Java client library reference
The latest Java client library version is 3.3.0.
Java 11 or a later version.
Classes and methods
The following table summarizes all available classes and methods for the Zuora Java client library.
Class | Method | HTTP request | Operation name |
AccountingCodesApi | activateAccountingCode | PUT /v1/accounting-codes/{ac-id}/activate | Activate an accounting code |
AccountingCodesApi | createAccountingCode | POST /v1/accounting-codes | Create an accounting code |
AccountingCodesApi | deactivateAccountingCode | PUT /v1/accounting-codes/{ac-id}/deactivate | Deactivate an accounting code |
AccountingCodesApi | deleteAccountingCode | DELETE /v1/accounting-codes/{ac-id} | Delete an accounting code |
AccountingCodesApi | getAccountingCode | GET /v1/accounting-codes/{ac-id} | Retrieve an accounting code |
AccountingCodesApi | getAllAccountingCodes | GET /v1/accounting-codes | List all accounting codes |
AccountingCodesApi | updateAccountingCode | PUT /v1/accounting-codes/{ac-id} | Update an accounting code |
AccountingPeriodsApi | closeAccountingPeriod | PUT /v1/accounting-periods/{ap-id}/close | Close an accounting period |
AccountingPeriodsApi | createAccountingPeriod | POST /v1/accounting-periods | Create an accounting period |
AccountingPeriodsApi | deleteAccountingPeriod | DELETE /v1/accounting-periods/{ap-id} | Delete an accounting period |
AccountingPeriodsApi | getAccountingPeriod | GET /v1/accounting-periods/{ap-id} | Retrieve an accounting period |
AccountingPeriodsApi | getAllAccountingPeriods | GET /v1/accounting-periods | List all accounting periods |
AccountingPeriodsApi | pendingCloseAccountingPeriod | PUT /v1/accounting-periods/{ap-id}/pending-close | Set an accounting period to pending close |
AccountingPeriodsApi | reopenAccountingPeriod | PUT /v1/accounting-periods/{ap-id}/reopen | Reopen an accounting period |
AccountingPeriodsApi | runTrialBalance | PUT /v1/accounting-periods/{ap-id}/run-trial-balance | Run trial balance |
AccountingPeriodsApi | updateAccountingPeriod | PUT /v1/accounting-periods/{ap-id} | Update an accounting period |
AccountsApi | createAccount | POST /v1/accounts | Create an account |
AccountsApi | deleteAccount | DELETE /v1/accounts/{account-key} | Delete an account |
AccountsApi | getAccount | GET /v1/accounts/{account-key} | Retrieve an account |
AccountsApi | getAccountDefaultPaymentMethod | GET /v1/accounts/{account-key}/payment-methods/default | Retrieve the default payment method of an account |
AccountsApi | getAccountPaymentMethods | GET /v1/accounts/{account-key}/payment-methods | List payment methods of an account |
AccountsApi | getAccountSummary | GET /v1/accounts/{account-key}/summary | Retrieve an account summary |
AccountsApi | updateAccount | PUT /v1/accounts/{account-key} | Update an account |
ActionsApi | actionPostCreate | POST /v1/action/create | Create |
ActionsApi | actionPostDelete | POST /v1/action/delete | Delete |
ActionsApi | actionPostQuery | POST /v1/action/query | Query |
ActionsApi | actionPostqueryMore | POST /v1/action/queryMore | QueryMore |
ActionsApi | actionPostupdate | POST /v1/action/update | Update |
AdjustmentsApi | cancelBillingAdjustment | PUT /v1/adjustments/{adjustmentId}/cancel | Cancel an adjustment |
AdjustmentsApi | createBillingAdjustment | POST /v1/adjustments | Create an adjustment |
AdjustmentsApi | getBillingAdjustment | GET /v1/adjustments/{adjustment-key} | Retrieve an adjustment |
AdjustmentsApi | getSubscriptionAdjustments | GET /v1/adjustments | List all adjustments of the latest version subscription |
AdjustmentsApi | previewBillingAdjustment | POST /v1/adjustments/preview | Preview an adjustment |
AggregateQueriesApi | createBatchQuery | POST /v1/batch-query/ | Submit an aggregate query job |
AggregateQueriesApi | deleteBatchQueryJob | DELETE /v1/batch-query/jobs/{jobid} | Cancel a running aggregate query job |
AggregateQueriesApi | getBatchQueryJob | GET /v1/batch-query/jobs/{jobid} | Retrieve an aggregate query job |
ApiHealthApi | getSystemHealthApiVolumeSummary | GET /system-health/api-requests/volume-summary | List API volume summary records |
AttachmentsApi | deleteAttachments | DELETE /v1/attachments/{attachment-id} | Delete an attachment |
AttachmentsApi | getAttachments | GET /v1/attachments/{attachment-id} | Retrieve an attachment |
AttachmentsApi | getAttachmentsList | GET /v1/attachments/{object-type}/{object-key} | List attachments by object type and key |
AttachmentsApi | postAttachments | POST /v1/attachments | Create an attachment |
AttachmentsApi | putAttachments | PUT /v1/attachments/{attachment-id} | Update an attachment |
BillRunApi | cancelBillRun | PUT /v1/bill-runs/{billRunId}/cancel | Cancel a bill run |
BillRunApi | createBillRun | POST /v1/bill-runs | Create a bill run |
BillRunApi | deleteBillRun | DELETE /v1/bill-runs/{billRunId} | Delete a bill run |
BillRunApi | emailBillRun | POST /v1/bill-runs/{billRunKey}/emails | Email billing documents generated from a bill run |
BillRunApi | getBillRun | GET /v1/bill-runs/{billRunId} | Retrieve a bill run |
BillRunApi | postBillRun | PUT /v1/bill-runs/{billRunId}/post | Post a bill run |
BillRunHealthApi | getSystemHealthBillingDocVolumeSummary | GET /system-health/billing-documents/volume-summary | List billing document volume summary records |
BillingDocumentsApi | createBillingDocumentFilesDeletionJob | POST /v1/accounts/billing-documents/files/deletion-jobs | Create a job to hard delete billing document files |
BillingDocumentsApi | generateBillingDocuments | POST /v1/accounts/{key}/billing-documents/generate | Generate billing documents by account ID |
BillingDocumentsApi | getBillingDocumentFilesDeletionJob | GET /v1/accounts/billing-documents/files/deletion-jobs/{jobId} | Retrieve a job of hard deleting billing document files |
BillingDocumentsApi | getBillingDocuments | GET /v1/billing-documents | List billing documents for an account |
BillingPreviewRunApi | createBillingPreviewRun | POST /v1/billing-preview-runs | Create a billing preview run |
BillingPreviewRunApi | getBillingPreviewRun | GET /v1/billing-preview-runs/{billingPreviewRunId} | Retrieve a billing preview run |
BookingDateBackfillJobApi | gETBookingDateBackfillJobById | GET /v1/uno/data-backfill/bookingdate/jobs/{jobId} | Find BookingDate Backfill job by ID |
BookingDateBackfillJobApi | gETListBookingDateBackfillJobs | GET /v1/uno/data-backfill/bookingdate/jobs | Query all Booking Date Backfill Jobs |
BookingDateBackfillJobApi | pOSTCreateBookingDateBackfillJob | POST /v1/uno/data-backfill/bookingdate/jobs | Create a new BookingDate Backfil job |
BookingDateBackfillJobApi | pUTStopBookingDateBackfillJobById | PUT /v1/uno/data-backfill/bookingdate/jobs/{jobId} | Stop BookingDate Backfill job by ID |
CatalogGroupsApi | createCatalogGroup | POST /v1/catalog-groups | Create a catalog group |
CatalogGroupsApi | deleteCatalogGroup | DELETE /v1/catalog-groups/{catalog-group-key} | Delete a catalog group |
CatalogGroupsApi | getCatalogGroup | GET /v1/catalog-groups/{catalog-group-key} | Retrieve a catalog group |
CatalogGroupsApi | getCatalogGroups | GET /v1/catalog-groups | List all catalog groups |
CatalogGroupsApi | updateCatalogGroup | PUT /v1/catalog-groups/{catalog-group-key} | Update a catalog group |
ConfigurationTemplatesApi | deleteDeploymentTemplate | DELETE /deployment-manager/deployment_templates/{id} | Delete a template |
ConfigurationTemplatesApi | getDeploymentTemplateDetail | GET /deployment-manager/deployment_templates/{id} | List all details of a template |
ConfigurationTemplatesApi | getDownloadDeploymentTemplate | GET /deployment-manager/deployment_artifacts | Download a template |
ConfigurationTemplatesApi | getSourceComponentDetails | GET /deployment-manager/deployment_artifacts/retrieve-settings | List all details of source components |
ConfigurationTemplatesApi | getTemplates | GET /deployment-manager/deployment_templates | List all templates |
ConfigurationTemplatesApi | postCompareTemplate | POST /deployment-manager/deployment_artifacts/compare | Compare settings between a source tenant and a target tenant |
