Accept-Encoding | string Include the If specified, Zuora automatically compresses responses that contain over 1000 bytes of data, and the response contains a |
Content-Encoding | string Include the |
Authorization | string The value is in the |
Zuora-Entity-Ids | string An entity ID. If you have Zuora Multi-entity enabled and the OAuth token is valid for more than one entity, you must use this header to specify which entity to perform the operation in. If the OAuth token is only valid for a single entity, or you do not have Zuora Multi-entity enabled, you do not need to set this header. |
Zuora-Track-Id | string <= 64 characters A custom identifier for tracing the API call. If you set a value for this header, Zuora returns the same value in the response headers. This header enables you to associate your system process identifiers with Zuora API calls, to assist with troubleshooting in the event of an issue. The value of this field must use the US-ASCII character set and must not include any of the following characters: colon ( |
AccountId | string This field can be updated when Status is |
AutoRenew | boolean This field can be updated when Status is |
CancelledDate | string <date> The date of the Amendment object.
Values: inherited from |
ContractAcceptanceDate | string <date> The date when the customer accepts the contract. This field can be updated when Status is Note : This field is only required in the Subscribe call if the Require Customer Acceptance of Orders? setting is set to
This field can also be updated when the subscription is still on version one (has not been amended before) and the Allow update Subscription trigger dates? setting in Billing Settings is set to |
ContractEffectiveDate | string <date> The date when the contract takes effect. This field can be updated when Status is Note: This field is required in the Subscribe call. If you set the value of this field to null and both the ServiceActivationDate and ContractAcceptanceDate fields are not required, the Subscribe call still returns success, but the new subscription is in This field can also be updated when the subscription is still on version one (has not been amended before) and the Allow update Subscription trigger dates? setting in Billing Settings is set to "Yes". |
CurrentTermPeriodType | string The period type for the current subscription term. This field is used with the CurrentTerm field to specify the current subscription term. Values:
ExternallyManagedBy | string An enum field on the Subscription object to indicate the name of a third-party store. This field is used to represent subscriptions created through third-party stores. |
InitialTerm | integer <int32> The length of the period for the first subscription term. This field can be updated when Status is |
InitialTermPeriodType | string The period type for the first subscription term. Values:
InvoiceOwnerId | string This field can be updated when Status is |
IsInvoiceSeparate | boolean Determines if the subscription is invoiced separately. If |
Name | string The unique identifier of the subscription. If you don't specify a value, then Zuora generates a name automatically. Whether auto-generated or manually specified, the subscription name must be unique. Otherwise an error will occur. Character limit: 100 Values: one of the following:
Notes | string Use this field to record comments about the subscription. Character limit: 500 Values: a string of 500 characters or fewer |
RenewalSetting | string This field can be updated when Status is |
RenewalTerm | integer <int32> The length of the period for the subscription renewal term. This field can be updated when Status is
RenewalTermPeriodType | string The period type for the subscription renewal term. Values:
ServiceActivationDate | string <date> The date when the subscription is activated. Character limit: 29 This field can be updated when Status is Note: This field is only required in the Subscribe call if the Require Service Activation of Orders? setting is set to
This field can also be updated when the subscription is still on version one (has not been amended before) and the Allow update Subscription trigger dates? setting in Billing Settings is set to "Yes". |
Status | string The status of the subscription. Character limit: 18 Values: automatically generated Possible values: one of the following:
TermStartDate | string <date> This field can be updated when Status is |
TermType | string This field can be updated when Status is |
Version | integer <int32> The version number of the subscription. Values: automatically generated |
CpqBundleJsonId__QT | string <= 32 characters The Bundle product structures from Zuora Quotes if you utilize Bundling in Salesforce. Do not change the value in this field. |
OpportunityCloseDate__QT | string <date> The closing date of the Opportunity. This field is used in Zuora data sources to report on Subscription metrics. If the subscription originated from Zuora Quotes, the value is populated with the value from Zuora Quotes. |
OpportunityName__QT | string <= 100 characters The unique identifier of the Opportunity. This field is used in Zuora data sources to report on Subscription metrics. If the subscription originated from Zuora Quotes, the value is populated with the value from Zuora Quotes. |
QuoteBusinessType__QT | string <= 32 characters The specific identifier for the type of business transaction the Quote represents such as New, Upsell, Downsell, Renewal or Churn. This field is used in Zuora data sources to report on Subscription metrics. If the subscription originated from Zuora Quotes, the value is populated with the value from Zuora Quotes. |
QuoteNumber__QT | string <= 32 characters The unique identifier of the Quote. This field is used in Zuora data sources to report on Subscription metrics. If the subscription originated from Zuora Quotes, the value is populated with the value from Zuora Quotes. |
QuoteType__QT | string <= 32 characters The Quote type that represents the subscription lifecycle stage such as New, Amendment, Renew or Cancel. This field is used in Zuora data sources to report on Subscription metrics. If the subscription originated from Zuora Quotes, the value is populated with the value from Zuora Quotes. |
IntegrationId__NS | string <= 255 characters ID of the corresponding object in NetSuite. Only available if you have installed the Zuora Connector for NetSuite. |
IntegrationStatus__NS | string <= 255 characters Status of the subscription's synchronization with NetSuite. Only available if you have installed the Zuora Connector for NetSuite. |
Project__NS | string <= 255 characters The NetSuite project that the subscription was created from. Only available if you have installed the Zuora Connector for NetSuite. |
SalesOrder__NS | string <= 255 characters The NetSuite sales order than the subscription was created from. Only available if you have installed the Zuora Connector for NetSuite. |
SyncDate__NS | string <= 255 characters Date when the subscription was synchronized with NetSuite. Only available if you have installed the Zuora Connector for NetSuite. |
property name* additional property | any Custom fields of the Subscription object. The name of each custom field has the form |
{- "IsInvoiceSeparate": true
{- "Success": true,
- "Id": "2c93808457d787030157e02ea04123cf"