Expand, filter, fields, and sort

v1 API
Quickstart API

The Object Query API operations allow you to query objects in your Zuora Billing tenant in an efficient, consistent, and flexible manne. Object Queries calls are synchronous. You can:

  • Dictate which object fields are returned for each record using fields[]
  • Retrieve fields from related records using expand[]
  • filter[] the records returned using logical operators
  • Sort the returned records using sort[]

For detailed information about the filterable, expandable, and sortable fields on each object, refer to the Query Parameters section for each API operation in the API reference.

Unlike Data Query, not every field can be filtered on or sorted on, and the list of related objects you can pull into your query is predefined. For detailed information about each object, check the Query Parameters section for each API operation in the API reference.

The Object Query API is in the Early Adopter phase. We are actively soliciting feedback from a small set of early adopters before releasing it as generally available.

Using fields[] query parameter

The fields[] query parameter allows you to specify a subset of the fields on the named object that will be returned. A Billing Account object, for example, has at least 50 fields. The exact number depends on what options you have enabled and what custom fields you have added. When you query for multiple accounts, you might not want to see all 50+ fields for each account. Using the fields[] query parameter is how you get just the fields you care about.

Suppose that you want to query all accounts that use the Canadian Dollar as their currency, and you only want to see the name, number, and balance for each account:

curl --request GET \
--url 'https://rest.apisandbox.zuora.com/object-query/accounts?account.fields[]=id,name,accountNumber,balance&filter[]=currency.EQ:CAD' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ztoken" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 

If the call succeeds, you would see results similar to this:

  "data": [
      "accountNumber": "A00024791",
      "balance": 0.0,
      "id": "8ad081dd904da165019051b001a02a3b",
      "name": "Oh Canada"
      "accountNumber": "A00024278",
      "balance": 0.0,
      "id": "e41259a16cb1f3aa5f4fd705bf3b05c4",
      "name": "Toronto Storage Co"
Note that the order you list the fields in fields[] is not reflected in the output. So your custom code needs to get values by name instead of by location.

If you need to return a single record and you already know the ID or number of the object such as Account, you can use the companion Retrieve an account operation to get that specific record.

Using expand[] query parameter

Using the expand[] query parameter allows you to expand the collection of fields you can obtain beyond the named base object to the fields of the associated objects as well. We use the base object, Account, throughout this guide.

The associated objects available for expanding varies by object but is documented in each API operation in the API Reference.

Taking List Accounts as an example, in the Query Paremeters section, you can find all expandable objects in the expand[] parameter for Account like billto, soldto, defaultpaymentmethod, subscriptions, and so on. Note that the last two, rateplans and rateplancharges are not directly associated to the Account object, but to other objects such as Subscriptions that do belong to an Account. For example, we use the same basic Canadian Dollar filter, but we change the fields[] values and ask for the bill-to contact's first name and last name to be returned, and nothing else.
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://rest.apisandbox.zuora.com/object-query/accounts?account.fields[]=name,accountNumber,balance&expand[]=billto&billto.fields[]=firstname,lastname&filter[]=currency.EQ:CAD' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ztoken" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 

The returned response is similar to this:

  "data": [
      "accountNumber": "A00000133",
      "balance": 2170.0,
      "name": "PercentageDiscountOverrideOrder",
      "billTo": {
          "firstName": "Amy",
          "lastName": "Lawrence"
      "accountNumber": "A00000132",
      "balance": 3250.0,
      "name": "PercentageDiscountOverrideOrder",
      "billTo": {
          "firstName": "Amy",
          "lastName": "Lawrence"