ConfigurationTemplatesApi | postDeploymentTemplate | POST /deployment-manager/deployment_templates | Create a deployment template |
ConfigurationTemplatesApi | postMigrateTenantSettings | POST /deployment-manager/deployment_artifacts/deploy | Migrate settings from source tenant to target tenant |
ContactSnapshotsApi | getContactSnapshot | GET /v1/contact-snapshots/{contact-snapshot-id} | Retrieve a contact snapshot |
ContactsApi | createContact | POST /v1/contacts | Create a contact |
ContactsApi | deleteContact | DELETE /v1/contacts/{contactId} | Delete a contact |
ContactsApi | getContact | GET /v1/contacts/{contactId} | Retrieve a contact |
ContactsApi | scrubContact | PUT /v1/contacts/{contactId}/scrub | Scrub a contact |
ContactsApi | updateContact | PUT /v1/contacts/{contactId} | Update a contact |
CreditMemosApi | applyCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/apply | Apply a credit memo |
CreditMemosApi | bulkCreateCreditMemos | POST /v1/creditmemos/bulk | Create credit memos |
CreditMemosApi | bulkUpdateCreditMemos | PUT /v1/creditmemos/bulk | Update credit memos |
CreditMemosApi | cancelAsyncCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/cancel-async | Cancel a Credit Memo in async |
CreditMemosApi | cancelCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/cancel | Cancel a credit memo |
CreditMemosApi | createCreditMemoFromCharge | POST /v1/creditmemos | Create a credit memo from a charge |
CreditMemosApi | createCreditMemoFromInvoice | POST /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/creditmemos | Create a credit memo from an invoice |
CreditMemosApi | createCreditMemoTaxationItems | POST /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/taxationitems | Create taxation items for a credit memo |
CreditMemosApi | deleteCreditMemo | DELETE /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey} | Delete a credit memo |
CreditMemosApi | emailCreditMemo | POST /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/emails | Email a credit memo |
CreditMemosApi | generateCreditMemoPdf | POST /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/pdfs | Generate a credit memo PDF file |
CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemo | GET /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey} | Retrieve a credit memo |
CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemoItem | GET /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/items/{creditMemoItemId} | Retrieve a credit memo item |
CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemoItemPart | GET /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/parts/{partid}/itemparts/{itempartid} | Retrieve a credit memo part item |
CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemoItemParts | GET /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/parts/{partid}/itemparts | List all credit memo part items |
CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemoItems | GET /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/items | List credit memo items |
CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemoPart | GET /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/parts/{partid} | Retrieve a credit memo part |
CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemoParts | GET /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/parts | List all parts of a credit memo |
CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemoPdfStatus | GET /v1/creditmemos/pdf-status | Retrieve PDF status of credit memos in a batch. |
CreditMemosApi | getCreditMemos | GET /v1/creditmemos | List credit memos |
CreditMemosApi | getTaxationItemsOfCreditMemoItem | GET /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/items/{creditMemoItemId}/taxation-items | List all taxation items of a credit memo item |
CreditMemosApi | postAsyncCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/post-async | Post a Credit Memo in async |
CreditMemosApi | postCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/post | Post a credit memo |
CreditMemosApi | refundCreditMemo | POST /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/refunds | Refund a credit memo |
CreditMemosApi | reverseCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/reverse | Reverse a credit memo |
CreditMemosApi | unapplyCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/unapply | Unapply a credit memo |
CreditMemosApi | unpostCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/unpost | Unpost a credit memo |
CreditMemosApi | updateCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey} | Update a credit memo |
CreditMemosApi | uploadFileForCreditMemo | POST /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/files | Upload a file for a credit memo |
CreditMemosApi | writeOffCreditMemo | PUT /v1/creditmemos/{creditMemoKey}/write-off | Write off a credit memo |
CustomEventTriggersApi | deleteEventTrigger | DELETE /events/event-triggers/{id} | Delete an event trigger |
CustomEventTriggersApi | getEventTrigger | GET /events/event-triggers/{id} | Retrieve an event trigger |
CustomEventTriggersApi | getEventTriggers | GET /events/event-triggers | List event triggers |
CustomEventTriggersApi | postEventTrigger | POST /events/event-triggers | Create an event trigger |
CustomEventTriggersApi | putEventTrigger | PUT /events/event-triggers/{id} | Update an event trigger |
CustomExchangeRatesApi | getCustomExchangeRates | GET /v1/custom-exchange-rates/{currency} | List custom exchange rates by currency |
CustomObjectDefinitionsApi | deleteCustomObjectDefinitionByType | DELETE /objects/definitions/default/{object} | Delete a custom object definition |
CustomObjectDefinitionsApi | getAllCustomObjectDefinitionsInNamespace | GET /objects/definitions/default | List custom object definitions |
CustomObjectDefinitionsApi | getCustomObjectDefinitionByType | GET /objects/definitions/default/{object} | Retrieve a custom object definition |
CustomObjectDefinitionsApi | postCustomObjectDefinitions | POST /objects/definitions/default | Create custom object definitions |
CustomObjectDefinitionsApi | postUpdateCustomObjectDefinition | POST /objects/migrations | Update a custom object definition |
CustomObjectJobsApi | getAllCustomObjectBulkJobs | GET /objects/jobs | List all custom object bulk jobs |
CustomObjectJobsApi | getCustomObjectBulkJob | GET /objects/jobs/{id} | Retrieve a custom object bulk job |
CustomObjectJobsApi | getCustomObjectBulkJobErrors | GET /objects/jobs/{id}/errors | List all errors for a custom object bulk job |
CustomObjectJobsApi | pATCHCustomObjectBulkJob | PATCH /objects/jobs/{id}/cancel | Cancel a custom object bulk job |
CustomObjectJobsApi | postCustomObjectBulkJob | POST /objects/jobs | Submit a custom object bulk job |
CustomObjectJobsApi | postUploadFileForCustomObjectBulkJob | POST /objects/jobs/{id}/files | Upload a file for a custom object bulk job |
CustomObjectRecordsApi | deleteCustomObjectRecordByID | DELETE /objects/records/default/{object}/{id} | Delete a custom object record |
CustomObjectRecordsApi | getAllRecordsForCustomObjectType | GET /objects/records/default/{object} | List records for a custom object |
CustomObjectRecordsApi | getCustomObjectRecordByID | GET /objects/records/default/{object}/{id} | Retrieve a custom object record |
CustomObjectRecordsApi | patchPartialUpdateCustomObjectRecord | PATCH /objects/records/default/{object}/{id} | Partially update a custom object record |
CustomObjectRecordsApi | postCustomObjectRecords | POST /objects/records/default/{object} | Create custom object records |
CustomObjectRecordsApi | postCustomObjectRecordsBatchUpdateOrDelete | POST /objects/batch/default/{object} | Update or delete custom object records |
CustomObjectRecordsApi | putCustomObjectRecord | PUT /objects/records/default/{object}/{id} | Update a custom object record |
CustomPaymentMethodTypesApi | createOpenPaymentMethodType | POST /open-payment-method-types | Create a draft custom payment method type |
CustomPaymentMethodTypesApi | getOpenPaymentMethodTypeRevision | GET /open-payment-method-types/{paymentMethodTypeName}/draft/{revisionNumber} | Retrieve a specific draft revision of a custom payment method type |
