List amendments

Lists amendments. You can use the query parameters to filter, expand, and sort the returned results.

query Parameters
integer [ 1 .. 99 ]
Default: 10

The maximum number of results to return in a single page. If the specified pageSize is less than 1 or greater than 99, Zuora will return a 400 error.


A cursor for use in pagination. A cursor defines the starting place in a list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with next_page=W3sib3JkZXJ=, your subsequent call can include cursor=W3sib3JkZXJ= in order to fetch the next page of the list.

Array of strings

A case-sensitive query parameter that specifies the sort order of the list, which can be either ascending (e.g. accountnumber.ASC) or descending (e.g. accountnumber.DESC). You cannot sort on properties in arrays. If the array-type properties are specified for the sort[] parameter, they are ignored.

Supported sortable fields:

  • id
  • code
  • effectivedate
  • effectivepolicy
  • name
  • newrateplanid
  • removedrateplanid
  • status
  • subscriptionid
  • type
  • subtype
  • updateddate
Array of strings

Allows you to expand responses by including related object information in a single call. The Amendment object does not support expanding any related objects.

Array of strings

A case-insensitive filter on the list. Supported filterable fields:

  • id
  • code
  • effectivedate
  • effectivepolicy
  • name
  • newrateplanid
  • removedrateplanid
  • status
  • subscriptionid
  • type
  • subtype
  • updateddate
  • {indexedcustomfield}: Use the format like customField__c to filter on custom fields.
header Parameters
string <= 255 characters

Specify a unique idempotency key if you want to perform an idempotent POST or PATCH request. Do not use this header in other request types.

With this header specified, the Zuora server can identify subsequent retries of the same request using this value, which prevents the same operation from being performed multiple times by accident.


Include the Accept-Encoding: gzip header to compress responses as a gzipped file. It can significantly reduce the bandwidth required for a response.

If specified, Zuora automatically compresses responses that contain over 1000 bytes of data, and the response contains a Content-Encoding header with the compression algorithm so that your client can decompress it.


Include the Content-Encoding: gzip header to compress a request. With this header specified, you should upload a gzipped file for the request payload instead of sending the JSON payload.

string <= 64 characters

A custom identifier for tracing the API call. If you set a value for this header, Zuora returns the same value in the response headers. This header enables you to associate your system process identifiers with Zuora API calls, to assist with troubleshooting in the event of an issue.

The value of this field must use the US-ASCII character set and must not include any of the following characters: colon (:), semicolon (;), double quote ("), and quote (').


An entity ID. If you have Zuora Multi-entity enabled and the OAuth token is valid for more than one entity, you must use this header to specify which entity to perform the operation in. If the OAuth token is only valid for a single entity, or you do not have Zuora Multi-entity enabled, you should not set this header.


The value is in the Bearer {token} format where {token} is a valid OAuth token generated by calling Create an OAuth token.




Invalid input



Request samples
Response samples
  • "nextPage": "string",
  • "data": [