Using filter[] query parameter

The filter[] query parameter allows you to filter the returned records by specifying spcific conditions. In our examples so far we've used a simple example: filter[]=currency.EQ:CAD. Multiple filters in a single call are combined using AND logic, and Object Query does not support an OR operator. You can only filter on fields listed in the filter[] parameter section of each API operation in the API reference.The following table lists all supported operators that you can use to construct a filter[] query, and an example for each operator.
EQExact match operatorcurrency.EQ:EUR
NEReturns objects that do not match the clausecurrency.NE:CAN
LTLess than operatorquantity.LT:200
GTGreater than operatorquantity.GT:200
SWStarts with operatorname.SW:Acc
INSpecifies a list of values that will be returnedname.IN:[Amy,Bella]
GEGreater than or equal with operatorquantity.GE:200
LELess than or equal with operatorquantity.LE:200
All search fields support exact and case-insensitive matching with EQ, NE, and IN.String type fields like email and name support case-insensitive matching with SW.Numeric fields like amount and Date type fields like updateddate support numeric comparators like LT, LE, GT and GE.For the example in the previous section, we've kept the 'CAD' filter on currency. Now we add another filter on updateddate, which is an auto-generated date timestamp of when the account was last updated. The updateddate.LT:2024-01-01T00:00:00Z filter will exclude Accounts updated after the end of 2023. Our two filters combined will only return accounts with a currency of CAD that haven't been updated recently.
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://rest.apisandbox.zuora.com/object-query/accounts?&filter[]=currency.EQ:CAD&filter[]=updateddate.LT:2024-01-01T00:00:00Z' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ztoken" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"
If no accounts meet this criteria, you would get a '200 OK' response with an empty data array.
  "data": []
To filter date fields, such as transaction dates like invoice date or payment date, you have to use the YYYY-MM-DD date format. Do not use quotes around a date.

The following example shows how to include accounts with the CAD currency that were last invoiced before April 22nd, 2024:

curl --request GET \
--url 'https://rest.apisandbox.zuora.com/object-query/accounts?&filter[]=currency.EQ:CAD&filter[]=lastinvoicedate.LT:2024-04-22' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ztoken" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

The following example shows you how a space can be embedded into the filter condition. The name of the account we want to query is "Oh Canada":

curl --request GET \
--url 'https://rest.apisandbox.zuora.com/object-query/accounts?&filter[]=name.EQ:Oh%20Canada' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ztoken" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"
If the records to be combined through the OR logic and are based on two or more values in a single field, you can use the IN operator. In the example in the operator table above, the records returned have either Amy OR Bella in the name field. In the scenario where you need to filter on different fields combined together with the OR logic, use two Object Query calls and "OR" the results in your code.Note: To filter on a field with the null value, specify a filter condition using the <field>.EQ:null syntax.

Using sort[] query parameter

You can sort query results using the supported sort[] parameters for the base object. For supported sort[] values for each operation, check the Query Parameters section for each operation in the API reference. . You can change the sorting order using ASC or DESC as appropriate. You cannot sort on more than one field or any related object fields.

Using custom fields

You can include custom fields in the returned results, or filter on indexed custom fields.


By default, records returned by your query are paginated 10 records at a time. You can change this value to be any positive integer up to 99 using the pageSize parameter. The following example specifies a pageSize to 2:
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://rest.apisandbox.zuora.com/object-query/accounts?pageSize=2&filter[]=currency.EQ:CAD&account.fields[]=name,accountNumber,balance&expand[]=billto&billto.fields[]=firstname,lastname' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ztoken" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
If multiple pages of records are returned, then a nextPage value is included in the results:
  "nextPage": "W3sidmFsdWUiOiJPaCBDYW5hZGEiLCJvcmRlckJ5Ijp7ImZpZWxkIjoiTmFtZSIsIm8zZGVyIjoiREVTQyJ9fSx7InZhbHVlIjoiOGFkMDgxZGQ5MDRkYTE2NTAxOTA1MWIwMDFhMDJhM2IiLCJvcmRlckJ5Ijp7ImZpZWxkIjoiSWQiLCJvcmRlciI6IkRFU0MifX1d",
  "data": [
      "accountNumber": "A00024278",
      "balance": 0.0,
      "name": "Toronto Storage Co",
      "billTo": {
        "firstName": "Michelle",
        "lastName": "Beckman"
To obtain the next page of results, add the nextPage value returned as the value of the cursor parameter and resubmit your query. Nothing else needs to change. So in our example, it would mean resubmitting this:
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://rest.apisandbox.zuora.com/object-query/accounts?pageSize=2&filter[]=currency.EQ:CAD&account.fields[]=name,accountNumber,balance&expand[]=billto&billto.fields[]=firstname,lastname&cursor=W3sidmFsdWUiOiJPaCBDYW5hZGEiLCJvcmRlckJ5Ijp7ImZpZWxkIjoiTmFtZSIsIm8zZGVyIjoiREVTQyJ9fSx7InZhbHVlIjoiOGFkMDgxZGQ5MDRkYTE2NTAxOTA1MWIwMDFhMDJhM2IiLCJvcmRlckJ5Ijp7ImZpZWxkIjoiSWQiLCJvcmRlciI6IkRFU0MifX1d' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ztoken" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
When you've retrieved the last page of results, nextPage will no longer appear in the response.