CustomPaymentMethodTypesApi | getPublishedOpenPaymentMethodType | GET /open-payment-method-types/{paymentMethodTypeName}/published | Retrieve a published custom payment method type |
CustomPaymentMethodTypesApi | publishOpenPaymentMethodType | PUT /open-payment-method-types/publish/{paymentMethodTypeName} | Publish a custom payment method type |
CustomPaymentMethodTypesApi | updateOpenPaymentMethodType | PUT /open-payment-method-types/{paymentMethodTypeName} | Update a custom payment method type |
CustomScheduledEventsApi | deleteScheduledEventByID | DELETE /events/scheduled-events/{id} | Delete a scheduled event by ID |
CustomScheduledEventsApi | getScheduledEventByID | GET /events/scheduled-events/{id} | Retrieve a scheduled event by ID |
CustomScheduledEventsApi | getScheduledEvents | GET /events/scheduled-events | List all scheduled events |
CustomScheduledEventsApi | postScheduledEvent | POST /events/scheduled-events | Create a scheduled event |
CustomScheduledEventsApi | updateScheduledEventByID | PUT /events/scheduled-events/{id} | Update a scheduled event by ID |
DataBackfillJobApi | gETDataBackfillJobById | GET /v1/uno/data-backfill/jobs/{jobId} | Find Data Backfill job by ID |
DataBackfillJobApi | gETDataBackfillTemplate | GET /v1/uno/data-backfill/jobs/{type}/template | Download a Data Backfill template file |
DataBackfillJobApi | gETListDataBackfillJobs | GET /v1/uno/date-backfill/listjobs | Query all data backfill jobs |
DataBackfillJobApi | pOSTCreateDataBackfillJob | POST /v1/uno/data-backfill/jobs | Create a new Data Backfil job |
DataBackfillJobApi | pUTStopDataBackfillJobById | PUT /v1/uno/data-backfill/jobs/{jobId} | Stop Data Backfill job by ID |
DataQueriesApi | deleteDataQueryJob | DELETE /query/jobs/{job-id} | Cancel a data query job |
DataQueriesApi | getDataQueryJob | GET /query/jobs/{job-id} | Retrieve a data query job |
DataQueriesApi | getDataQueryJobs | GET /query/jobs | List data query jobs |
DataQueriesApi | postDataQueryJob | POST /query/jobs | Submit a data query |
DebitMemosApi | bulkCreateDebitMemos | POST /v1/debitmemos/bulk | Create debit memos |
DebitMemosApi | bulkUpdateDebitMemos | PUT /v1/debitmemos/bulk | Update debit memos |
DebitMemosApi | cancelAsyncDebitMemo | PUT /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/cancel-async | Cancel a Debit Memo in async |
DebitMemosApi | cancelDebitMemo | PUT /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/cancel | Cancel a debit memo |
DebitMemosApi | collectDebitMemo | POST /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/collect | Collect a posted debit memo |
DebitMemosApi | createDebitMemoFromCharge | POST /v1/debitmemos | Create a debit memo from a charge |
DebitMemosApi | createDebitMemoFromInvoice | POST /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/debitmemos | Create a debit memo from an invoice |
DebitMemosApi | createTaxationItemsForDebitMemo | POST /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/taxationitems | Create taxation items for a debit memo |
DebitMemosApi | deleteDebitMemo | DELETE /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey} | Delete a debit memo |
DebitMemosApi | emailDebitMemo | POST /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/emails | Email a debit memo |
DebitMemosApi | generateDebitMemoPdf | POST /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/pdfs | Generate a debit memo PDF file |
DebitMemosApi | getDebitMemo | GET /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey} | Retrieve a debit memo |
DebitMemosApi | getDebitMemoApplicationParts | GET /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/application-parts | List all application parts of a debit memo |
DebitMemosApi | getDebitMemoItem | GET /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/items/{debitMemoItemId} | Retrieve a debit memo item |
DebitMemosApi | getDebitMemoItems | GET /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/items | List debit memo items |
DebitMemosApi | getDebitMemoPdfStatus | GET /v1/debitmemos/pdf-status | Retrieve PDF status of debit memos in a batch. |
DebitMemosApi | getDebitMemos | GET /v1/debitmemos | List debit memos |
DebitMemosApi | getTaxationItemsOfDebitMemoItem | GET /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/items/{debitMemoItemId}/taxation-items | List all taxation items of a debit memo item |
DebitMemosApi | postAsyncDebitMemo | PUT /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/post-async | Post a Debit Memo in async |
DebitMemosApi | postDebitMemo | PUT /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/post | Post a debit memo |
DebitMemosApi | unpostDebitMemo | PUT /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/unpost | Unpost a debit memo |
DebitMemosApi | updateDebitMemo | PUT /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey} | Update a debit memo |
DebitMemosApi | updateDebitMemosDueDates | PUT /v1/debitmemos | Update due dates for debit memos |
DebitMemosApi | uploadFileForDebitMemo | POST /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/files | Upload a file for a debit memo |
DebitMemosApi | writeOffDebitMemo | PUT /v1/debitmemos/{debitMemoKey}/write-off | Write off an debit memo |
DescribeApi | getDescribe | GET /v1/describe/{object} | Describe an object |
EInvoicingApi | deleteBusinessRegion | DELETE /v1/e-invoice/business-regions/{key} | Delete a Business Region |
EInvoicingApi | deleteServiceProvider | DELETE /v1/e-invoice/service-providers/{key} | Delete a Service Provider |
EInvoicingApi | getBusinessRegion | GET /v1/e-invoice/business-regions/{key} | Retrieve a Business Region |
EInvoicingApi | getBusinessRegions | GET /v1/e-invoice/business-regions | List business region |
EInvoicingApi | getServiceProvider | GET /v1/e-invoice/service-providers/{key} | Retrieve a Service Provider |
EInvoicingApi | getServiceProviders | GET /v1/e-invoice/service-providers | List Service Provider |
EInvoicingApi | postBusinessRegion | POST /v1/e-invoice/business-regions | Post a Business Region |
EInvoicingApi | postServiceProvider | POST /v1/e-invoice/service-providers | Post a Service Provider |
EInvoicingApi | updateBusinessRegion | PUT /v1/e-invoice/business-regions/{key} | Update a Business Region |
EInvoicingApi | updateServiceProvider | PUT /v1/e-invoice/service-providers/{key} | Update a Service Provider |
ElectronicPaymentsHealthApi | getSystemHealthPaymentVolumeSummary | GET /system-health/payments/volume-summary | List payment volume summary records |
FilesApi | getFiles | GET /v1/files/{file-id} | Retrieve a file |
FulfillmentsApi | createFulfillment | POST /v1/fulfillments | Create fulfillments |
FulfillmentsApi | createFulfillmentItem | POST /v1/fulfillment-items | Create fulfillment items |
FulfillmentsApi | deleteFulfillment | DELETE /v1/fulfillments/{key} | Delete a fulfillment |
FulfillmentsApi | deleteFulfillmentItem | DELETE /v1/fulfillment-items/{id} | Delete a fulfillment item |
FulfillmentsApi | getFulfillment | GET /v1/fulfillments/{key} | Retrieve a fulfillment |
FulfillmentsApi | getFulfillmentItem | GET /v1/fulfillment-items/{id} | Retrieve a fulfillment item |
FulfillmentsApi | updateFulfillment | PUT /v1/fulfillments/{key} | Update a fulfillment |
FulfillmentsApi | updateFulfillmentItem | PUT /v1/fulfillment-items/{id} | Update a fulfillment item |
HostedPagesApi | getHostedPages | GET /v1/hostedpages | List hosted pages |
ImportsApi | objectGetImport | GET /v1/object/import/{id} | CRUD: Retrieve an import |
ImportsApi | objectPostImport | POST /v1/object/import | CRUD: Create an import |
InvoiceSchedulesApi | createInvoiceSchedule | POST /v1/invoice-schedules | Create an invoice schedule |
InvoiceSchedulesApi | deleteInvoiceSchedule | DELETE /v1/invoice-schedules/{scheduleKey} | Delete an invoice schedule |
InvoiceSchedulesApi | executeInvoiceSchedule | POST /v1/invoice-schedules/{scheduleKey}/execute | Execute an invoice schedule |
InvoiceSchedulesApi | getInvoiceSchedule | GET /v1/invoice-schedules/{scheduleKey} | Retrieve an invoice schedule |
