Unposts an open credit memo that has not been applied, and changes its state
to draft
fields[] | Array of strings Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.
Example: fields[]=id,created_time |
credit_memo.fields[] | Array of strings Deprecated Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.
Example: credit_memo.fields[]=id,created_time |
applied_to.fields[] | Array of strings Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.
Example: applied_to.fields[]=id,created_time |
credit_memo_items.fields[] | Array of strings Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.
Example: credit_memo_items.fields[]=id,created_time |
taxation_items.fields[] | Array of strings Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.
Example: taxation_items.fields[]=id,created_time |
account.fields[] | Array of strings Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.
Example: account.fields[]=id,created_time |
bill_to.fields[] | Array of strings Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.
Example: bill_to.fields[]=id,created_time |
expand[] | Array of strings Allows you to expand responses by including related object information in a single call. See the Expand responses section of the Quickstart API Tutorials for detailed instructions. |
filter[] | Array of strings A case-sensitive filter on the list. See the Filter lists section of the Quickstart API Tutorial for detailed instructions. |
page_size | integer [ 1 .. 99 ] The maximum number of results to return in a single page. If the specified |
zuora-track-id | string A custom identifier for tracking API requests. If you set a value for this header, Zuora returns the same value in the response header. This header enables you to track your API calls to assist with troubleshooting in the event of an issue. The value of this field must use the US-ASCII character set and must not include any of the following characters: colon (:), semicolon (;), double quote ("), or quote ('). |
async | boolean Making asynchronous requests allows you to scale your applications more efficiently by leveraging Zuora's infrastructure to enqueue and execute requests for you without blocking. These requests also use built-in retry semantics, which makes them much less likely to fail for non-deterministic reasons, even in extreme high-throughput scenarios. Meanwhile, when you send a request to one of these endpoints, you can expect to receive a response in less than 150 milliseconds and these calls are unlikely to trigger rate limit errors. If set to true, Zuora returns a 202 Accepted response, and the response body contains only a request ID. |
zuora-entity-ids | string An entity ID. If you have multi-entity enabled and the authorization token is valid for more than one entity, you must use this header to specify which entity to perform the operation on. If the authorization token is only valid for a single entity, or you do not have multi-entity enabled, you do not need to set this header. |
idempotency-key | string Specify a unique idempotency key if you want to perform an idempotent POST or PATCH request. Do not use this header in other request types. This idempotency key should be a unique value, and the Zuora server identifies subsequent retries of the same request using this value. For more information, see Idempotent Requests. |
accept-encoding | string Include a |
content-encoding | string Include a |
Default Response
Bad Request
Not Found
Method Not Allowed
Too Many Requests
Internal Server Error
Bad Gateway
Service Unavailable
Gateway Timeout
curl --request POST --url https://rest.apisandbox.zuora.com/v2/credit_memos/8ad09e2085ab06ac0185bd7fbfc308f2/unpost --header 'Authorization: Bearer 787c70adc7214cd88e3dcd218ae2eee2' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{}'
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