:
    • sourceItemType
    • sourceItemId
  • In the response body of the "List credit memos” operation, added the missing Order , CreditMemo , and Consolidation enum values to the creditmemos > sourceType field.
  • In the response body of each of the following operation, added the missing Order , CreditMemo , and Consolidation enum values to the memos > sourceType field:
    • Create credit memos
    • Update credit memos
  • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the missing Order , CreditMemo , and Consolidation enum values to the sourceType field:
    • Retrive a credit memo
    • Create a credit memo from a charge
    • Create a credit memo from an invoice
    • Update a credit memo
    • Apply a credit memo
    • Cancel a credit memo
    • Post a credit memo
    • Unapply a credit memo
    • Unpost a credit memo

January 6, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of Zuora Release 2023.01.R1.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the request body of each of the following operations, updated the description of the gatewayOptions field by adding a link to the relevant article in the Knowledge Center:
    • Create a payment method
    • Update a payment method
    • Verify a payment method
    • Create authorization
    • Cancel authorization
    • Create a payment
    • Refund a payment
  • In the request body of the “Create a standalone invoice” operation, updated the description of the invoiceItems > unitPrice field to state this field is required for passing Level 3 card data to the gateway.
  • In the request body of the “Create standalone invoices” operation, updated the description of the invoices > invoiceItems > unitPrice field to state this field is required for passing Level 3 card data to the gateway.
  • In each of the Orders operations and Order Line Items operations, updated the general availability note about the Orders feature.
  • In the request body of the “Create a standalone invoice” operation, added a note to the description of each of the following fields about the permission control information:
    • invoiceItems > taxItems
    • invoiceItems > discountItems > taxItems
  • In the request body of the “Create standalone invoices” operation, added a note to the description of each of the following fields about the permission control information:
    • invoices > invoiceItems > taxItems
    • invoices > invoiceItems > discountItems > taxItems