InvoiceSchedulesApi | pauseInvoiceSchedule | PUT /v1/invoice-schedules/{scheduleKey}/pause | Pause an invoice schedule |
InvoiceSchedulesApi | resumeInvoiceSchedule | PUT /v1/invoice-schedules/{scheduleKey}/resume | Resume an invoice schedule |
InvoiceSchedulesApi | updateInvoiceSchedule | PUT /v1/invoice-schedules/{scheduleKey} | Update an invoice schedule |
InvoicesApi | bulkCreateStandaloneInvoices | POST /v1/invoices/batch | Create standalone invoices |
InvoicesApi | bulkPostInvoices | POST /v1/invoices/bulk-post | Post invoices |
InvoicesApi | bulkUpdateInvoices | PUT /v1/invoices | Update invoices |
InvoicesApi | cancelInvoice | PUT /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/cancel | Cancel an invoice |
InvoicesApi | createInvoiceTaxationItems | POST /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/taxationitems | Create taxation items for an invoice |
InvoicesApi | createStandaloneInvoice | POST /v1/invoices | Create a standalone invoice |
InvoicesApi | deleteInvoice | DELETE /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey} | Delete an invoice |
InvoicesApi | emailInvoice | POST /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/emails | Email an invoice |
InvoicesApi | getInvoice | GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey} | Retrieve an invoice |
InvoicesApi | getInvoiceApplicationParts | GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/application-parts | List all application parts of an invoice |
InvoicesApi | getInvoiceFiles | GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/files | List all files of an invoice |
InvoicesApi | getInvoiceItems | GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/items | List all items of an invoice |
InvoicesApi | getInvoicePdfStatus | GET /v1/invoices/pdf-status | Retrieve PDF status of invoices in a batch. |
InvoicesApi | getTaxationItemsOfInvoiceItem | GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/items/{itemId}/taxation-items | List all taxation items of an invoice item |
InvoicesApi | postInvoice | PUT /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/post | Cancel an invoice |
InvoicesApi | reverseInvoice | PUT /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/reverse | Reverse an invoice |
InvoicesApi | updateInvoice | PUT /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey} | Update an invoice |
InvoicesApi | uploadFileForInvoice | POST /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/files | Upload a file for an invoice |
InvoicesApi | writeOffInvoice | PUT /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/write-off | Write off an invoice |
JournalRunsApi | cancelJournalRun | PUT /v1/journal-runs/{jr-number}/cancel | Cancel a journal run |
JournalRunsApi | createJournalRun | POST /v1/journal-runs | Create a journal run |
JournalRunsApi | deleteJournalRun | DELETE /v1/journal-runs/{jr-number} | Delete a journal run |
JournalRunsApi | getJournalRun | GET /v1/journal-runs/{jr-number} | Retrieve a journal run |
MassUpdaterApi | createMassUpdater | POST /v1/bulk | Perform a mass action |
MassUpdaterApi | getMassUpdater | GET /v1/bulk/{bulk-key} | List all results of a mass action |
MassUpdaterApi | stopMassUpdater | PUT /v1/bulk/{bulk-key}/stop | Stop a mass action |
NotificationsApi | createNotificationDefinition | POST /notifications/notification-definitions | Create a notification definition |
NotificationsApi | createOrUpdateEmailTemplates | POST /notifications/email-templates/import | Create or update email templates |
NotificationsApi | deleteEmailTemplate | DELETE /notifications/email-templates/{id} | Delete an email template |
NotificationsApi | deleteNotificationDefinition | DELETE /notifications/notification-definitions/{id} | Delete a notification definition |
NotificationsApi | deleteNotificationHistoryForAccount | DELETE /notifications/history | Delete notification histories for an account |
NotificationsApi | getCalloutHistory | GET /v1/notification-history/callout | List callout notification histories |
NotificationsApi | getEmailHistory | GET /v1/notification-history/email | List email notification histories |
NotificationsApi | getEmailTemplate | GET /notifications/email-templates/{id} | Retrieve an email template |
NotificationsApi | getNotificationDefinition | GET /notifications/notification-definitions/{id} | Retrieve a notification definition |
NotificationsApi | getNotificationHistoryDeletionTask | GET /notifications/history/tasks/{id} | Retrieve a notification history deletion task |
NotificationsApi | postCreateEmailTemplate | POST /notifications/email-templates | Create an email template |
NotificationsApi | queryEmailTemplates | GET /notifications/email-templates | List email templates |
NotificationsApi | queryNotificationDefinitions | GET /notifications/notification-definitions | List notification definitions |
NotificationsApi | resendCalloutNotifications | POST /notifications/callout-histories/resend | Resend callout notifications |
NotificationsApi | resendEmailNotifications | POST /notifications/email-histories/resend | Resend email notifications |
NotificationsApi | updateEmailTemplate | PUT /notifications/email-templates/{id} | Update an email template |
NotificationsApi | updateNotificationDefinition | PUT /notifications/notification-definitions/{id} | Update a notification definition |
OAuthApi | createToken | POST /oauth/token | Create an OAuth token |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryAccountByKey | GET /object-query/accounts/{key} | Retrieve an account |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryAccounts | GET /object-query/accounts | List accounts |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryAmendmentByKey | GET /object-query/amendments/{key} | Retrieve an amendment |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryAmendments | GET /object-query/amendments | List amendments |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryBillingRunByKey | GET /object-query/billing-runs/{key} | Retrieve a bill run |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryBillingRuns | GET /object-query/billing-runs | List bill runs |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryContactByKey | GET /object-query/contacts/{key} | Retrieve a contact |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryContacts | GET /object-query/contacts | List contacts |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryCreditMemoApplicationByKey | GET /object-query/credit-memo-applications/{key} | Retrieve a credit memo application |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryCreditMemoApplications | GET /object-query/credit-memo-applications | List credit memo applications |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryCreditMemoByKey | GET /object-query/credit-memos/{key} | Retrieve a credit memo |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryCreditMemoItemByKey | GET /object-query/credit-memo-items/{key} | Retrieve a credit memo item |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryCreditMemoItems | GET /object-query/credit-memo-items | List credit memo items |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryCreditMemos | GET /object-query/credit-memos | List credit memos |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryCustomObjectBykey | GET /object-query/{custom-object-name}/{key} | Retrieve a custom object |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryCustomObjects | GET /object-query/{custom-object-name} | List custom objects |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryDailyConsumptionSummaryByKey | GET /object-query/daily-consumption-summaries/{key} | Retrieve a daily consumption summary |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryDailyConsumptionSummarys | GET /object-query/daily-consumption-summaries | List daily consumption summaries |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryDebitMemoByKey | GET /object-query/debit-memos/{key} | Retrieve a debit memo |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryDebitMemoItemByKey | GET /object-query/debit-memo-items/{key} | Retrieve a debit memo item |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryDebitMemoItems | GET /object-query/debit-memo-items | List debit memo items |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryDebitMemos | GET /object-query/debit-memos | List debit memos |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryInvoiceByKey | GET /object-query/invoices/{key} | Retrieve an invoice |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryInvoiceItemByKey | GET /object-query/invoice-items/{key} | Retrieve an invoice item |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryInvoiceItems | GET /object-query/invoice-items | List invoice items |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryInvoices | GET /object-query/invoices | List invoices |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryOrderActionByKey | GET /object-query/order-actions/{key} | Retrieve an order action |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryOrderActions | GET /object-query/order-actions | List order actions |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryOrderLineItemByKey | GET /object-query/order-line-items/{key} | Retrieve an order line item |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryOrderLineItems | GET /object-query/order-line-items | List order line items |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryOrdersByKey | GET /object-query/orders/{key} | Retrieve an order |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryOrderss | GET /object-query/orders | List orders |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentApplicationByKey | GET /object-query/payment-applications/{key} | Retrieve a payment application |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentApplications | GET /object-query/payment-applications | List payment applications |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentByKey | GET /object-query/payments/{key} | Retrieve a payment |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentMethodByKey | GET /object-query/payment-methods/{key} | Retrieve a payment method |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentMethodSnapshotByKey | GET /object-query/payment-method-snapshots/{key} | Retrieve a payment method snapshot |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentMethodSnapshots | GET /object-query/payment-method-snapshots | List payment method snapshots |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentMethods | GET /object-query/payment-methods | List payment methods |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentRunByKey | GET /object-query/payment-runs/{key} | Retrieve a payment run |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentRuns | GET /object-query/payment-runs | List payment runs |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentScheduleByKey | GET /object-query/payment-schedules/{key} | Retrieve a payment schedule |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentScheduleItemByKey | GET /object-query/payment-schedule-items/{key} | Retrieve a payment schedule item |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentScheduleItems | GET /object-query/payment-schedule-items | List payment schedule items |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPaymentSchedules | GET /object-query/payment-schedules | List payment schedules |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPayments | GET /object-query/payments | List payments |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPrepaidBalanceByKey | GET /object-query/prepaid-balances/{key} | Retrieve a prepaid balance |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPrepaidBalanceFundByKey | GET /object-query/prepaid-balance-funds/{key} | Retrieve a prepaid balance fund |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPrepaidBalanceFunds | GET /object-query/prepaid-balance-funds | List prepaid balance funds |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPrepaidBalanceTransactionByKey | GET /object-query/prepaid-balance-transactions/{key} | Retrieve a prepaid balance transaction |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPrepaidBalanceTransactions | GET /object-query/prepaid-balance-transactions | List prepaid balance transactions |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryPrepaidBalances | GET /object-query/prepaid-balances | List prepaid balances |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryProcessedUsageByKey | GET /object-query/processed-usages/{key} | Retrieve a processed usage record |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryProcessedUsages | GET /object-query/processed-usages | List processed usage records |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryProductByKey | GET /object-query/products/{key} | Retrieve a product |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryProductRatePlanByKey | GET /object-query/product-rate-plans/{key} | Retrieve a product rate plan |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryProductRatePlanChargeByKey | GET /object-query/product-rate-plan-charges/{key} | Retrieve a product rate plan charge |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryProductRatePlanChargeTierByKey | GET /object-query/product-rate-plan-charge-tiers/{key} | Retrieve a product rate plan charge tier |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryProductRatePlanChargeTiers | GET /object-query/product-rate-plan-charge-tiers | List product rate plan charge tiers |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryProductRatePlanCharges | GET /object-query/product-rate-plan-charges | List product rate plan charges |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryProductRatePlans | GET /object-query/product-rate-plans | List product rate plans |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryProducts | GET /object-query/products | List products |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryRatePlanByKey | GET /object-query/rate-plans/{key} | Retrieve a rate plan |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryRatePlanChargeByKey | GET /object-query/rate-plan-charges/{key} | Retrieve a rate plan charge |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryRatePlanChargeTierByKey | GET /object-query/rate-plan-charge-tiers/{key} | Retrieve a rate plan charge tier |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryRatePlanChargeTiers | GET /object-query/rate-plan-charge-tiers | List rate plan charge tiers |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryRatePlanCharges | GET /object-query/rate-plan-charges | List rate plan charges |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryRatePlans | GET /object-query/rate-plans | List rate plans |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryRatingResultByKey | GET /object-query/rating-results/{key} | Retrieve a rating result |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryRatingResults | GET /object-query/rating-results | List rating results |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryRefundApplicationByKey | GET /object-query/refund-applications/{key} | Retrieve a refund application |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryRefundApplicationItemByKey | GET /object-query/refund-application-items/{key} | Retrieve a refund application item |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryRefundApplicationItems | GET /object-query/refund-application-items | List refund application items |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryRefundApplications | GET /object-query/refund-applications | List refund applications |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryRefundByKey | GET /object-query/refunds/{key} | Retrieve a refund |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryRefunds | GET /object-query/refunds | List refunds |
ObjectQueriesApi | querySubscriptionByKey | GET /object-query/subscriptions/{key} | Retrieve a subscription |
ObjectQueriesApi | querySubscriptions | GET /object-query/subscriptions | List subscriptions |