Bear in mind that pagination focuses the base object and is not designed for expanded objects. It means that not all expandable object records can be exposed through Object Query.

Assume you have a billing account with 20 subscriptions and you ask to expand the response with subscription details. You might run an object query similar to this:

curl --request GET \
--url 'https://rest.apisandbox.zuora.com/object-query/accounts?filter[]=accountnumber.EQ:A00024824&expand[]=subscriptions' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ztoken" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
Since pageSize is not specified, the default value of 10 is used. It would result in one account with 10 subscription objects getting listed with no nextPage cursor because there are no more accounts to be returned. To obtain the remaining 10 subscriptions, you should specify pageSize=20 in the query.To summarize, the pageSize cursor behavior primarily applies to the base object, and the expanded objects are truncated at pageSize. You can increase the pageSize value to allow more expanded objects returned in the response. However, when an object has more than 99 expanded objects, the objects beyond 99 cannot be queried, which is a known limitation.

cURL example for using expand[], filter[], sort[], and fields[] query parameters

The following cURL example demonstrates how to query products with the following requirements:

  • Returns only the accounts with the default currency set to CAD
  • Displays only the name, accountNumber, balance and ACC_Banner__c(indexed) fields of each account
  • Expands the associated BillToContact object while only the first name and last name of the bill-to contact are returned
  • The results are sorted by account name in the descending order
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://rest.apisandbox.zuora.com/object-query/accounts?account.fields[]=name,accountNumber,balance,ACC_Banner__c&expand[]=billto&billto.fields[]=firstname,lastname&filter[]=currency.EQ:CAD&sort[]=name.DESC' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ztoken" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 

For better understanding, we decompose the URL into different components and provide description for each component in the following table:

URL ComponentDescription
https://rest.apisandbox.zuora.com/object-query/accountsObject Query root URL, indicating that we're using an API Sandbox tenant and running an object query on Accounts. You need to modify this root URL based on the tenant you are using or the object you are querying against.
account.fields[]=name,accountNumber,balance,ACC_Banner__cWe're using fields[] to tell the server that we only want the listed fields. In this example, we've shown you how to include a custom field. Remove this field from the list if you want this example to work in your tenant. The "API name" of the custom field is used. You can look up the available custom fields on each object in your Zuora tenant using the Object Manager feature from the Zuora UI.
expand[]=billto&billto.fields[]=firstname,lastnameWe are using expand[] to add the BillToContact object to our result set but we're also using fields[] so that only firstname and lastname from the BilltoContact object are returned.
filter[]=currency.EQ:CADThis filter only returns accounts with a default currency of CAD, the Canadian Dollar.
sort[]=name.DESCA basic sort on the account name ensuring the returned accounts will be listed in an descending order of the account name.

There is no required sequence for the query parameters.

SDK Examples

The same functionality is available using our client libraries, so you can also use these query parameters in our client libraries. Note that the v3 libraries (or v1 for C#) currently do not include support for fields[].The following code examples use the expand[], filter[], and sort[] query parameters to filter the accounts based on currency, expanding on subscriptions and the default payment method, and sorting the results by the ascending order of account number. A subset of key fields are formatted and printed out to the console.
QueryAccountsResponse response = zuoraClient.objectQueriesApi()

// Process the response
List<ExpandedAccount> accounts = response.getData();
if (accounts != null) {
    for (ExpandedAccount account : accounts) {
        System.out.println("Account Number: " + account.getAccountNumber());
        System.out.println("Currency: " + account.getCurrency());
        System.out.println("Name: " + account.getName());
        System.out.println("MRR: " + account.getMrr());