ObjectQueriesApi | querySummaryStatementByKey | GET /object-query/summarystatements/{key} | Retrieve a summary statement |
ObjectQueriesApi | querySummaryStatementRunByKey | GET /object-query/summarystatementruns/{key} | Retrieve a summary statement run |
ObjectQueriesApi | querySummaryStatementRuns | GET /object-query/summarystatementruns | List summary statement runs |
ObjectQueriesApi | querySummaryStatements | GET /object-query/summarystatements | List summary statements |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryTaxationItemByKey | GET /object-query/taxation-items/{key} | Retrieve a taxation item |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryTaxationItems | GET /object-query/taxation-items | List taxation items |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryUsageByKey | GET /object-query/usages/{key} | Retrieve a usage record |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryUsages | GET /object-query/usages | List usage records |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryValidityPeriodSummaryByKey | GET /object-query/validity-period-summaries/{key} | Retrieve a validity period summary |
ObjectQueriesApi | queryValidityPeriodSummarys | GET /object-query/validity-period-summaries | List validity period summaries |
OperationsApi | createBillingPreview | POST /v1/operations/billing-preview | Generate a billing preview |
OperationsApi | createBulkPDFToZIPGeneration | POST /v1/operations/bulk-pdf | Background Job to ZIP huge number of PDF |
OperationsApi | createInvoiceCollect | POST /v1/operations/invoice-collect | Invoice and collect |
OperationsApi | getBulkPDFToZIPGeneration | GET /v1/operations/bulk-pdf/{jobId} | Retrieve the information related to the Job |
OperationsApi | getOperationJob | GET /v1/operations/jobs/{jobId} | Retrieve an operation job |
OrderActionsApi | updateOrderAction | PUT /v1/orderActions/{id} | Update an order action |
OrderLineItemsApi | getOrderLineItem | GET /v1/order-line-items/{itemId} | Retrieve an order line item |
OrderLineItemsApi | updateOrderLineItem | PUT /v1/order-line-items/{itemId} | Update an order line item |
OrderLineItemsApi | updateOrderLineItems | POST /v1/order-line-items/bulk | Update order line items |
OrdersApi | activateOrder | PUT /v1/orders/{orderNumber}/activate | Activate an order |
OrdersApi | cancelOrder | PUT /v1/orders/{orderNumber}/cancel | Cancel an order |
OrdersApi | createOrder | POST /v1/orders | Create an order |
OrdersApi | createOrderAsynchronously | POST /v1/async/orders | Create an order asynchronously |
OrdersApi | deleteOrder | DELETE /v1/orders/{orderNumber} | Delete an order |
OrdersApi | getJobStatusAndResponse | GET /v1/async-jobs/{jobId} | Retrieve the status and response of a job |
OrdersApi | getOrder | GET /v1/orders/{orderNumber} | Retrieve an order |
OrdersApi | getOrders | GET /v1/orders | List orders |
OrdersApi | getOrdersByInvoiceOwner | GET /v1/orders/invoiceOwner/{accountNumber} | List orders of an invoice owner |
OrdersApi | getOrdersBySubscriptionNumber | GET /v1/orders/subscription/{subscriptionNumber} | List orders by subscription number |
OrdersApi | getOrdersBySubscriptionOwner | GET /v1/orders/subscriptionOwner/{accountNumber} | List orders of a subscription owner |
OrdersApi | getPendingOrdersBySubscriptionNumber | GET /v1/orders/subscription/{subscription-key}/pending | List pending orders by subscription number |
OrdersApi | previewOrder | POST /v1/orders/preview | Preview an order |
OrdersApi | previewOrderAsynchronously | POST /v1/async/orders/preview | Preview an order asynchronously |
OrdersApi | revertOrder | POST /v1/orders/{orderNumber}/revert | Revert an order |
OrdersApi | updateOrder | PUT /v1/orders/{orderNumber} | Update an order |
OrdersApi | updateOrderCustomFields | PUT /v1/orders/{orderNumber}/customFields | Update order custom fields |
OrdersApi | updateOrderTriggerDates | PUT /v1/orders/{orderNumber}/triggerDates | Update order action trigger dates |
OrdersApi | updateSubscriptionCustomFields | PUT /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionNumber}/customFields | Update subscription custom fields |
PaymentAuthorizationApi | cancelAuthorization | POST /v1/payment-methods/{payment-method-id}/voidAuthorize | Cancel authorization |
PaymentAuthorizationApi | createAuthorization | POST /v1/payment-methods/{payment-method-id}/authorize | Create authorization |
PaymentGatewayReconciliationApi | reconcileRefund | POST /v1/refunds/{refund-key}/reconcile | Reconcile a refund |
PaymentGatewayReconciliationApi | rejectPayment | POST /v1/gateway-settlement/payments/{payment-key}/reject | Reject a payment |
PaymentGatewayReconciliationApi | reversePayment | POST /v1/gateway-settlement/payments/{payment-key}/chargeback | Reverse a payment |
PaymentGatewayReconciliationApi | settlePayment | POST /v1/gateway-settlement/payments/{payment-key}/settle | Settle a payment |
PaymentGatewaysApi | getPaymentGateways | GET /v1/paymentgateways | List all payment gateways |
PaymentMethodSnapshotsApi | getPaymentMethodSnapshot | GET /v1/object/payment-method-snapshot/{id} | CRUD: Retrieve a payment method snapshot |
PaymentMethodTransactionLogsApi | getPaymentMethodTransactionLog | GET /v1/object/payment-method-transaction-log/{id} | CRUD: Retrieve a payment method transaction log |
PaymentMethodUpdaterApi | createPaymentMethodUpdaterBatch | POST /v1/payment-method-updaters/batches | Create a Payment Method Updater batch asynchronously |
PaymentMethodUpdaterApi | getPaymentMethodUpdaterInstances | GET /v1/payment-method-updaters | List Payment Method Updater instances |
PaymentMethodsApi | cancelStoredCredentialProfile | POST /v1/payment-methods/{payment-method-id}/profiles/{profile-number}/cancel | Cancel a stored credential profile |
PaymentMethodsApi | createPaymentMethod | POST /v1/payment-methods | Create a payment method |
PaymentMethodsApi | createPaymentSession | POST /web-payments/sessions | Create a payment session |
PaymentMethodsApi | createStoredCredentialProfile | POST /v1/payment-methods/{payment-method-id}/profiles | Create a stored credential profile |
PaymentMethodsApi | decryptPaymentMethod | POST /v1/payment-methods/decryption | Create an Apple Pay payment method |
PaymentMethodsApi | deletePaymentMethod | DELETE /v1/payment-methods/{payment-method-id} | Delete a payment method |
PaymentMethodsApi | expireStoredCredentialProfile | POST /v1/payment-methods/{payment-method-id}/profiles/{profile-number}/expire | Expire a stored credential profile |
PaymentMethodsApi | getPaymentMethod | GET /v1/payment-methods/{payment-method-id} | Retrieve a payment method |
PaymentMethodsApi | getStoredCredentialProfiles | GET /v1/payment-methods/{payment-method-id}/profiles | List stored credential profiles of a payment method |
PaymentMethodsApi | scrubPaymentMethod | PUT /v1/payment-methods/{payment-method-id}/scrub | Scrub a payment method |
PaymentMethodsApi | updatePaymentMethod | PUT /v1/payment-methods/{payment-method-id} | Update a payment method |
PaymentMethodsApi | verifyPaymentMethod | PUT /v1/payment-methods/{payment-method-id}/verify | Verify a payment method |
PaymentRunsApi | createPaymentRun | POST /v1/payment-runs | Create a payment run |
PaymentRunsApi | deletePaymentRun | DELETE /v1/payment-runs/{paymentRunKey} | Delete a payment run |
PaymentRunsApi | getPaymentRun | GET /v1/payment-runs/{paymentRunKey} | Retrieve a payment run |
PaymentRunsApi | getPaymentRunData | GET /v1/payment-runs/{paymentRunKey}/data | Retrieve payment run data |
PaymentRunsApi | getPaymentRunSummary | GET /v1/payment-runs/{paymentRunKey}/summary | Retrieve a payment run summary |
PaymentRunsApi | getPaymentRuns | GET /v1/payment-runs | List payment runs |
PaymentRunsApi | updatePaymentRun | PUT /v1/payment-runs/{paymentRunKey} | Update a payment run |
PaymentSchedulesApi | addItemsToCustomPaymentSchedule | POST /v1/payment-schedules/{paymentScheduleKey}/items | Add payment schedule items to a custom payment schedule |
PaymentSchedulesApi | cancelPaymentSchedule | PUT /v1/payment-schedules/{paymentScheduleKey}/cancel | Cancel a payment schedule |
PaymentSchedulesApi | cancelPaymentScheduleItem | PUT /v1/payment-schedule-items/{item-id}/cancel | Cancel a payment schedule item |
PaymentSchedulesApi | createPaymentSchedule | POST /v1/payment-schedules | Create a payment schedule |
PaymentSchedulesApi | createPaymentSchedules | POST /v1/payment-schedules/batch | Create multiple payment schedules at once |
PaymentSchedulesApi | getPaymentSchedule | GET /v1/payment-schedules/{paymentScheduleKey} | Retrieve a payment schedule |
PaymentSchedulesApi | getPaymentScheduleItem | GET /v1/payment-schedule-items/{item-id} | Retrieve a payment schedule item |
PaymentSchedulesApi | getPaymentScheduleStatistic | GET /v1/payment-schedules/statistics/{yyyy-mm-dd} | Retrieve payment schedule statistic of a date |
PaymentSchedulesApi | getPaymentSchedules | GET /v1/payment-schedules | List payment schedules by customer account |
PaymentSchedulesApi | retryPaymentScheduleItem | POST /v1/payment-schedule-items/retry-payment | Retry failed payment schedule items |
PaymentSchedulesApi | skipPaymentScheduleItem | PUT /v1/payment-schedule-items/{item-id}/skip | Skip a payment schedule item |
PaymentSchedulesApi | updatePaymentSchedule | PUT /v1/payment-schedules/{paymentScheduleKey} | Update a payment schedule |
PaymentSchedulesApi | updatePaymentScheduleItem | PUT /v1/payment-schedule-items/{item-id} | Update a payment schedule item |
PaymentSchedulesApi | updatePaymentSchedulePreview | PUT /v1/payment-schedules/{paymentScheduleKey}/preview | Preview the result of payment schedule updates |
PaymentTransactionLogsApi | getPaymentTransactionLog | GET /v1/object/payment-transaction-log/{id} | CRUD: Retrieve a payment transaction log |
PaymentsApi | applyPayment | PUT /v1/payments/{paymentKey}/apply | Apply a payment |
PaymentsApi | cancelPayment | PUT /v1/payments/{paymentKey}/cancel | Cancel a payment |
PaymentsApi | createPayment | POST /v1/payments | Create a payment |
PaymentsApi | createRefundPayment | POST /v1/payments/{paymentKey}/refunds | Refund a payment |
PaymentsApi | deletePayment | DELETE /v1/payments/{paymentKey} | Delete a payment |
PaymentsApi | getPayment | GET /v1/payments/{paymentKey} | Retrieve a payment |
PaymentsApi | getPaymentItemPart | GET /v1/payments/{paymentKey}/parts/{partid}/itemparts/{itempartid} | Retrieve a payment part item |
PaymentsApi | getPaymentItemParts | GET /v1/payments/{paymentKey}/parts/{partid}/itemparts | List all payment part items |
PaymentsApi | getPaymentPart | GET /v1/payments/{paymentKey}/parts/{partid} | Retrieve a payment part |
PaymentsApi | getPaymentParts | GET /v1/payments/{paymentKey}/parts | List all parts of a payment |
PaymentsApi | getRetrieveAllPayments | GET /v1/payments | List payments |
PaymentsApi | refundPaymentwithAutoUnapply | POST /v1/payments/{paymentKey}/refunds/unapply | Refund a payment with auto-unapplying |
PaymentsApi | transferPayment | PUT /v1/payments/{paymentKey}/transfer | Transfer a payment |
PaymentsApi | unapplyPayment | PUT /v1/payments/{paymentKey}/unapply | Unapply a payment |
PaymentsApi | updatePayment | PUT /v1/payments/{paymentId} | Update a payment |
ProductRatePlanChargeTiersApi | getProductRatePlanChargeTier | GET /v1/object/product-rate-plan-charge-tier/{id} | CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan charge tier |
ProductRatePlanChargeTiersApi | updateProductRatePlanChargeTier | PUT /v1/object/product-rate-plan-charge-tier/{id} | CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge tier |
ProductRatePlanChargesApi | createProductRatePlanCharge | POST /v1/object/product-rate-plan-charge | CRUD: Create a product rate plan charge |
ProductRatePlanChargesApi | deleteProductRatePlanCharge | DELETE /v1/object/product-rate-plan-charge/{id} | CRUD: Delete a product rate plan charge |
ProductRatePlanChargesApi | getProductRatePlanCharge | GET /v1/object/product-rate-plan-charge/{id} | CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan charge |
ProductRatePlanChargesApi | updateProductRatePlanCharge | PUT /v1/object/product-rate-plan-charge/{id} | CRUD: Update a product rate plan charge |
ProductRatePlansApi | createProductRatePlan | POST /v1/object/product-rate-plan | CRUD: Create a product rate plan |
ProductRatePlansApi | deleteProductRatePlan | DELETE /v1/object/product-rate-plan/{id} | CRUD: Delete a product rate plan |
ProductRatePlansApi | getProductRatePlan | GET /v1/product-rate-plans/{id} | Retrieve a product rate plan by ID |
ProductRatePlansApi | getProductRatePlansByExternalID | GET /v1/product-rate-plans/external-id/{externalId} | List product rate plans by external ID |
ProductRatePlansApi | getRatePlansByProduct | GET /v1/rateplan/{product-key}/productRatePlan | List all product rate plans of a product |
ProductRatePlansApi | updateProductRatePlan | PUT /v1/object/product-rate-plan/{id} | CRUD: Update a product rate plan |
ProductsApi | createProduct | POST /v1/object/product | Create a product |
ProductsApi | deleteProduct | DELETE /v1/object/product/{id} | CRUD: Delete a product |
ProductsApi | getProduct | GET /v1/catalog/product/{product-key} | Retrieve a product |
ProductsApi | getProducts | GET /v1/catalog/products | Get all products |
ProductsApi | updateProduct | PUT /v1/object/product/{id} | CRUD: Update a product |
RampsApi | getRampByNumber | GET /v1/ramps/{rampNumber} | Retrieve a ramp |
RampsApi | getRampMetricsByNumber | GET /v1/ramps/{rampNumber}/ramp-metrics | List all ramp metrics of a ramp |
RampsApi | getRampMetricsByOrderNumber | GET /v1/orders/{orderNumber}/ramp-metrics | List ramp metrics by order number |
RampsApi | getRampMetricsBySubscriptionKey | GET /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionKey}/ramp-metrics | List ramp metrics by subscription key |
RampsApi | getRampsBySubscriptionKey | GET /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionKey}/ramps | Retrieve a ramp by subscription key |
RatePlansApi | getRatePlan | GET /v1/rateplans/{ratePlanId} | Retrieve a rate plan |
RefundsApi | cancelRefund | PUT /v1/refunds/{refundKey}/cancel | Cancel a refund |
RefundsApi | deleteRefund | DELETE /v1/refunds/{refundKey} | Delete a refund |
RefundsApi | getRefund | GET /v1/refunds/{refundKey} | Retrieve a refund |
RefundsApi | getRefundItemPart | GET /v1/refunds/{refundKey}/parts/{refundpartid}/itemparts/{itempartid} | Retrieve a refund part item |
RefundsApi | getRefundItemParts | GET /v1/refunds/{refundKey}/parts/{refundpartid}/itemparts | List all refund part items |
RefundsApi | getRefundPart | GET /v1/refunds/{refundKey}/parts/{refundpartid} | Retrieve a refund part |
RefundsApi | getRefundParts | GET /v1/refunds/{refundKey}/parts | List all parts of a refund |
RefundsApi | getRefunds | GET /v1/refunds | List refunds |
RefundsApi | updateRefund | PUT /v1/refunds/{refundId} | Update a refund |
RegenerateApi | pOSTCreateRevRecEvents | POST /v1/uno-regenerate/rev-rec-events | Regenerate Rev Rec Event |
RegenerateApi | pOSTGenerateRevRecEventsForDailyConsumption | POST /v1/uno-regenerate/rev-rec-events/daily-consumption | Regenerate Rev Rec Event |
RegenerateApi | pOSTRegenerateBillingTransaction | POST /v1/uno-regenerate/billing-transaction | Regenerate Billing Transaction |
RegenerateApi | pOSTRegenerateBookingTransaction | POST /v1/uno-regenerate/booking-transaction | Regenerate Booking Transaction |
RevenueAccountingCodesApi | putRevProAccountingCodes | PUT /v1/revpro-accounting-codes | Update a Zuora Revenue accounting code |