        // Print subscriptions
        if (account.getSubscriptions() != null) {
            for (ExpandedSubscription sub : account.getSubscriptions()) {
                System.out.println("Subscription: " + sub.getName());

        // Print default payment method
        ExpandedPaymentMethod defaultPaymentMethod = account.getDefaultPaymentMethod();
        if (defaultPaymentMethod != null) {
            System.out.println("Default Payment Method Type: " + defaultPaymentMethod.getType());

const response = await zuoraClient.objectQueriesApi.queryAccounts({
  filter: ['currency.EQ:USD'],
  expand: ['subscriptions','defaultpaymentmethod'],
  sort: ['accountNumber.ASC'],

const accounts = response.data;
accounts.forEach((account) => {
    console.log(`Account Number: ${account.accountNumber}`);
    console.log(`Currency: ${account.currency}`);
    console.log(`Name: ${account.name}`);
    console.log(`MRR: ${account.mrr}`);
    // Print subscriptions
    if (account.subscriptions) {
        account.subscriptions.forEach((sub) => {
            console.log(`Subscription: ${sub.name}`);
    // Print default payment method
    if (account.defaultPaymentMethod) {
        console.log(`Default Payment Method Type: ${account.defaultPaymentMethod.type}`);
response = client.object_queries_api().query_accounts(filter=['currency.EQ:CAD'],sort=['accountnumber.ASC'],expand=['subscriptions,defaultpaymentmethod'])
resp_data = response.data
# Iterating through each record in the 'data' list
for record in resp_data:
   print(f"Account Number: {record.account_number}")
   print(f"Currency: {record.currency}")
   print(f"Name: {record.name}")
   print(f"MRR: {record.mrr}")
   for sub in record.subscriptions:
       print(f"Subscription: {sub.name}")
   if record.default_payment_method:
       print(f"Default Payment Method Type: {record.default_payment_method.type}")
   print("-" * 40)
QueryAccountsResponse response = await zuoraClient.ObjectQueriesApi.QueryAccountsAsync(
    expand:["subscriptions", "defaultpaymentmethod"],

// Process the response
List<ExpandedAccount> accounts = response.Data;
foreach (var account in accounts)
    Console.WriteLine($"Account Number: {account.AccountNumber}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Currency: {account.Currency}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Name: {account.Name}");
    Console.WriteLine($"MRR: {account.Mrr}");
    // Print subscriptions
    if (account.Subscriptions != null)
        foreach (var sub in account.Subscriptions)
            Console.WriteLine($"Subscription: {sub.Name}");
    // Print default payment method
    if (account.DefaultPaymentMethod != null)
        Console.WriteLine($"Default Payment Method Type: {account.DefaultPaymentMethod.Type}");
    Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 40));


  • Rate limits for Object Query operations are the same as the REST API rate limits. See Rate Limits for more information.


  • Fields with the null value are not returned in the response.
  • It is not supported to filter on unindexed standard or custom fields.
  • Filtering on base objects is supported, but you cannot filter on the associated expandable objects. For example, when calling the List subscriptions operation, you can only filter on the Subscription objects. Filtering on the Account object is not supported.
  • To filter on an empty string, specify a filter condition using the <field>.EQ:%02%03 syntax. <field>.EQ:'' is not supported.
  • If you want to expose a Relationship-type field on custom objects through Object Query, you must set the field name to be suffixed with Id__c (case-sensitive). For example, RatePlanId__c. Otherwise, it cannot be queried through the Object Query API.
  • It is not supported to filter custom objects using the SW or NE operator.
  • The pagination for Object Query is primarily designed for querying the base object. It means that not all expandable object items can be exposed through Object Query. For detailed example, see Pagination.
  • The following objects are currently not supported:
    • Catalog Group
    • Product Rate Plan Definition
    • Contact Snapshot
    • Fulfillment
    • Ramp
    • Delivery Adjustment
    • Invoice Schedule
    • E-Invoicing objects
    • Payment Gateway