RevenueIntegrationApi | describeViewColumns | GET /integration/v2/biviews/{view_name}/describe-columns | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | downloadReport | GET /integration/v1/reports/download/{filename} | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | generateJWTToken | POST /integration/v1/authenticate | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | getBIViewCount | GET /integration/v2/biviews/count/{view_name} | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | getBIViewStatus | GET /integration/v2/biviews-status | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | getBIViewTaskDetails | GET /integration/v2/biviews-status/{task_id} | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | getBIViews | GET /integration/v1/biviews/{view_name} | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | getBIViewsV2 | GET /integration/v2/biviews/{view_name} | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | getCsvUploadStatus | GET /integration/v1/csv/upload/status | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | getFileUploadStatusByRequestId | GET /integration/v1/fileupload/status/{file_request_id} | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | getReportsById | GET /integration/v1/reports/{report_id} | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | getStageError | GET /integration/v1/stage/error/{errortype} | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | integrationV2ReportsSignedurlReportIdGet | GET /integration/v2/reports/signedurl/{report_id} | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | listReports | GET /integration/v1/reports/list | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | selectBIView | POST /integration/v1/biviews/{view_name} | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | uploadCsv | POST /integration/v1/csv/upload | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | uploadFile | POST /integration/v1/upload/file | |
RevenueIntegrationApi | uploadMapping | POST /integration/v1/upload/mapping | |
RsaSignaturesApi | createRSASignature | POST /v1/rsa-signatures | Generate an RSA signature |
RsaSignaturesApi | decryptRSASignature | POST /v1/rsa-signatures/decrypt | Decrypt an RSA signature |
SequenceSetsApi | createSequenceSets | POST /v1/sequence-sets | Create sequence sets |
SequenceSetsApi | deleteSequenceSet | DELETE /v1/sequence-sets/{id} | Delete a sequence set |
SequenceSetsApi | getSequenceSet | GET /v1/sequence-sets/{id} | Retrieve a sequence set |
SequenceSetsApi | getSequenceSets | GET /v1/sequence-sets | List sequence sets |
SequenceSetsApi | updateSequenceSet | PUT /v1/sequence-sets/{id} | Update a sequence set |
SettingsApi | getListAllSettings | GET /settings/listing | List all settings |
SettingsApi | postProcessSettingsBatchRequest | POST /settings/batch-requests | Submit settings requests |
SignUpApi | postSignUp | POST /v1/sign-up | Sign up |
SubscriptionChangeLogsApi | getSubscriptionChangeLogsByOrderNumber | GET /subscription-change-logs/orders/{orderNumber} | Retrieve change logs for a subscription |
SubscriptionChangeLogsApi | getSubscriptionChangeLogsBySubscriptionNumber | GET /subscription-change-logs/{subscriptionNumber} | Retrieve change logs for a subscription |
SubscriptionChangeLogsApi | getSubscriptionChangeLogsBySubscriptionNumberAndVersion | GET /subscription-change-logs/{subscriptionNumber}/versions/{version} | Retrieve change logs for a subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | cancelSubscription | PUT /v1/subscriptions/{subscription-key}/cancel | Cancel a subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | createSubscription | POST /v1/subscriptions | Create a subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | deleteSubscription | PUT /v1/subscriptions/{subscription-key}/delete | Delete a subscription by number |
SubscriptionsApi | getMetricsBySubscriptionNumbers | GET /v1/subscriptions/subscription-metrics | List subscriptions metrics by subscription numbers |
SubscriptionsApi | getSubscriptionByKey | GET /v1/subscriptions/{subscription-key} | Retrieve a subscription by key |
SubscriptionsApi | getSubscriptionByKeyAndVersion | GET /v1/subscriptions/{subscription-key}/versions/{version} | Retrieve a subscription by key and version |
SubscriptionsApi | getSubscriptionsByAccount | GET /v1/subscriptions/accounts/{account-key} | List subscriptions by account key |
SubscriptionsApi | previewExistingSubscription | POST /v1/subscriptions/{subscription-key}/preview | Preview a subscription by key |
SubscriptionsApi | previewSubscription | POST /v1/subscriptions/preview | Preview a subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | renewSubscription | PUT /v1/subscriptions/{subscription-key}/renew | Renew a subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | resumeSubscription | PUT /v1/subscriptions/{subscription-key}/resume | Resume a subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | suspendSubscription | PUT /v1/subscriptions/{subscription-key}/suspend | Suspend a subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | updateSubscription | PUT /v1/subscriptions/{subscription-key} | Update a subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | updateSubscriptionCustomFieldsOfASpecifiedVersion | PUT /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionNumber}/versions/{version}/customFields | Update subscription custom fields of a subscription version |
SummaryJournalEntriesApi | cancelSummaryJournalEntry | PUT /v1/journal-entries/{je-number}/cancel | Cancel a summary journal entry |
SummaryJournalEntriesApi | createSummaryJournalEntry | POST /v1/journal-entries | Create a summary journal entry |
SummaryJournalEntriesApi | deleteSummaryJournalEntry | DELETE /v1/journal-entries/{je-number} | Delete a summary journal entry |
SummaryJournalEntriesApi | getAllSummaryJournalEntries | GET /v1/journal-entries/journal-runs/{jr-number} | List all summary journal entries in a journal run |
SummaryJournalEntriesApi | getSummaryJournalEntry | GET /v1/journal-entries/{je-number} | Retrieve a summary journal entry |
SummaryJournalEntriesApi | updateBasicSummaryJournalEntry | PUT /v1/journal-entries/{je-number}/basic-information | Update a summary journal entry |
TaxationItemsApi | createTaxationItem | POST /v1/object/taxation-item | CRUD: Create a taxation item |
TaxationItemsApi | deleteTaxationItem | DELETE /v1/taxationitems/{id} | Delete a taxation item |
TaxationItemsApi | getTaxationItem | GET /v1/taxationitems/{id} | Retrieve a taxation item |
TaxationItemsApi | putTaxationItem | PUT /v1/taxationitems/{id} | Update a taxation item |
UsageApi | createUsage | POST /v1/object/usage | CRUD: Create a usage record |
UsageApi | deleteUsage | DELETE /v1/object/usage/{id} | CRUD: Delete a usage record |
UsageApi | getUsage | GET /v1/object/usage/{id} | CRUD: Retrieve a usage record |
UsageApi | getUsageRateDetailByInvoiceItem | GET /v1/invoices/invoice-item/{invoice-item-id}/usage-rate-detail | Retrieve usage rate detail for an invoice item |
UsageApi | getUsagesByAccount | GET /v1/usage/accounts/{account-key} | Retrieve usage records by account |
UsageApi | updateUsage | PUT /v1/object/usage/{id} | CRUD: Update a usage record |
UsageApi | uploadUsageFile | POST /v1/usage | Upload a usage file |
WorkflowsApi | deleteWorkflow | DELETE /workflows/{workflow_id} | Delete a workflow |
WorkflowsApi | deleteWorkflowVersion | DELETE /versions/{version_id} | Delete a workflow version |
WorkflowsApi | getWorkflow | GET /workflows/{workflow_id} | Retrieve a workflow |
WorkflowsApi | getWorkflowExport | GET /workflows/{workflow_id}/export | Export a workflow version |
WorkflowsApi | getWorkflowRun | GET /workflows/workflow_runs/{workflow_run_id} | Retrieve a workflow run |
WorkflowsApi | getWorkflowVersions | GET /workflows/{workflow_id}/versions | List all versions of a workflow definition |
WorkflowsApi | getWorkflows | GET /workflows | List workflows |
WorkflowsApi | getWorkflowsTask | GET /workflows/tasks/{task_id} | Retrieve a workflow task |
WorkflowsApi | getWorkflowsTasks | GET /workflows/tasks | List workflow tasks |
WorkflowsApi | getWorkflowsUsages | GET /workflows/metrics.json | Retrieve workflow task usage |
WorkflowsApi | pATCHUpdateWorkflow | PATCH /workflows/{workflow_id} | Update a workflow |
WorkflowsApi | postRunWorkflow | POST /workflows/{workflow_id}/run | Run a workflow |
WorkflowsApi | postWorkflowImport | POST /workflows/import | Import a workflow |
WorkflowsApi | postWorkflowVersionsImport | POST /workflows/{workflow_id}/versions/import | Import a workflow version |
WorkflowsApi | postWorkflowsTaskRerun | POST /workflows/tasks/{task_id}/rerun | Rerun a workflow task |
WorkflowsApi | putWorkflowsTasksUpdate | PUT /workflows/tasks/batch_update | Update workflow tasks |